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Star Wars: Disney Era


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5 hours ago, Chindie said:

The sequel trilogy isn't good, by any means, you could fill pages on why, but besides the last one (which is just a mess of rancid arse water) they're well made movies with generally good performances and solid plots (if in the case of the second one, a plot that doesn't fit what anyone expected or anyone really wanted, or fits the series terribly well, or works as a vehicle for what it wants to say). The prequels, meanwhile, are genuinely bad on multiple levels - plots and scripts that barely read like a human wrote them, absolutely atrocious acting, bad cinematography, bad CG, bad filming choices everywhere (multiple 'big spectacle action scenes' that are like watching some hundreds and thousands dropped on a table) - the only thing you can rescue from them is some of the art design was good, some of the music is very good and a couple of scenes are solid. The best of the prequels, RotS, is at best an alright movie, and even to say that you've got to overlook some total stinking clunkers in it's very being.

Theres nothing about the sequels that is that bad. Except maybe RoS. For all that FA is just a rote retread of ANH with some new paint, nostalgia porn and mystery boxes, that TLJ is a weird grudge of a movie that resents it's predecessor to the extent it chucks it's plot in the bin, and RoS is a car crash, they aren't genuinely, irredeemably terrible. The prequels, in the main, are. They gave us one of the worst characters in any medium, Binks, have catastrophically bad writing that actively creates plot holes retrospectively because the writer is too stupid to plot them better, and give us a romance across 3 movies that is less convincing than the love affair between a table and a carpet.

The Force Awakens has a solid plot? What are you saying? It's basically a sequence of people running in a direction and encountering something from Star Wars. 

'Oh look let's take a ship...the Millennium Falcon' 'Oh look a lightsaber' 

That film is awful. It's so bad. 

And The Last Jedi? What the hell was in that film's plot? A slow motion chase sequence? A pointless side quest to the casino town? The abominable treatment of the series' core character?

Both those films are atrocious from the get go. The only surprise is that Ryan Johnson's effort was so bad because he's actually written and made some good films. JJ Abrams is an idiot and always has been.

And yet, yes, somehow, the last one is even worse than those two. What a massive waste of time it all was.  

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