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Paul Lambert


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I would hope it wasn't an hour of being told they ARE crap, but rather an hour of telling them that they HAVE BEEN crap and are capable of much better

Hopefully the weight is in the latter. That would require they are allowed to try to be better.

All this was seen in the abyssmal pre season games already where we didn't even try to attack. All we did was cover our space and move as a team when the opponent circled the ball around. This just has to change now Paul.

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I do have to say our injury list has been comedy this season, i know its a crap excuse as we always cite the loss of key players as why were are crap but this season when the truth is we are just crap whoever we play


BUT so far we have not fielded the same 11 twice, or even the same 8 or 9!


role call of bad luck so far


Vlaar and Senderos look awesome - Vlaar gets injured and comes back crap


Senderos and Baker look awesome - Baker and Senderos get injured in the games that follow


Delph plays for England, Delph gets injured till Jan.


The whole team either out or the walking dead on the pitch due to a bout of rampant explosive trots


Gabby randomly pulls out of a game with rampant explosive trots two weeks after everyone else


Hutton - arguably our best player - now out for 3 or 4 games at least


We thought we would get Kozak and Okore back for the start of the season, Okore seems to be now at pub player level having not recovered match sharpness, Kozak had a set back. Benteke is back but so far only in spirit.

TBH Gabby was probably shitting himself at the same time as the others but only realised it 2 weeks later.

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Our club reminds me  a bit of Sheffield Wednesday,  did well fairly big crowds. Owner who hadnt a clue, a succession of crap managers, crowds dropped, relegation, crowds dropped further, more relegation and  never recovered.

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The 'rumours page' on Facebook saying Gabby and Vlaar dropped from squad tomorrow due to discipline issues.. Probably BS.

If that is true, which im sure it isnt, then id worry he has lost the dressing room.
he has not 'had' the dressing room for a long time .


We shall see - somehow I doubt this story.


But it's just a thought that neither Ron nor Gabby are necessarily the types to react well to an hour long session of Lambert and Keane telling them how crap they are, which is what we are told happened after the QPR match.


But Lambert don't think we are they are crap. He actually said we played well against QPR but were unlucky with our creatvity???

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Very interesting interview with Lambert. Gives insight to why he doesn't make many changes.


Lerner is the best blahh blahh blahhh.................. He sounds like a worried man. If he claims to be a winner, he is doing a very bad job of it. was it 17 games won in 2 and a bit seasons.

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Watching the Sunday supplement this morning and one of the guys on there said that from what he knew there are a number of big names in our dressing room who support lambert and keane for their work ethic and think that they are doing the right things, and that the trouble is stemming from those players not believing that a selection of players in the squad aren't putting in the effort that they should be.

I'm not saying that this justifies our current form, or that this is supporting lambert, because I don't think he's the right man for the job. But, if our current problems stem from these issues then I think we have to take into consideration that regardless of what lambert or keane do to try and change things, if we have a divide emerging within the squad then that is going to lead to negative results. The only way lambert can deal with that IMO is by dropping those players (Gabby for one), and the only question that leaves is why he hasn't done it yet.

It's obvious our problems run far deeper than just lambert and Lerner, and the way out club has been run over the last 5 years. It just isn't obvious why it seems that no one is acting to sort out the players who seem to be causing problems.

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I do have to say our injury list has been comedy this season, i know its a crap excuse as we always cite the loss of key players as why were are crap but this season when the truth is we are just crap whoever we play


BUT so far we have not fielded the same 11 twice, or even the same 8 or 9!


role call of bad luck so far


Vlaar and Senderos look awesome - Vlaar gets injured and comes back crap


Senderos and Baker look awesome - Baker and Senderos get injured in the games that follow


Delph plays for England, Delph gets injured till Jan.


The whole team either out or the walking dead on the pitch due to a bout of rampant explosive trots


Gabby randomly pulls out of a game with rampant explosive trots two weeks after everyone else


Hutton - arguably our best player - now out for 3 or 4 games at least


We thought we would get Kozak and Okore back for the start of the season, Okore seems to be now at pub player level having not recovered match sharpness, Kozak had a set back. Benteke is back but so far only in spirit.

I agree - injuries is a crap excuse.

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The fact that we struggle to score, have a squad with the wrong mix of players, set up tactics wrong and predictable and struggle to do the basics is not down to injuries.


Injuries are part and parcel of the game and every team can use it as an excuse. If the above didn't apply for most of Paul Lambert's tenure I might have more sympathy.

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Watching the Sunday supplement this morning and one of the guys on there said that from what he knew there are a number of big names in our dressing room who support lambert and keane for their work ethic and think that they are doing the right things, and that the trouble is stemming from those players not believing that a selection of players in the squad aren't putting in the effort that they should be.

I'm not saying that this justifies our current form, or that this is supporting lambert, because I don't think he's the right man for the job. But, if our current problems stem from these issues then I think we have to take into consideration that regardless of what lambert or keane do to try and change things, if we have a divide emerging within the squad then that is going to lead to negative results. The only way lambert can deal with that IMO is by dropping those players (Gabby for one), and the only question that leaves is why he hasn't done it yet.

It's obvious our problems run far deeper than just lambert and Lerner, and the way out club has been run over the last 5 years. It just isn't obvious why it seems that no one is acting to sort out the players who seem to be causing problems.

While this is interesting in a titillating sort of way, I fail to see how it explains why we play such unadventurous, uncreative football. It's the tactics that seem to be at fault at present, so I wonder what Lambert and Keane are "trying to do" that the group of uncooperative players are frustrating. I'm assuming the basic way we play is down to the manager and his assistant. Edited by briny_ear
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The issue has been for some years now Lambert has only had one eleven in mind to keep us lower mid table.


The times when we have actually had decent periods we have had the same eleven available.


But as soon as one player gets injured we crumble.


Or as soon as a team get wind of our complex hoof and run on the break tactics, we get closed down and have no back up plan.


Also just look at the fact we can't play teams in the cup, because if we make 2 or 3 changes again the team reverts to clueless pub football.


Defensively - Lambert took a huge gamble with Senderos and Hutton, but neither have played a lot of football over recent years and were bound to get injured. Vlaar never plays more than 5 games in a row. Leaving us with dead wood such as Clark and Lowton to come in and help us lose. I would add Baker to that but reckless injuries aside he has improved. Okore also isn't likely to play anytime soon.


Which leads me to think why didn't Lambert get rid of Clark and Lowton and sign someone else, what happens if Cissokho gets crocked (and it will happen) we have no left backs left in the team????? No i tell a lie Richardson who really isn't a defender at all will play there.


We have no real depth, we have players we can wheel out to patch up the team but none of them are any good.

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To be honest, I do think the players deserve quite a lot of the blame here.

I'd like to see them with someone else before laying a lot of blame on them.

They've been coached this way and they're asked to play a certain way in a certain system.

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Watching the Sunday supplement this morning and one of the guys on there said that from what he knew there are a number of big names in our dressing room who support lambert and keane for their work ethic and think that they are doing the right things, and that the trouble is stemming from those players not believing that a selection of players in the squad aren't putting in the effort that they should be.

I'm not saying that this justifies our current form, or that this is supporting lambert, because I don't think he's the right man for the job. But, if our current problems stem from these issues then I think we have to take into consideration that regardless of what lambert or keane do to try and change things, if we have a divide emerging within the squad then that is going to lead to negative results. The only way lambert can deal with that IMO is by dropping those players (Gabby for one), and the only question that leaves is why he hasn't done it yet.

It's obvious our problems run far deeper than just lambert and Lerner, and the way out club has been run over the last 5 years. It just isn't obvious why it seems that no one is acting to sort out the players who seem to be causing problems.

While this is interesting in a titillating sort of way, I fail to see how it explains why we play such unadventurous, uncreative football. It's the tactics that seem to be at fault at present, so I wonder what Lambert and Keane are "trying to do" that the group of uncooperative players are frustrating. I'm assuming the basic way we play is down to the manager and his assistant.



I thought Gabby was in the Lambert circle if you like?


Certainly when HairyHands was on this forum he said Lambert would usually confide to Gabby, Guzan, Delph and Vlaar, four of our best and longest serving and experienced players.

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