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plans for the weeeeekend


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Had a staff night out last night, which was alright. I intended to get utterly wasted but that didn't happen. Was home just after midnight. Pissed off that I basically forgot I'd gone to a cashpoint between pubs, and then got more money out for the taxi home, not remembering that I still had £30 in my wallet.

Was working this afternoon and surprisingly un-hungover, just tired. Gonna order a pizza later. Missed the nice weather since I work in a windowless hole that has no natural light and very little ventilation.

And tomorrow work again, and am also going to buy a couple of film/TV related things to enjoy in the week.

Bleh weekend.

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errr, Dr Who convention tomorrow......

.....couple of kids were to young to go alone so I'm chaperoning, strange thing is, whether you're into your sci fi or not, the tickets are still £100 a pop.

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I've been adding some people to facebook today. I'm new to this lark but slowly (very slowly) I'm getting engrossed in it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

(don't be surprised if some of you lot get some random "Be my friend....please!" requests from a strange bloke from Birmingham now living in Portsmouth ;)).

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Promotion decider for my football team on Sunday morning (we win we secure promotion, if we lose then we HAVE to win next week)

The game was against the team below us, i.e. the other team who could get promoted.

We won 8-0


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Been out in the garden all day (mainly doing some heavy lifting, but still).

Now kicking back with a glass of red, savouring the smell of lamb roasting.

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Been out in the garden all day (mainly doing some heavy lifting, but still).


How much are you lifting these days?

Depends on the size of the rocks the missus keeps uncovering in the garden!
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couple of tins and a curry tonight so nothing out of the ordinary

probably red stripe or stella and a chicken morchi madras hot with a pilau rice and a chapati

tomorrow, me mates birthday, cant really be arsed for it, cant really afford it, not really looking forward to it. Just going to be going into town sitting in a pub (probably the crown or gosta)

sunday, who knows depends how hungover I am, may just carry on drinking seeings how I have no work next week

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On-call tonight. Cleaning the house cuz I've guests for the weekend :) Mate & missus coming up so thar'll be drinks had at some point on the Saturday. No doubt drowning sorrows of Chelsea game rather than celebrating an unexpected 3pts.

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just dropped the wife and kids off at the airport so I'm a free agent for 5 days until i go out and join them for Easter

trying to see if i can get a flight somewhere where I haven't been before for tomorrow or Sunday ... Oslo is coming up quite cheap and I've not been before so I may have a day trip to Oslo :-)

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looking forward to having small wall in the back garden being built so that my back garden becomes a bit more child friendly. My boy breaking my heart asking to play outside :-(

Other than that, recover from a tough 60 hour week at work. Play some Xbox Saturday night with my mates.

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Vodka with Mrs Rob tonight

Villa Park tomorrow with the Boy and Mrs Rob, followed by future stepsons band headlining at Birmingham Ballroom Dale End tomorrow night (Wraith is the name!)

Lazy Sunday morning then all over to Moms to have our dinner cooked - weekends are awesome ;-)

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just dropped the wife and kids off at the airport so I'm a free agent for 5 days until i go out and join them for Easter

trying to see if i can get a flight somewhere where I haven't been before for tomorrow or Sunday ... Oslo is coming up quite cheap and I've not been before so I may have a day trip to Oslo :-)

Malmo is quite nice with the bridge over to Copenhagen.

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just dropped the wife and kids off at the airport so I'm a free agent for 5 days until i go out and join them for Easter

trying to see if i can get a flight somewhere where I haven't been before for tomorrow or Sunday ... Oslo is coming up quite cheap and I've not been before so I may have a day trip to Oslo :-)

Opulent bastard


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