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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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7 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

Maybe. A month sounds rough.

Got an elbow to the ribs at football, it felt fine, so I played again. Now I'm in agony. I'd go to the dr's but I'm going on holiday tomorrow and I don't want to be grounded.

The only reason to go to the doctor is for pain meds.  There's no treatment other than to avoid doing things that hurt, and i doubt they'll prohibit you from doing anything that you're comfortable doing.

I had the exact same thing happen a number of years ago.  If i wasn't careful about how I moved or breathed I'd get an incredible pain and feel a bit of a pop, like the pieces of rib were shifting against each other or the cartilage.   It felt significantly better after a day and I figured it must not be broken since I'd always heard how incredibly painful that is.   A year or so ago I was looking at my health record on line and stumbled across a chest x-ray report from when I'd been in for possible pneumonia and it referenced a prior, healed rib fracture.  I had it happen again a few months ago, when I slammed into the ground hard enough to blur my vision temporarily.  Accidentally aspirated a piece of carrot while eating lunch a couple of days later and had a coughing fit.   Nearly fainted from the pain.  This time I went in and the doctor asked about symptoms and said, "Yeah, sounds like a broken rib."  No point in taking an x-ray because results make no difference in treatment.  Pain meds helped me sleep the first couple of nights.

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Fat bottomed girls was just on the Chris moyles platinum hour as I dropped the wife into work.

she absolutely LOVED it when I sang the chorus to her loudly as she got out in her work car park!

He also played Ugly Kid Joe's 'Hate everyting about you'. Awesome sauce. 


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8 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

So is drinking but we sing a song about it at villa matches and I don’t recall the chorus in the Paul McGrath song that says “it’s your burden on the  NHS m’Lord “ ... drinking seems to be celebrated without a hoot given to the consequences ( I’m not moralising , heck if you removed all the drunk pictures of me from Facebook all you’d be left with would be a few cat pictures that you could save on a floppy disc )

Yeah In the main we’d all rather look at pictures on the internet of fit attractive birds  or Rita Ora if we can’t find an attractive  one , but that doesn’t mean anyone that isn’t an agreed size can’t  be proud or happy in their own skin and having to think about their burden on society does it ?

Tbh , i’d Probably enjoy a night out talking about cheeseburgers with an overweight person far more than I’d enjoy a night out with a gym bunny telling me what their favourite brand of protein shake is 


None of this excuses obesity, note I'm talking about people who are obese rather than a bit overweight. Images of obese people should not be celebrated at all, given the terrible health consequences obesity will lead to. 

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Don't know if it's bin dunne before  but ... Birthday cards

go into a card shop , supermarket or if it's your wife's birthday petrol station on the way home from work , and the choice of cards are just absolutely awful

it's like they employed Stevie Wonder to design them and then to really rub salt into the wounds got @lapal_fan to then write the jokes on the front cover


How hard can it be to produce a decent card ?

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13 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

How hard can it be to produce a decent card ?

As galling as it is to endorse them, given the off-the-chart levels of annoyance their adverts provoke, moonpig is the way forward.

Obviously it means you need to have actually had the thought of getting a card a day or two before it is required but apparently it shows a great deal of thoughtfulness to have moonpig stick the recipients name in the middle of the awful joke / pun.

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29 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Don't know if it's bin dunne before  but ... Birthday cards

go into a card shop , supermarket or if it's your wife's birthday petrol station on the way home from work , and the choice of cards are just absolutely awful

it's like they employed Stevie Wonder to design them and then to really rub salt into the wounds got @lapal_fan to then write the jokes on the front cover


How hard can it be to produce a decent card ?

Happy Birthday,

                             To my darling wife.

Everyday with you,

                               Feels like Agnew beginning.


Love Tonezone (I hope you shaved, cos last time our pubes got caught together)

P.S Boris is my Buddah



Summat like that? 

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3 minutes ago, Nath182 said:

Cards of any sort just piss me off. What's the point? £3 for a piece of card that will go in the bin the next week (being generous).

I agree, but you don't have to spend £3.  You can go to card warehouse and most of the cards are 99p or £1.50. 

But I don't like cards.  I'd prefer lottery tickets :D  

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20 minutes ago, Nath182 said:

Cards of any sort just piss me off. What's the point? £3 for a piece of card that will go in the bin the next week (being generous).

Don't buy them at the places Tone mentioned. For the missus I usually buy tastful, arty cards from Waterstones. Some of them not only don't go in the bin, but end up on the wall in frames. 

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I don't do cards, but Mrs p does.

The compromise we've sort of settled in to is that she writes all the cards and then gives me the ones that are more for my friends than hers.

I put them in the glovebox of the car and say I will deliver them.


We're both happy.

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My uncle gave me one saying 'Nothing says happy birthday like a piece of folded card' which I quite liked.  It's kind of changed my perception of buying cards, I used to spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to find the funniest one, now I don't really give much of a shit and just go to the Card Factory and get something for a quid.

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People who get cards:

 when I remember - christmas family members, though lately it's reduced to using a tag, saves a tenner easy.

parents get a anniversary card 2 out of every 10 years as that is my ratio for remembering, usually because one of the numbers ends in a 0 or a 5.

siblings get a default card because I've unimaginatively bought them a voucher of some kind

partner - gets one, if I feel I need to make a particular effort, and I'll write her a thoughtful message inside.



That said, a few years ago when still flatsharing, and more of my friends lived nearby often enough for regular social occasions and before serious relationships ruined everything for the rest of us, we used to intentionally buy either the naffest / most inappropriate ( I'm sorry for your loss cards for birthdays etc ) / or the single same card. One birthday I received 11 cards of the same christmas deer. That was quite fun, as we'd accompany said card with a token shit gift from a charity shop such as badly dubbed knock off 70s marital arts films or ear splitting "top hawaiian jazz, sounds of the 50s" type CDs.

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Shop in London the other day had some great Birthday cards , but call me old fashioned I didn't think sending one to my mum with Happy Birthday Mother ****  was really suitable  ... that's really one I need to be sending my dad in all honesty :) 


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13 minutes ago, Rodders said:

we'd accompany said card with a token shit gift from a charity shop such as badly dubbed knock off 70s marital arts films or ear splitting "top hawaiian jazz, sounds of the 50s" type CDs.

Sounds right up Xann's street. 

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My mates and I used to do the 'joke gift' thing, eventually settling on "The Crossroads Wedding Album" LP. Still in its shrink wrap, never got opened, despite being passed from one person to another each birthday. 

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