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A thread about how dense Jordan Peterson is


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7 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

Dr Peterson says he does not object to trans people or to choosing which traditional pronoun they prefer. 

"If the standard transsexual person wants to be regarded as he or she, my sense is I'll address you according to the part that you appear to be playing," he said







A guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast has claimed that being transgender is a “contagion” similar to “satanic ritual abuse.”

Rogan, who has recently come under widespread criticism for Covid misinformation on his show, also suggested that social acceptance of the trans community was a sign of “civilisations collapsing.”

Rogan made the comments in a conversation with Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson on 25 January, in which he asked the right-wing academic what caused an individual to be trans.

Mr Peterson told him that being trans was a “sociological contagion” which he compared to “the satanic ritual abuse accusations that emerged in daycares in the 1980s.”


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7 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Has something particular prompted this thread?

The celeb scandal topic kept bringing him up rather than discuss rape allegations, and then Limpid posting a moderator comment of that not being the thread to discuss how dense Peterson is meant there just had to be a thread to discuss the alt right Christian conservative crackpot commentator.

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26 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

Not according to the BBC news article in 2016, which, for some reason I cannot get to quote 

I was reading direct from his own twitter feed, and I won’t be quoting him.

I’m a bit live and let live, he’s very much live like I say you should or you are the enemy. I use the word ‘enemy’ directly from him, another one using the word enemy when referencing trans people is Andrew Tate and agin that’s not gossip, that’s not third party anecdotes that’s me watching a Tate video and he refers to them as the enemy.

People dabbling in this stuff are either making a huge mistake, or they’re pretty dodgy people.

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He's an engaging person to listen to, is intelligent (even if spouting bile) and rarely flustered so I can see why people flock to him.

One of my loose friends was very much a person of sound mind and equality etc.  Wouldn't know his political standing, but I'd say he was certainly economically liberal.  He started to link quite a lot of Jordan B videos and talk about how this guy knew what he was talking about.  You all know where it went - he became a climate denier, homophobic, anti-vax, anti-trans, anti-woke et al.

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16 minutes ago, bobzy said:

He's an engaging person to listen to, is intelligent (even if spouting bile) and rarely flustered so I can see why people flock to him.

One of my loose friends was very much a person of sound mind and equality etc.  Wouldn't know his political standing, but I'd say he was certainly economically liberal.  He started to link quite a lot of Jordan B videos and talk about how this guy knew what he was talking about.  You all know where it went - he became a climate denier, homophobic, anti-vax, anti-trans, anti-woke et al.

Exactly same thing happened to one my friends. He’s gone completely mad where you can really have a conversation with him anymore. 

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1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

Never heard of him until today. 

I still hadn't till I saw this thread title a second ago.  Teaches me to read VT before news channels in my lunch break.

I'll go se if I think he's dense or not

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I've watched and agreed with a fair few of his videos, I'm not a massive fan but he's someone that I'll take a look at every now and again if one of his videos pops up on youtube.

I'm not a climate denier, homophobic, anti-vax, anti-trans, anti-woke et al 🤷‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I've watched and agreed with a fair few of his videos, I'm not a massive fan but he's someone that I'll take a look at every now and again if one of his videos pops up on youtube.

I'm not a climate denier, homophobic, anti-vax, anti-trans, anti-woke et al 🤷‍♂️

Presumably because you’re not a massive fan?

Curious as to which fair few videos you’ve agreed with, mind. 

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1 minute ago, bobzy said:

Presumably because you’re not a massive fan?

Curious as to which fair few videos you’ve agreed with, mind. 

I couldn't tell you, I just watch them and think "hmmm he's got a point" and then I move on, I can agree with someone on some things without having a strong feeling one way or another on them, same as I can disagree with someone and not have a strong feeling one way or the other.

I do know that an awful lot of people say that his books have helped them in a big way, I've never read them and I'm not sure on what they are about but, meh, I don't mind him, he's just someone that pops up every now and again.

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His rather famous lobster interview with Cathy Newman was the peak of his fame for me,

What he signifies to me is the cult of celebrity, like Stevo said a stopped clock and all that. But He definitely realised how much money he could be raking in writing self help books for disaffected youths and his zealotry is what is most offputting to me. He once made a perfectly salient point in front of some media around potential legislative changes in Canada and primed himself well against modern gotcha journalist type interviews. But what I mean about the celebrity bit is, that doesn't mean one has to follow everything they do or say. Just because he makes a good point about X doesn't mean all his points are well thought out or constructed. Or Vice-versa, just because he's talking bollox about Y doesn't mean his cathy newman interview wasn't very funny.


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