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Paul Lambert


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I must be the only one who doesn't want him sacked today. Perhaps Richard too. 


It's not because I support him or have faith in him. Lambert should have been sacked on at least 5 occasions during the last 2 years.


It's because I truly believe Lerner has no plan for such a scenario. Generally, you don't sack your manager in february after sticking with him for so long unless there's someone lined up that you believe will do better. How many people who want Lambert sacked think Lerner has someone lined up? Lerner is a fool when it comes to running sports clubs, that much is clear to everyone. Even if he has the balls to sack Lambert he won't know what to do - we'll have former bomb squad Given as caretaker FFS. Is there something more laughable than this? Then he'll take his sweet time to conduct job interviews ( always thought it was a farce the previous times he was doing this - this is football at the highest level, you don't openly do interviews, you go and get your man ). Then he'll probably manage to pick someone who's ever worse than Labert. He's done that even when you thought there was no one worse - he's gone from MON to Houllier to McLeish to Labert - the trajectory is clear. Yes he will manage to get someone even worse than Lambert, make no mistake, he will even if you think that's impossible. 


So, despite the doom and gloom of today's situation, I think our best chance of survival is if Lambert stays and tries to save us somehow. He should also get an assistant ASAP. He should then be sacked with the final whisle of the Burnley game.

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I must be the only one who doesn't want him sacked today. Perhaps Richard too. 


Hold this. Best of luck to you, sir.


Edited by Sam3773
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I must be the only one who doesn't want him sacked today. Perhaps Richard too. 


It's not because I support him or have faith in him. Lambert should have been sacked on at least 5 occasions during the last 2 years.


It's because I truly believe Lerner has no plan for such a scenario. Generally, you don't sack your manager in february after sticking with him for so long unless there's someone lined up that you believe will do better. How many people who want Lambert sacked think Lerner has someone lined up? Lerner is a fool when it comes to running sports clubs, that much is clear to everyone. Even if he has the balls to sack Lambert he won't know what to do - we'll have former bomb squad Given as caretaker FFS. Is there something more laughable than this? Then he'll take his sweet time to conduct job interviews ( always thought it was a farce the previous times he was doing this - this is football at the highest level, you don't openly do interviews, you go and get your man ). Then he'll probably manage to pick someone who's ever worse than Labert. He's done that even when you thought there was no one worse - he's gone from MON to Houllier to McLeish to Labert - the trajectory is clear. Yes he will manage to get someone even worse than Lambert, make no mistake, he will even if you think that's impossible. 


So, despite the doom and gloom of today's situation, I think our best chance of survival is if Lambert stays and tries to save us somehow. He should also get an assistant ASAP. He should then be sacked with the final whisle of the Burnley game.


There's a difference between not wanting Lerner to sack him for fear of who the idiot might appoint next, and not wanting him sacked because you believe he's the best manager of the last 30 years.  I have sympathy with the former view seeing as it's been a downward spiral since O'Neill, but I struggle to think of anyone who would have a worse record than Lambert since he signed his new contract.

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Just seen his interview regarding the players being as flat as theyed probably get in the dressing room. Randy bloody do something hes making a right mess of this club, for once just once give a shit and sack him I dont see us getting anopther point if im honest under lambert.

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Last night was the first time I felt he really had to go.


I unlike others think he is that bad a manager as he has built a decent enough squad for little outlay, but for whatever reason it just isnt working out.  Sometimes you are the right person but at the wrong time.


​There is a malaise at the club which started near the end of Gregory's time here.  Gregory saw he couldnt fight it and decided to leave.


Oneill papered over the cracks.  Yes looked good on surface top 6 but the core of the club is in a dark place and still is.

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Agree that the players should be ashamed of themselves as well. Not a single one of them took the bull by the horns last night. THEY hung HIM out to dry.

I do wonder now if he has lost them.

To me they look like players who have no idea what they're supposed to be doing.


I genuinely think there's a complete lack of direction from the manager in how they are supposed to be playing. There's no organisation or shape. We don't move forward with any intent or purpose. 

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I do wonder now if he has lost them (the players).


Me too. I think they've lost interest in anything he is saying because he comes out with the same tosh every week. To me it looks like they don't believe they can stay up. It will be interesting to see if there's any reaction when we play against Stoke. I'm sad to say but we might be better off getting knocked out of the cup to be honest. It's everything to stay up now. 

Edited by villa89
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Agree that the players should be ashamed of themselves as well. Not a single one of them took the bull by the horns last night. THEY hung HIM out to dry.

I do wonder now if he has lost them.

To me they look like players who have no idea what they're supposed to be doing.


I genuinely think there's a complete lack of direction from the manager in how they are supposed to be playing. There's no organisation or shape. We don't move forward with any intent or purpose. 


This has been my issue for the entire Lambert reign, he's tactically clueless, a simpleton, a relic who still think that hard work will be enough.


"Can't fault the effort of the lads"

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I just can't see it.


If I were a player in the Premier League at a club I thought would be relegated, I'd play my absolute **** off to ensure when the club goes down, I don't go with them. There's none of that from the players. All I see is utter confusion about what they're supposed to be doing. 


I think Lambert lost the dressing room and, for all his sins, performances were a little better when Roy was around because I imagine he motivated and commanded the performances. I can't imagine Paul having the same presence on the training ground. 

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Paul, are you familiar with the Irish sitcom called Father Ted? That Mrs Doyle is a Villa fan you know! So, in her famous words:


"Paul, would you please just leave, oh go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on. Are you sure that ya won't just leave? oh go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on." 

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If anyone's read Birdsong about WW1 where the main character, an officer wonders how far man can be pushed past breaking point - then PL's situation is similar - it's a sick experiment where we all willfully watch and take pleasure in the destruction of a man. He was crying when that second goal went in. He is trapped by the money he's getting and by an owner who won't sack him. I actually feel sorry for him, as I wouldn't walk either. He's headed for a mental breakdown while AVFC burns. 

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I just woke up checked my blower hoping to see the little Sky Sports notification that he'd gone one way or the other but NO

Those first 4 games as nice as it was to be 2nd, have in a way put us where we are now. That new contract I cant help but feel Lerner is reluctant to pay the compensation to sack him now as it should have been done a long time ago. The players have been in a coma for months. Same players, same tactics, same formations from the same manager keep yielding no points and no goals. I dont mind PL as a bloke, but despise him as manager of this club. Simply isnt doing his job. We are a joke of a club, he cant keep saying we have to keep going. Nothing is changing on the pitch so you're ideas and wisdom you are sharing when you spend countless weeks on the training ground simply fails. We dont play football. Why? The teams around us may be toilet but they are a damn sight better than us and actually try week in week out. Leicester getting plaudits last night from Wenger and Walcott, because the team have fight in them.

Im sorry but no manager in world football survives what Lambert has. 12 goals in 25 games. My God. Sorry I take that back. Head Coaches at San Marino and Lichtenstein probably do.

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It seems clear that Lambo won't be sacked :angry:  - so I really think we need to get a decent assistant in - and quick.  I read somewhere that Steve Bruce puts Hull's recent upturn down to his new assistant Manager - Phelan.    I just can't understand why we are not doing anything about it.

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It seems clear that Lambo won't be sacked :angry:  - so I really think we need to get a decent assistant in - and quick.  I read somewhere that Steve Bruce puts Hull's recent upturn down to his new assistant Manager - Phelan.    I just can't understand why we are not doing anything about it.

I can. Because the club is run by clueless idiots.

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It seems clear that Lambo won't be sacked :angry:  - so I really think we need to get a decent assistant in - and quick.  I read somewhere that Steve Bruce puts Hull's recent upturn down to his new assistant Manager - Phelan.    I just can't understand why we are not doing anything about it.

I imagine that just like everything on the pitch, things behind the scenes is a total mess.


Having someone new coming in and seeing this, stirring things up, trying to change things and telling him that what he's been doing is all wrong is probably not in Lamberts best interest.

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Crystal Palace sack manager start picking up points

WBA sack manager start picking up points

QPR change of manager get first away win

Villa keep Lambert on even shitter than we were in 86/87

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