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jesus **** Christ...wasn't actually that bad a scene until the end, unless of course you cynically look at the new bike and new trooper and see the merch opportunities, you wonder why rey can do all these amazing force things but cant steady her hand

ive got some kind of conspiracy theory on the go that the shite disaster of a film isn't going to live up to expectations as to just how bad it is which will be regarded as a success, "its not that bad" is the same as its "the awesome ending everyone wanted" right?

Edited by villa4europe
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This is painfully spot on about The Mandalorian :D 


The Mandalorian is basically a video game

It’s time for another armor upgrade!

The first three episodes of The Mandalorian have featured the mostly silent, helmeted titular bounty hunter making his way from world to world, taking jobs from anyone willing to pay up. But as the series has progressed, it’s started to feel far more like a video game than any other TV show before it. The tropes are specific, and familiar from a wide variety of games. Here’s a rundown of the most video game-y moments in The Mandalorian so far.

  • ARMOR CRAFTING Imagine you’re playing The Mandalorian as a game. You’ll start by taking on a mission for some nasty folks, who offer to pay you upfront in a rare material you’ll need to upgrade your armor. After you get your new pauldron from the armorer, you only need five more upgrades to get the armor set bonus!

  • BLURRG-RIDING PERK UNLOCKED, You’re informed that the only way to reach the location of your next target is on “horse”-back. Unfortunately, you don’t know how to ride a “horse,” which means you’ll need a brief training sequence.
  • DEFEND THE DOOR AGAINST WAVES OF ENEMIES, Oh no, the mark is behind a steel door that needs to be hacked open! The only problem? Waves of enemies to hold off! If only you could ...

  • HOP ON A GODDAMN LASER TURRET, Eat your heart out, Gears of War! It’s time to blast everything in sight with a giant gun you aren’t going to be allowed to keep past the current level.
  • PERFORMING SELF-HEALING,After getting nicked a few times in the heat of battle, you have to heal up. Sure, you have a full-on hole in your arm, but some amateur surgery should do the trick nicely.
  •  SNIPER MISSION, Oh no, Jawas are stealing all your stuff! Better lie prone and pick off as many as you can before they run to safety.
  • CLIMBING A WALL, Like Mario and Nathan Drake before you, you’ll have to climb the Jawa sandcrawler while enemies toss garbage down at you to knock you loose.
  • HAVING TO START FROM SCRATCH, You start the game with all sorts of awesome upgrades and a dope ship, only to have it all taken away within the first hour. And the only way you can earn it all back is by going on ...
  • A FETCH QUEST, Yes, the Jawas really want The Egg, and they’re willing to give you all your stuff back if you go find it for them. (Turns out they just really want eggs for lunch. Nothing like a meaningless MacGuffin to make this feel like a true side quest!)
  • BOSS FIGHT, The fetch quest turns out to be a little meatier than expected, with a full-on boss fight at the end of it. Better dodge out of the way of the rhino-looking thing as it charges you!
  • ESCORT MISSION, Don’t forget to keep an eye on your totally helpless companion, who usually follows you around but sometimes gets distracted and/or stuck on the geometry.
  • COMPANION UPGRADE, It turns out that your adorable companion isn’t just window dressing, and is actually quite handy, thanks to his special ability. Unfortunately, the cooldown time to use it again is super long.
  • FANCY CHEST-OPENING SEQUENCE, Quest done? You’re damn right you better see a massive chest full of loot slowly open before you.
  • HEAD NODS FROM FELLOW NPCS IN A BUNKER, While on the way to spend your hard-earned loot, you pass by NPCs who give you slight nods of acknowledgment. Facial motion capture is tough, so everyone’s in helmets.
  • ANOTHER ARMOR UPGRADE, Thanks to your massive score, you’re going to get a fancy new cuirass and a shiny new skin for your armor.
  • NEW ABILITY UPGRADE, “Whistling Birds are a powerful defense against multiple enemies,” the armor crafter tells you. “Use them sparingly, for they are rare.”
  • SPYING THROUGH WALLS, Stealth mission time. Better lie prone again and use your sniper rifle as a telescopic microphone with thermal imaging to listen in on enemy conversations.
  • ON-RAILS SHOOTING SEQUENCE, Oh no, you’re surrounded, and the only escape route is this slow-moving speeder! Use the boxes for cover and try to pick folks off as you fly past! There’s an achievement if you kill 10 before the speeder stops.
  • TEASING A FUTURE UPGRADE: You keep seeing other people in jetpacks, but when do you get yours? “I gotta get one of those,” you tell yourself. Maybe it’ll be DLC, or show up in the sequel?


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On 02/12/2019 at 14:52, sne said:

While I'm not saying there isnt an element of truth to that, it annoys me that everything has to be boiled down to its core beats. It can be done with literally everything. Not you personally, but why cant people just enjoy it for what it is?

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2 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

While I'm not saying there isnt an element of truth to that, it annoys me that everything has to be boiled down to its core beats. It can be done with literally everything. Not you personally, but why cant people just enjoy it for what it is?

No I definitely think people should enjoy it for what it is if they like it. It's a fun live action version of a Sunday morning cartoon.

But that review was pretty much spot on IMO and the series is basically fan service the TV-show sprinkled with all the merch stuff Disney can ever hope to cash in on for Christmas. So very much in the Star Wars way.

For me I was hoping something a bit "bigger" so I've had to adjust my expectations. I can take it or leave it tbh.

The original movies was a huge part of my childhood, but as it turns out I'm not that interested about stories in the wider Star Wars universe. Although I did like Rouge One.

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After the awesome ending of Ep 3, Ep's 4&5 were very meh.

It was cool to go 


back to Mos Eisley, but if you're gonna go, why no Cantina Band FFS?! Also droids have to wait outside don't they? They don't serve their kind in there.



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I was wondering what Satan was up to these days, now I know.

Bit weird that they basically played the Stranger Things base track in the background this episode :)

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When it comes to Star Wars I dont trustbthe critics anymore. The majority of them are SJW Hipster types who peddle the misogynistic toxic fanbase bullshit. They also raved about TLJ mainly I suspect because they knew it would upset people who grew up with it as a massive part of their lives and those types of critics get off on stuff like that. **** them.

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Reviews are rough for Episode IX.

It appears to be what everyone thought it was going to be - a tick box of fan service wallpapering over the problems the Last Jedi left behind and done without a single bit of ingenuity or flair. A bit soulless seems to be a running theme.

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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

Reviews are rough for Episode IX.

It appears to be what everyone thought it was going to be - a tick box of fan service wallpapering over the problems the Last Jedi left behind and done without a single bit of ingenuity or flair. A bit soulless seems to be a running theme.

IT IS very much what everyone thought it was going to be!  Albeit directed with a little more chutzpah than one may expect.  I saw this last night and was pleasantly entertained for the first half.  That was, until it dawned on me that there was no way Abrams was going to be taking all this soaring brio anywhere much.  Abrams, being a television dude, is great at momentum, action and pleasingly slippery connective tissue.  The big moments, not so much.  Does it all hang together?  Satisfy?  Unify all the elements of the Skywalker saga?  Of course not!

I still think the new Star Wars films look fantastic, so much so that you can feel the energy and life of brilliant new worlds, but I doubt the cultural, and indeed, emotional impact of these new films will resonate much beyond a momentary buzz.  In fact, much like the prequels, I can foresee the new trilogy being picked over with an almost morbid curiousity, as cautionary tales of industrial hubris and a wider cultural malaise.  Perhaps Star Wars needs to recognise its true roots, a wondrous pop art amalgam of adventure serials and Kurosawa and boy scout sci-fi, and find the modern day analogue of this heady confection, rather than the fat snake eating yet more of its own tail of recent years?

Oh yes, and The Last Jedi 'course correction' is very much an issue.  One character simply (literally!) states 'I was wrong' when challenged with their previous motivations.

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On 17/12/2019 at 13:22, stuart_75 said:

In other news the latest episode of The Mandalorian was the best yet, it was very very good.

Gonna ignore all the Episode IX talk and came in here to post this. If the rest of the show was like this it would be excellent. Great episode. First time so far it had me on the edge of my seat and disappointed when the credits rolled.

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