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briny_ear last won the day on April 13 2018

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  1. By the cringe, I am SOOOOO bored with this now!
  2. Can't believe you haven't got Rogers in that starting line up.
  3. Agreed. Any news on how the medical went, BTW?
  4. Standout performance was from Rogers. Barkley/Rogers link up is starting to look very promising.
  5. Yes, welcome home Jaden. Smart piece of business by the club.
  6. I expect he has a fair amount in his piggy bank as well to tide him over…
  7. I suppose that puts the final kibosh on us signing Nico Williams now.
  8. Apparently the first draft of this started “Shit, shit, shit, how the **** did we forget him?”
  9. So pleased for Ollie. Never seen him look happier. Now start him for the final please, Southgate, if your limited and mediocre managerial brain can cope with that idea.
  10. We are. Villa fans. Gloom is what we do.
  11. For pity's sake, surely we can find a better Engiand coach than this? The squad is absolutely stuffed full of talent but they've been paying like a team trying to fend off relegation.
  12. What an absolutely brilliant signing he was and what a fantastic team member over the past 5 or so years. He brought creativity, art, skill and optimism to the side. I understand why he has to go but it's hard not to be sad. Think he was a great team player on top of all his individual skills. Glad he is not going to any of our prem rivals at least.
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