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Ashley Westwood


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Cheung played little passes around him whereas Westwood was trying to make things happen since KEA and Delph don't realize that midfielders also have to pass in tandem with running and tackling.

Don't forget that he's the one that set up Benteke's chance that went over the bar and had a shot going through in goal blocked by an arm.

Fair play if you don't think he's ever going to be good enough. Entitled to that. But I think he will be very good for us

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He was mediocre I'd say. Couple of decent balls, nothing else. We'll never progress with somebody like him holding midfield though.


But we have progressed with him holding in midfield though.


We'll never progress [to anything vaguely acceptable] with somebody like him holding midfield.

'This' is acceptable for most on here though it would seem.

I don't think 'this' is acceptable longer term, but it suffices now. Most of us probably either expect him to improve quite a bit, or Lambert to bring in someone new when the finances allow for it.

If your expectation now is very high, you'll always be disappointed after games.

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I thought he looked OK today.

Have to say their number 4 looked much better in a similar role for them.



I agree. thought he was the best player on the pitch and has looked good everytime i have seen him. Looks very comfortable on the ball.

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 He was awful again today.Their no 4 gave him a lessonon how to play that position.The quicker we get a good midfield general, who can pass, pick a pass, dictate a game, and the tempo, the better, because this lad can't.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not? 



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 He did one good pass to Bacuna in the 1st minute, nothing else.He can pass ?.....no wonder we are shite at home then, if he's a good passer, then what was Alex Cropley?


 Seriously though, too negative, too slow, does'nt dictate a game, does'nt pick a pass, too many safe passes that don't hurt the opposition, that is his job, he does'nt do it, can't think of one telling pass today, not good enough.

I didn't see the game, but the stats for Saturday's match don't back up this post.

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He played fine.


With the lack of movement in our team even Pirlo would struggle to look good.


Pirlo would look awesome for the beard alone ;)



Pirlo would play some great stuff in to space and be made to look daft by the non runner!

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He was as positive as Ive seen him play in a long time.  We really tried to play the right way vs Sunderland. Guzan rarely hit long balls, he was constantly looking for a short pass out of defence so that we could build up play.  Westwood looked a man on a mission and its great to see as he obviously is aware that he needs to give it his all to become a top player.

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 One key pass and hes quality?


 I went to the game, and i thought he was too negative.Nobody made a key pass because we did'nt score, it is Westwoods job to create, Delph and KEA are there for the running and the harrassing, Westwood to take advantage of their work, you can have as many charts as you like, i went to the game and have seen enough good players down VP to know that Westwood is not that good, and not positive enough.


 One thing that the chart did'nt show you was the pace of the passing, and the positioning of the no 4, always made himself available, and don't forget, Sland were quite happy to get a point, hence the lack of positivity.Lets see the same chart when we play Ure, with Carrick.

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To be fair to him, I don't think he can be accused of being negative on Saturday. He did try to play quite a few attacking balls but obviously very few come off as he isn't that good.

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umm, Rotterdam, I thought he was more in the holding midfielder row, sit in front of and protect the back 4, that kind of thing.  In which case, picking the killer ball "key pass" is not really his primary responsibility.  His job is to disrupt their play in the middle and keep possession with the ball moving about.  The chart above looks like he did that pretty well.


The main difference between the two, from the chart was that Westwood tended to "stay home" a bit more and Ki ventured outside his "zone" a bit more.  That usually happens when a player can trust that someone will back in and cover his responsibilities when he is out roaming.

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I don't know if that was true. Even from the chart, you can see that Ki still made most of his passes from his half while Westwood made a lot of passes from just in front of the opponents half.

Anyway, it's a tiresome argument and I don't want to become Con. Just don't understand how you can watch the game and conclude he's awful when he was one of the only players in the side that can keep the ball and actually pass it forward to a teammates feet

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