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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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27 minutes ago, bobzy said:

I was playing in the garden with my eldest daughter (she's 3) maybe 5 or so weeks ago and she asked to play football.  I'm never going to pressure her into doing anything, but would really like her to pick up a sport as a hobby - and, man, imagine if that was football!  It would be amazing, right?  I will pretty much 100% of the time just kick a ball to her if we're playing in the garden - irrespective of whether she actually asks to play football - but it's just done once.  Just to let her know football is a thing.

[Also, and I'm not sure if this is actually a thing or not (again, she's 3) but her weight of pass and direction kicking seems to be so on point every time.  It amazes me, but I'm not sure whether it should or shouldn't.  Are kids' kicks usually just all over the place?]


She's actually asked to play football!  She kicks the ball to me and runs up the garden all excitedly.  It's our moment for a 5 or 10 min kickabout before she gets bored and wants to do something else.  The sun is shining.  It's perfect.  "Daddy, kick it to me!".  I chip the ball over this small tree into her path as she's running away.  Passing is the focal point of my game - I lack strength and speed but I'm (humble brag) technically pretty good.  This ball looks perfect.  It's the perfect pass to my perfect daughter on the perfect day.  Perfect...






...the ball smacks her on the back of her head as she's running and she hits the deck face first.  There's a mixture of snot and tears over her face as she's running back to me crying.  Day ruined, hasn't asked me to play football in the few weeks since.  I've destroyed it all :( 

When I was a kid, we used to go to my grandmother's house on a Sunday evening for dinner. Sometimes I'd go and play football in the garden after dinner. One day I did, and booted the ball really quite hard back towards the house. Right at that moment, my grandma opened the back door, only to be hit full in the face by the ball.

Anyway, she died later that week so that evening was the last time I saw her alive, and naturally as a kid I was absolutely convinced I'd killed her.

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1 hour ago, Follyfoot said:



My youngest plays in goal and his team lost 9-1 on his debut a couple of years ago. He has been attending a goal keeper training coarse in Stafford for the last 12 months, its just an hour and a half every Wednesday but the improvement in his game is staggering, they teach them the basics and up and its sticks due to their age. Think they have courses all over the midlands and highly recommended if he see's his future in goal

Might open my window later and shout "You're shit!!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh"

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7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Genuinely people who have never played in goal don't realise the pressure that's put on you. Even at that age. In fact probably more at that age because you're not old enough to comprehend that it really doesn't matter if you let a goal in.

I loved playing in goal because I was good at it but hated that pressure. These days I don't really care so I'm much more confident. But back then the thought of letting the team down weighed heavily!

Remember to keep telling your lad that he's playing for fun. I'd hate for kids to feel the way I did sometimes when I played there

I was a good keeper myself, decent footballer at that age.  I loved playing in the evenings with my mates but in school I was shy and timid. I was chucked in goal.

I still remember now just letting in some absolute stinkers in PE just through the fear and lack of confidence in front of these more confident kids. Just been frozen.

One still haunts my now from about year 9. I'm not even sure it was a shot, bouncing ball, easy catch, no pace.  I just didn't react. Did I think it was going wide? I don't know. I still don't know, and it haunts me.

The stares.


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31 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

People who take football as a leisure activity (at any age) seriously. If someone’s crap then tough ****, at least they are there doing it and trying at least. A lot of frustrated ‘I was scouted once’ legends in their own minds playing and expecting everyone else to be at their level. Don’t even get me started on parents putting pressure on their kids or lamenting their lack of skill. It’s all seriously **** strange how serious people take a way to keep fit and have fun. 

I feel so sorry for a lad in my boys team, his confidence is absolutely shot because of how his dad moans at him constantly during the game. It breaks my heart. He’s a great kid too. 

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11 minutes ago, BOF said:

If I see an enormous person out walking for exercise, my first reaction is fair play to you

Absolutely. Especially women out running. Women runners get all sorts of abusive comments, regardless of their size. The overweight ones get it ten times worse, so it takes some guts to keep going. If I'm out for a run I always give them a nod, a smile and a thumbs up. 

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Yesterday was a national holiday in Bulgaria. Indepedence from the empire of storage furniture. 

Anyway, because of the midweek break I now mentally thinks its Monday and have asked 2 colleagues already how their weekends were. Might aswell do a Richie Edwards and disappear in a Vauxhall Cavalier.

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Absolutely. Especially women out running. Women runners get all sorts of abusive comments, regardless of their size. The overweight ones get it ten times worse, so it takes some guts to keep going. If I'm out for a run I always give them a nod, a smile and a thumbs up. 

I had this discussion with my other half, who runs. She is petite in stature but "jumped the queue" when it came to handing out boobies. Anyway, she says it really is upsetting to be catcalled for being well blessed up front. For a while, I couldn't totally understand that; I mean....it would've been a compliment surely, albeit crude ones ? I said I could understand if they shouted stuff if she was overweight and/or had a fat arse but I guess she's right. 

I admit that if i see a female jogger, I will casually check her out but won't be hanging out of my car window, shouting "encouragement". Women do it too, so it ain't just white van man, but I guess two wrongs don't make a right...

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3 hours ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

Yesterday was a national holiday in Bulgaria. Indepedence from the empire of storage furniture. 

Anyway, because of the midweek break I now mentally thinks its Monday and have asked 2 colleagues already how their weekends were. Might aswell do a Richie Edwards and disappear in a Vauxhall Cavalier.

This is in the wrong thread for me. That would cheer me up.

Constantly thinking it's monday and then realising it's already thursday would be great!

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