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8 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Starbucks coffee (over here) is absolutely dire. It's shite, mass produced crap. Always worth looking for a small independent coffee shop.

Although the fact that they've convinced huge swathes of the population that an 800 calorie, $10, sweetened, caramal wanka frankaccino is related to coffee, is stroke of capitalist genius.

Its an occasional treat and motorway services don't have many options unfortunately. What surprised me was the huge amount of people queueing up for a £4 coffee or £5 iced coffee. I would have been another if I'd have had any patience. 

So much for a cost of living crisis! 

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Their coffee milkshakes are at least drinkable, even if they're expensive and incredibly unhealthy. Their espresso is absolutely garbage, and so is Costa's. Overroasted, bitter shite, because it's apparently better to have a consistently poor but uniform product than get the best out of each batch of beans.

Nero is the least bad of the three main chains, I'd say. It's trivial to get a much better cup of coffee at home if you just like a simple black or white coffee, though.

One of the problems some smaller specialty coffee places have is that the incredibly bitter dark roast is so ubiquitous the typical customer thinks it's what coffee is meant to taste like

Edited by Davkaus
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10 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

Always worth looking for a small independent coffee shop

Good luck with that on a Motorway :D Your choice will generally be Costa (fortune) Dishwater or Star(loadsa)bucks Wtf is that odd taste milky milky

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Yep, I do a fair bit of motorway, so the choices are:

Wild Bean - never tried it, I’ve kind of presumed a vending machine in a petrol station might not be great

Greggs - I’m told it’s ok, the small number I’ve had have been awful

Costa - awful, I’ll just keep driving for miles and miles when you get three Costa services in a row

Starbucks - least bad of the list

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36 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Wild Bean - never tried it, I’ve kind of presumed a vending machine in a petrol station might not be great

Far better than Costa / Starbucks. They used to have proper coffee machines and I'm told they are returning towards the end of the year in our local one. Also tend to be cheaper than the others

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Starbucks coffee is undrinkable, by far the worst of the big chains. It just tastes of gone off milk, and nothing else. Of all the chain places, I don't mind Joe and the Juice when I'm in London. We've got some great independent shops near me though, a tiny place run by a Swedish couple in town, and a weird place where they roast their own beans in the middle of nowhere on a small rural industrial estate on a minor B road.

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8 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Yep, I do a fair bit of motorway, so the choices are:

Wild Bean - never tried it, I’ve kind of presumed a vending machine in a petrol station might not be great

Greggs - I’m told it’s ok, the small number I’ve had have been awful

Costa - awful, I’ll just keep driving for miles and miles when you get three Costa services in a row

Starbucks - least bad of the list

McDonald's coffee is surprisingly decent and would usually be my pick at a service station. 

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31 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

McDonald's coffee is surprisingly decent and would usually be my pick at a service station. 

My aged Mom (who never ate a burger in her life) used to go in McD's specifically for the coffee. 

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Never understood coffee addiction, a lot of my American acquaintances are like coffee-junkies.

I probably have three or four cups per month if I can be arsed to put the machine on, really not that bothered.

Never usually more than one cup of tea a day too, Earl Grey of course.


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Costa coffee is my chain of preference but to be honest I'm not a massive coffee drinker and find the snobbery around it very amusing. 

It's just a hot drink that tastes of shit that we've all got used to so we think it's nice

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44 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Costa coffee is my chain of preference but to be honest I'm not a massive coffee drinker and find the snobbery around it very amusing. 

It's just a hot drink that tastes of shit that we've all got used to so we think it's nice

If Costa is your chain of preference, then yes, it tastes like shit.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Costa coffee is my chain of preference but to be honest I'm not a massive coffee drinker and find the snobbery around it very amusing. 

It's just a hot drink that tastes of shit that we've all got used to so we think it's nice

Beer snobbery is worse.

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Brown water with milk, don't really care who sells it, if it's coffee flavoured then that's enough for me. I am a bellend that drinks mocha frappe though and I am fairly fussy about that. 

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Costa coffee is my chain of preference but to be honest I'm not a massive coffee drinker and find the snobbery around it very amusing. 

It's just a hot drink that tastes of shit that we've all got used to so we think it's nice

I'm the kind of rocket polisher that has a weekly delivery of different beans, grinds them for each cup, and I currently have 5 different brewers in my kitchen, so you can take this as a perspective from a fully fledged coffee snob rocket polisher, but you are missing out on loads of different flavour profiles.

Most people don't give a shit, that's cool, we don't all like the same things, but thinking coffee is all a bit shit and just sticking to the big chains is a lot like thinking that beer is all the same, and sticking to Carlsberg.

Hey look, I hit the beer snobbery mark too ;) 

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Costa coffee is my chain of preference but to be honest I'm not a massive coffee drinker and find the snobbery around it very amusing. 

It's just a hot drink that tastes of shit that we've all got used to so we think it's nice

Funny, I think the same about beer.

Nero has the best coffee out of the main chains IMO.

Edit: Not that it's hot, just that it taste awful to me.

Edited by AndyM3000
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19 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I'm the kind of rocket polisher that has a weekly delivery of different beans, grinds them for each cup, and I currently have 5 different brewers in my kitchen, so you can take this as a perspective from a fully fledged coffee snob rocket polisher, but you are missing out on loads of different flavour profiles.

Most people don't give a shit, that's cool, we don't all like the same things, but thinking coffee is all a bit shit and just sticking to the big chains is a lot like thinking that beer is all the same, and sticking to Carlsberg.

Hey look, I hit the beer snobbery mark too ;) 

I'll go down on this ship with you as I do the same. I ordered the Gaggia Classic espresso machine pretty soon into lockdown, it's served me well.

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