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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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[insert famous persons name] Tweet goes viral...

Its **** Twitter, obviously it goes viral as it's a worldwide social media platform. It's pretty much impossible for a famous person to tweet something and it not go viral.



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Dentists. I avoided them for 10 years, and now loko what happens when I go for a check up - 5 appointments in the past few weeks involving root canal and crown fittings, the latest of which involved a forced choke as they had to clean up some of the putty they'd dropped down my throat. Urgh.

I mean I know they're doing their job and my dentist is very sociable and friendly, but **** me, it can be horrendous.

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The last time I went in for a check up at the dentist I mentioned that my wisdom teeth were hurting a bit as they were coming through. She'd barely looked in my mouth and she was talking about me making an appointment for the following week to have them all removed. She then asked me what I'd been taking for the pain and I said I hadn't taken anything. She said "You haven't taken anything? It can't have been hurting that much then". I got the impression she thought I'd exaggerated the pain I was in and that I was wasting her time.

It annoyed me, I'd just mentioned they were a bit sore. She wanted them all ripped out, but apparently I was the one over reacting.

I made the appointment for the following week and the receptionist told me I could pay for both appointments at my next visit. I didn't turn up because I didn't want my wisdom teeth out. That was 10 years ago, so I think I'll have to find a new dentist.

My wisdom teeth came through fine. I guess my point is fk dentists.

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12 hours ago, Xela said:

A 10/11 year old kid (or younger in some cases) s not mature enough (in my opinion) to be in a position to be able to make a decision of such importance like transitioning gender. 

doesn't that fall into the area of American preachers who can "un-gay" people  ?  , I thought on the whole people are  born "that way"  so I'm not sure it is a decision to make as such ?

slightly OT but I'm still friends with a couple of my old school mates who are gay , even when we were 9 maybe 10 we knew they were different  ,they didn't like football :) , I'm not sure we knew what gay was as such at that age but  conversations I've had with them subsequently  they have both said they already knew at an early age , obviously back then you didn't get any support and they had to deal with it themselves 

You wont explode if you talk to someone who is  transitioning  , so I find the reaction of these parents completely baffling and belonging in the dark ages . If their child is reacting the way he is to seeing a boy in a skirt then to an extent they have failed in the duty as parents ... I thought when I wrote this ,  that it sounded a bit harsh but then I've just read that 2 years ago they pulled their other child out the school for the exact same reason , so I think it clear to see where the problem lies here ?

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2 hours ago, Chindie said:

Yes. The parents are words removed.

It's great how much Jesus can be used to justify bigotry and imposing on other peoples lives.

the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is special even by the good book standards

god hated homosexuals so much that he commanded his angels to destroy the cities so badly that no one would ever be able to prove they existed...


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12 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

people complaining to Offcom because Bake off did a scene where Noel Fiedling was hiding in a fridge

twitter has a few " I've now had to explain to my children that they shouldn't hide in fridges  " .

On the basis that Twitter clearing in the woods with the use of the word "now" doesn't appear to have already warned his child not to climb inside fridges , shouldn't he in fact be praising Fielding for his stunt , as now he's been given a perfect opportunity  to tell his child something he'd clearly overlooked

perhaps next week he could watch the episode of the Simpson where Maggie shoots Mr Burns and then he can explain to his child not to shoot people  ..after he's moaned about it on twitter of course

I mean, fridges these days are magnetic and can be pushed open from the inside so it's not even an issue anymore. Just boring turds with nothing better to do than faux outrage.

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24 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

people complaining to Offcom because Bake off did a scene where Noel Fiedling was hiding in a fridge

twitter has a few " I've now had to explain to my children that they shouldn't hide in fridges  " .

On the basis that Twitter clearing in the woods with the use of the word "now" doesn't appear to have already warned his child not to climb inside fridges , shouldn't he in fact be praising Fielding for his stunt , as now he's been given a perfect opportunity  to tell his child something he'd clearly overlooked

Quite so. 

On the other hand, what a missed opportunity to lock Fielding in the fridge and throw it into a very deep lake. 

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I know it's still new tech and maybe this is the "learning how to use it phase" for society, but I still think social media is better off consigned to the dustbin of inventions with a net contribution of minus  one squillion to human life.  from narcissists to those who show a remarkably ability to be OUTRAGED TO THE CORE and to your everyman troll.  Shit it down

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