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sheepyvillian last won the day on December 25 2015

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  1. Without doubt, the movie that announced the genius that was James Gandolfini. That look with the eyes by JG after the punch. One of them films full of memorable scenes.
  2. It's quite obvious Biden is behind the planning. How else to explain two botched assassination attempts.
  3. I hardly missed a game, aside from the the first few due to three months detention centre. He was a pleasure to watch, so easy on the eye. Him and Withe, the proverbial salt and pepper. One all hustle and bustle, effectively, I may add. The other, a silky smooth operator. That first touch, when pitches weren't the snooker tables they are today. Such a shame, Paul, especially for us that watched him in the flesh.
  4. I think it makes it so much more poignant in that he was one of our own, vicariously living our childhood dream.
  5. Him, Spink or Williams. I know Spink was a sub, but he virtually played the whole game.
  6. Ange making that dismissive remark about "Set Pieces," talk about making a rod for your back. Then he goes and makes another one by saying, "I always win something in my second year." Fwiw, I think he may well. It's so "Spursy" for them to start panicking with only a few games in. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he brought a trophy to Spurs. I remember Celtic being doubtful about Ange, but once he found that groove, they were an absolute joy to watch.
  7. Just watching him on the news. It's difficult to take, it really is. Hopefully, we can use it to inspire us in the Champions League, especially against Munich. What a tribute that would be, to Gary, beating them.
  8. Really looking forward to this one. What a gift Unai has given us, so let's be grateful and show our gratitude in being patient and supportive as this, relatively, inexperienced team try and manoeuvre their way to the latter stages of this competition. Remember, we couldn't be in better hands, so, knowing that it's inevitable the ride will sometimes get bumpy, let's keep the faith, along with crossed fingers. Come on me Babbys!!!
  9. Don't get too excited, Fol.
  10. A guy on the news just hit the nail on the head. "Let's put the children first and the offender second".
  11. He doesn't deserve a iota of sympathy. "Class A" images, that speaks for itself.
  12. The bottom sentence is spot - on. When he gets caught, it's likely right on his "Village Inn!!
  13. I just like his analytical mind. It's like with Football, you don't have to have played the game to be a manager. Angelo Dundee never boxed, but the greats were happy to heed his advice.
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