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Christian Benteke


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Or (from his point of view) he could stay at Villa for 1 more year, put off the £2m a year payrise getting a horrible injury and miss the chance to 1) financially set himself up for life and 2) play in the BIG time.


Villa might also get relegated next year which isn't great on the CV.


If I was him, sorry to say it, but I'd leave if a CL team wanted me (and was paying CL wages).

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If we get a big fee and reinvest then sadly let him go, hes obviously a bit of a mercenary and let him go and see that the grass isnt always greener. You wont be first on the teamsheet, you will be dropped if you have a few off gaes and you will not start every game like you have here. Get someone who wants to be here which lambert has shown he can do.

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Can't we just compromise and sell him but loan him back for a season to help develop his game?


If we were to do this, how would you feel about it? Would you rather we just sold and moved on, or would you be happy to loan him back for a season?

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Can't we just compromise and sell him but loan him back for a season to help develop his game?


If we were to do this, how would you feel about it? Would you rather we just sold and moved on, or would you be happy to loan him back for a season?

Interesting option.


I doubt we'd keep him for more than a season anyway, so wouldn't bother me that much from that perspective.


I guess it comes down to his performance. If we did that and he was as good next season as he has been this season, you'd think we'd probably have gotten more for him if we'd kept him.

But if he had an average season next year, that value might come down, in which case we've cashed in.


Hard to say. If it's that or sell him outright then I'd probably go for it, given the choice

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Can't we just compromise and sell him but loan him back for a season to help develop his game?


If we were to do this, how would you feel about it? Would you rather we just sold and moved on, or would you be happy to loan him back for a season?


This would feel like a kick in the teeth. Benteke saying he's only willing to play for us temporarily but not stay with us properly.


I'd rather we did what 'Shilzz' said above, get the money in if he's not happy at AVFC and give Lambert a war chest to get us back in the top half.

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the glaringly obvious thing for me is this. we need a 20m spend on our defence/midfield this summer just to try and get into the top half next season.


and if we sell our main man, goalscorer and the player the whole team system is built around and we'll be even further in the shit. it's all very well getting 25-30m but Lerner wont spend that on a replacement striker will he ?, of course not. Lambert would be lucky to get 20m of that to buy ALL the players we need nevermind a replacement for Benteke,


it'll be yet another season of struggle, followed by another summer of selling off any half decent players ,,, this is what happens when you are seen as nothing more than selling club that rolls over and lets anyone leave


the only sensible thing Villa can do this summer is say NO. sorry Christian but you're not going anywhere, you've got a World Cup to get ready for next summer, get out there and do your job and we'll see where things stand after that


that said. i fully expect us to sell him, for less than we'd all want and for Lerner to think a 15m style total transfer fund to sort out a team of strugglers

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Can't we just compromise and sell him but loan him back for a season to help develop his game?

If we were to do this, how would you feel about it? Would you rather we just sold and moved on, or would you be happy to loan him back for a season?

This would feel like a kick in the teeth. Benteke saying he's only willing to play for us temporarily but not stay with us properly.

I'd rather we did what 'Shilzz' said above, get the money in if he's not happy at AVFC and give Lambert a war chest to get us back in the top half.

Lambert would still get a warchest if we sold him and loaned him back for a season. It would just mean that we have 1 better player in our team.

Which would surely push us higher up the table and then make us a better prospect for new signings next summer?

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the glaringly obvious thing for me is this. we need a 20m spend on our defence/midfield this summer just to try and get into the top half next season.

and if we sell our main man, goalscorer and the player the whole team system is built around and we'll be even further in the shit. it's all very well getting 25-30m but Lerner wont spend that on a replacement striker will he ?, of course not. Lambert would be lucky to get 20m of that to buy ALL the players we need nevermind a replacement for Benteke,

it'll be yet another season of struggle, followed by another summer of selling off any half decent players ,,, this is what happens when you are seen as nothing more than selling club that rolls over and lets anyone leave

the only sensible thing Villa can do this summer is say NO. sorry Christian but you're not going anywhere, you've got a World Cup to get ready for next summer, get out there and do your job and we'll see where things stand after that

that said. i fully expect us to sell him, for less than we'd all want and for Lerner to think a 15m style total transfer fund to sort out a team of strugglers

This whole post is on the assumption that Lerner wont give Lambert the money from the Benteke sale.

My opinion is that Lambert will get most of the money that he generates from player sales.

With the method of buying young players and developing them to keep OR sell, if you don't give money to Lambert to re-invest it, then you're just treading water.

It makes sense that this new vision is to either build a promising team, or to generate funds to continue to build a promising team. It will result in higher league finishes, which generates more money anyway.

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Ahhhh **** him! End the contact talks and sell him ASAP. He doesn't want to be here and didn't really want to be from day one.

I've read some silly things on this website before and this one is right up there.

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Ahhhh **** him! End the contact talks and sell him ASAP. He doesn't want to be here and didn't really want to be from day one.

I've Written some silly things on this website before and this one is right up there.



Edited  ;)

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I think a lot of people posting in this thread have read the newspaper stories and not the proper interview. He's really not said anything about wanting to leave at all. 


Yep - Please read before slagging him off.

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