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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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6 minutes ago, bickster said:

Its a lot less bover with a hover...

There's an art to the cable thing too, it's all in the planning. Start far away and work your way closer to the power point and it really is just a flick of the wrist

Buying a petrolmover just for that seems insane. Having to take a fuel can to the garage, storing the excess fuel blah de blah, increased risk etc cmpared to flicking you wrist to move a cable jeeeez louise!

Thank you, saved me some typing. 

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7 minutes ago, bickster said:

Its a lot less bover with a hover...

There's an art to the cable thing too, it's all in the planning. Start far away and work your way closer to the power point and it really is just a flick of the wrist

Buying a petrolmover just for that seems insane. Having to take a fuel can to the garage, storing the excess fuel blah de blah, increased risk etc cmpared to flicking you wrist to move a cable jeeeez louise!

I buy 5 litres once a year and it sits in the garage on a shelf.

I personally think petrol mower is less hassle. Do the back garden, push round side of the house to do the front garden, no messing with plugs or sockets or cables. They aren’t much more expensive generally than a decent electric mower.
It also cuts through longer grass easier too.  Plus makes me feel a bit manly. 

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2 minutes ago, Genie said:

I buy 5 litres once a year and it sits in the garage on a shelf.

I personally think petrol mower is less hassle. Do the back garden, push round side of the house to do the front garden, no messing with plugs or sockets or cables. They aren’t much more expensive generally than a decent electric mower.
It also cuts through longer grass easier too.  Plus makes me feel a bit manly. 

I’m with you. I don’t have one. But when I lived at home mowing the grass was one of my jobs and once my dad invested in a petrol mower the job became ten times easier. It’s a piece of piss. 

Although part of the reason was it had a bigger grass box thing for the clippings meaning you didn’t have to empty it every 2 minutes. 

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Facebook currently drowning in “challenges” and nominations to post how great they are, understandable to a degree as people have little better to do. This pissed me off though. It’s not a challenge is it love, it’s just just trying to flog some shite.


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44 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Netflix has 2 of the 3 LotR films. That is worse than having 0.

I subscribe to Britbox. It has 41 of the 42 One Foot in the Grave episodes on there. 


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19 minutes ago, AVFCDAN said:

I feel like it has to be asked, where is the missing one and why don’t they have it?

It's a small test to see who turns into Victor fastest by complaining about the missing product & why they don't have one 😀

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10 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I don't understand people's behaviour at work sometimes. It's like the tone and content of people's emails is just to belittle and make people feel shit.


We have a couple of them in our place, just wired up different.

We’re a small private company, but we have a couple of people who’s ideal day is to have made themselves look better / cleverer than someone else. They are the sort of people that within their tiny bubble, they have to be alpha and win win win. Couldn’t be part of an actual team if their lives depended on it.

I’ve discussed it openly in the office, the bonus scenario. There is one guy in particular, if he was given the option of his bonus is £1,000 and others being £1,100 or he could choose his bonus is £50 and others £30 then he would choose the £50 option every time. He’s said so himself, because that would prove he was better. But he would lose £950? No matter, he’d have ‘won’.

Every email and piece of work and zoom call he produces is aimed at this objective.

Incidentally, he’s short, and single. But has the biggest German car in the office.


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4 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

I agree, but I do I feel like I'm too far the other way. I do the same when posting on here.

I'll spend far too long trying to make my email sound friendly and can't be misconstrued - lots of "Hope you're well, sorry to bother you, hope this makes sense, please don't hesitate to ask me any questions" etc. It's a funny time at the moment, I don't want to add to anybody's anxiety or whatever.

Then 90% of the emails I get will be "Paddywhack, do this by the end of the day". No hello, no thank you.

It really annoys me, but I bet these people get more work done.

And why do call me Paddywhack and not Craig?

As chrisp said people are just wired differently. 

At work I cant be rude to anyone. I sound a bit like you. I’m always polite and not direct, in a way, even to the people who work for me. 

I know this hinders me. You don’t get on in my company, and many others, by being nice. You have to be a word removed to people. 

But I just can’t do it. And if I do do it it’s by accident and I feel awful for it!



Its the same outside of work too. I’ve been with a girl in the past who was one of these super moody people. If you did something wrong she’d ignore you and be angry for days. 

I just can’t do it. Even if I wanted to be like that to prove a point I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to do it. It just doesn’t make sense in my brain to be like that. 

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