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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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'Obviously (to me, bearing in mind that a] I've seen him play live several times myself and been impressed most times, b] he's a highly-rated youth prospect in English football, and c] two nations wanted him to declare for them based on his prospects, as rated by professionals) not dog shit'. 

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3 minutes ago, Woodytom said:

You sure you've been watching him?

Yes, I just don't go to many games. I've been lucky to attend most of the ones he's been decent in, and miss most of the ones he's been shit in. I did sit through the stinker against Wycombe though. 

This is largely an artefact of my own personal attendance policy, which is only to go to games that I think we have a plausible possibility of winning, which this season has mostly been lower-league cup games. 

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8 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

This season I dont think I have seen one player get really passionate and rely the side up when we are losing or playing poorly. Grealish is probably the most likely to do that with this current crop

Aye, rally them up for a pub crawl!


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38 minutes ago, Richard said:

If someone offered 2 or 3 M for him i'd snap their hands off

What if he then went on to play regularly for that club and developed into a decent premiership footballer? Wouldn't you rather keep him for another year and see if he can make the grade? 

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7 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

What if he then went on to play regularly for that club and developed into a decent premiership footballer? Wouldn't you rather keep him for another year and see if he can make the grade? 

Ifs buts and maybes

Based on the here and now my opinion is he is over hyped,  has a shit attitude,  acts like billy big bollox around the club and will become the next crappy hebangedawhore if we dont get rid

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6 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

What if he then went on to play regularly for that club and developed into a decent premiership footballer? Wouldn't you rather keep him for another year and see if he can make the grade? 

I know you are asking Richard, but IMO, whether he develops or not is up to his own head and the coaching he gets.  The setup we have here, with his current attitude has not worked.  So, for me it depends on the new setup.  Without dramatic changes in his attitude and in the coaches he will learn from, he will not develop "into a decent premiership footballer."  So, we have nothing to fear letting him go.  His attittude looked to be improved v Chelsea (post-Remi) but I fear that reinforcing his petulant lack of effort will strengthen that behavior.  

I'm tempted to argue that you cut him loose to set an example, but I think Gabby, Richards, and Lescott would do that more effectively.  Cutting them loose without a second thought MIGHT help Jack grow up a bit.   

So, for my answer... we have nothing to fear unless his attitude and "coach-ability" change.  We'll know that a few weeks into pre-season and can cut him loose then if his head is not in the right place.

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Ifs buts and maybes

Based on the here and now my opinion is he is over hyped,  has a shit attitude,  acts like billy big bollox around the club and will become the next crappy hebangedawhore if we dont get rid

Obviously that is your opinion and you're welcome to it. However I would suggest that pretty much any team in our position would make sure they retained players of Jack's profile.

It would be a disaster to let Jack go, and if he were to leave I'm quite sure a PL club would pick him up.

If you believe his attitude is beyond repair that's one thing. He's obnoxious for sure, but he's still young, in human and in football terms.

However, I believe his potential is unquestionable. Its up to him as to whether he reaches that potential or not.

He's a hand worth twisting on.

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17 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

Normally i'd say 2 - 3 million your having a laugh

But based on the way this club is run i wouldn't be surprised

we will end up doing what Pompey had to do with Begovic and pay a club a fee who didnt sign him

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34 minutes ago, Richard said:

Ifs buts and maybes

Based on the here and now my opinion is he is over hyped,  has a shit attitude,  acts like billy big bollox around the club and will become the next crappy hebangedawhore if we dont get rid

Yes, based on the here and now. But this season and last isn't the normal kind of environment for a player to develop in. Realistically, have any of our players developed this season? 

I agree he does seem to have a bad attitude, he seems to think he's made it when in reality he's achieved f all. He's made more mistakes than he has goals for sure. But, for the sake of a few million I'd rather give him a chan e to prove himself with Villa. If, that's a big one, he can prove he has the right attitude. If he can bring a positive attitude and curb his stupidity then he might just make a good player. If not then off he goes, it's worth a look though surely. 

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3 hours ago, Richard said:

If someone offered 2 or 3 M for him i'd snap their hands off

He will be worth 10 times that.

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