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TheAuthority last won the day on April 3 2023

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    Denver, CO

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  1. Didn't he say that it wasn't just the ACL but there was also meniscus damage or maybe even damage to the Medial collateral ligament (my memory is vague on this.)
  2. People love to generalize Americans as all sorts of things on VT and I just ignore it (born in the black country and became a US citizen 2016 primarily so I could vote in that election) But to say America and by implication all Americans don't give a "flying **** about dead Palestinians" is quite simply not true. During the protests about Vietnam no University sent police in to arrest it's students. This year many cities sent in a far more militarized police force to beat and arrest students over pro-Palestinian encampments and building occupations. Many grads were "outed" by Fox News and it's ilk and lost job offers directly effecting their futures. I work at a private University where sadly there are some very rich students who are pro Trump. That kind of student was encouraged by ring wing nuts to go and confront peaceful Palestinian protests and violence erupted on our campus and others. I have friends who insisted they wouldn't vote for Biden over his reaction to Israel's invasion of Gaza. So I think it's unfair of you to say that all of the US doesn't give a flying **** about dead Palestinians.
  3. I do know several people who hate Trump but are having a really hard time getting over Israel’s genocide in Gaza and that Biden didn’t do enough to stop them. They are waiting to see what Harris will say about Israel. It’s not like they’ll vote for Trump, and they’ll vote Dem down ballot. But they have a real issue with how this administration allowed Benny to kill so many.
  4. Sound dropped out already - Villa TV is so amateur
  5. Kevin Costner is going to make a movie about this discrepancy
  6. The audio I heard he just kept saying ‘let me put my shoe on back on’ repeatedly. He was literally fighting for the sole of America.
  7. Is it me or this just really dull?
  8. I started the Bear and couldn’t see what the fuss was about. A stressful kitchen? No thanks - enough stress in my own life and I did my time working in restaurants and have no inclination to relive any of it.
  9. I think this might be an overreaction, but people on both sides are definitely going to be on edge. I think it would have been worse in some ways if he had been killed. That could have lit the torch paper of some real carnage.
  10. Might tell my mom to get the spare room ready
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