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jonno_2004 last won the day on June 12 2016

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    London / Isle of Man
  • Interests
    Football, Tennis, Snooker, Pool, Video Games, Drumming

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  1. Forced myself to complete the story last weekend as it really was taking up too much of my time. It really was an absolute marvel of a gaming experience.
  2. My first game at VP in nearly three years - decided on a whim yesterday given the missus and lad are with the grandparents. Looking forward to it, although the genuine expectation for the win is always a worry!
  3. Had some pretty bad sleep deprivation over the past two weeks since my little one was born and incidentally some of the most intense dreams (nightmares) I've ever had when I have actually managed to drop off for a couple of hours. Reached a peak this week when during a 3am nap I suddenly felt paralysed but aware someone was in the room with me, at first logically thought it was the Mrs but then quickly realised it wasn't. Ended with an incredibly realistic sensation of said someone coming closer and stroking my face - the Mrs later said the noises coming from the room I was in woke both her and the baby. Of course, it was all a dream and not a masked intruder with a penchant for stroking faces but scary as hell all the same - never experienced anything like it.
  4. Great news mate! Can't believe a week has passed already. Enjoying every moment. Hoping the weather will be nice enough for a walk along the river today and perhaps a small beer for Dad!
  5. Thanks for the advice guys. Will definitely take heed of this, will be all the more important once I'm back in work and routine is priority. Have also really enjoyed reading the parenting book by the ex-commando chap "Commando Dad" - will be thumbing through that again in the months to come I think!
  6. Thanks mate. Yeah just spending all day watching or with him on my chest so I can monitor. We have the standard crib (next to the bed), a baby nest and cacoonababy. He's done ok with the baby nest the past 24 hrs in the bed with his mum but won't settle for long before the next feed. I'm happy on the sofa provided we can get him to sleep independently for a little bit. As you say, 5 days in and hopefully will start to adjust soon, seeing improvements bit by bit each day.
  7. Haven't posted on VT in a while but our first born arrived early on Saturday morning, the missus nearly gave birth in the bleedin' Uber on the way to the hospital, only had time to practically kick off her trainers and get on the bed before he made an appearance! Have averaged around 2 hrs sleep per day sense, am sick with worry and can't imagine the day where we could put him down to sleep on his own - BUT wouldn't take it back for a second, without doubt the happiest day of my life was seeing him arrive into the world. My old man is convinced he's some form of lucky omen given the two Villa results since... brainwashing is starting in earnest.
  8. Walked across that side of the bridge just yesterday at a similar time, minutes after visiting St. Thomas' for our 12 week scan. Really is quite sobering as to how life can change in an instant. Heart goes out to the victims.
  9. Good luck with the move, mate!
  10. Not far off the £10M Livermore went for.. More seriously, a fantastic bit of business if it comes off.
  11. Props to Bruce - we look like a solid outfit now. There's so much talent in the final third if we could just get them to click on a more regular basis it could really be an enjoyable remainder of the season. Such a shame we didn't have him for the first 10 games as the quality in the squad was always there.
  12. Anticipating an awkward relationship pep talk with one of my best mates in the near future. He moved to Manchester with his fiance last year and just didn't enjoy it there (who can blame him ) - they moved primarily because it was better for her career and its where she went to Uni. He's now moved back home for work and she's still there. Really not sure how the conversation can avoid the inevitability of where their relationship seems to be heading. Imagine if she moved back to save their relationship for the sake of her career there would always be an unhealthy resentment there. Not good.
  13. He was definitely one of the more memorable characters throughout the years and precisely for the reason you state it was good entertainment value. Sugar obviously saw something in him when he binned off the attractive girl who hadn't really put a foot wrong the whole way through (Liz I think? Was engaged to the ex-Villa goalie). I didn't know him very well personally but had friends who did, and had various interactions with him in the gym and the somewhat limited social scene the IOM has to offer. His personality on the show was definitely a notched-up version of the real guy but some of the things I've seen/heard led me to the conclusion his TV 'character' was never too far under the surface. Still, a horrible way to go and I think he had a lot more to give. This season is the first I've watched in a while, the 'Big K' is the main reason I keep on watching. Definitely reminds me of a few people I know at work!
  14. The fact he can't nail down a starting spot in a Championship side sums it up for me; but booing any player in our own team coming on as a sub, even more so in the position we were in, is a disgrace.
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