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Breaking Bad (may contain SPOILERS)


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My dad phoned me up earlier to tell me that someone purposely told him the ending at work even though he is only half way through the second series, he was not happy at all and now doesn't recon he will bother watching the rest of it

I really don't get why people do that. What's in it for them other than knowing they've ruined something for someone else? It's utter arsehole behaviour. On that basis, people who knowingly (as opposed to accidentally) ruin something on someone should expect a broken nose or at least a mickey dip
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Well there is 2 people at work who are watching it at the moment one is on the fourth series and the other has just finished the first and there was my dad, I am always careful when talking to them about it that I don't give anything at all away and that the kid who has just finished the first series is out of earshot so I don't spoil anything for him.


I would have been royally pissed off if someone done that to me because I don't watch TV series so breaking bad was a one off kind of thing for me.

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Well there is 2 people at work who are watching it at the moment one is on the fourth series and the other has just finished the first and there was my dad, I am always careful when talking to them about it that I don't give anything at all away and that the kid who has just finished the first series is out of earshot so I don't spoil anything for him.


I would have been royally pissed off if someone done that to me because I don't watch TV series so breaking bad was a one off kind of thing for me.

I'm like that too. Even saying stuff like "Oh wait til episode 7" is a total no-no as it does change the way they watch it.
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They scratch different itches. The Wire is character driven, Breaking Bad is plot driven.

But the Wire has a lot more to say with its themes about society in general. That will give it a lot more longevity than Breaking Bad, which was brilliantly entertaining but not as grounded in reality.

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Some tool ruined the 1999 Royal Rumble for me in school.  I mean, how low can you go?


Sick, that was some pay per view, I used be the only one of my friends who had skysports and I'd say it was 98 and Austin won the rumble my tape finished before the actual rumble did as I used get my dad it set it when he was going to bed and I had to make up who won it till Raw was on Friday night, thankfully I was right.

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Finally going to get to finish this off now the DVD is out. It's been murder not reading the spoilers in here.

My big dilemma now is whether to open the special edition barrel set I ordered or just to flip it. £100 seemed quite steep when I ordered it (I'm a sucker for special editions) but it's going for three times that now.

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