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Christian Benteke


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Well, the good news I guess is that he's linked to so many clubs - Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City, Spurs and Liverpool have all been mentioned; there must be a massive crazy bid in amongst that lot somewhere surely?

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Well, the good news I guess is that he's linked to so many clubs - Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City, Spurs and Liverpool have all been mentioned; there must be a massive crazy bid in amongst that lot somewhere surely?

A bidding war would be nice.If he has been tapped up my money would be on Chelsea and Spurs ...Levy in particular is a devious git.See the way they signed a LB off United by arranging a deal with an overseas side to buy him only for Spurs to buy him 6 months later .

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People need to stop trotting out the "If Andy Carroll is worth £35m then such and such a player is worth £50m" line.

Andy Carroll was never worth £35m. It was an insane transaction. Do you really think Faulkner is going to be on the phone to Chelsea saying "Well, Liverpool paid £35m for Carroll, we want £40m for Benteke"?


Why is it irrelevant? They themselves paid 50M for Fernando Torres so I doubt they'd scoff at such a transaction.


Torres is one of the most successful players in football. He's won the World cup, European Championship, Champions League, Fa Cups, League Cups, Europa League... comparing him to Benteke or Carroll is a joke.



I wasn't comparing the players. My point was that Chelsea are no strangers to inflated prices, and that they're hardly ones to be haggling over prices.


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I must admit I expected better of him, so this is a shock for me - of course, that's a very silly thing to do, I shouldn't really be that surprised, should I?

Thanks for the good times Big Ben, certainly won't be forgetting him anytime soon.

Best memory - away at Swindon in the cup, cold night, Villa coasting at 2-0, only to somehow capitulate and blow the lead. In injury time after the 90, 2-2, Big Ben smashes the ball in to the net in front of the Villa. Went completely **** bananas. Felt good, man.

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PL should tell the board £30m min and hes not to be sold to another club in the league. I have faith that PL can findva suitable replacement given the time he's got to do it.

Shame but nobody is bigger than the club. Give it a year or two and it'll be Christian who???

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chelsea/srurs/man city/man u/ars are all in the hunt for a striker,lets have a bidding WAR.. man city & chelsea would pay over the odds as they need to back their new managers, we might get £40m if liverpools rodent is £40m.

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£30M for anybody interested but £40M if Spurs want to back up their arrogance. No new contract and stick him in the reserves and screw up his World Cup plans until he sees the light !


Sorted !

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No surprise - in hard analysis there was no reason to stay - he wasn't going to get mega bucks, and the very best he could expect next season was Villa being mid table.

Will be difficult to replace - and I wonder if Lambo might play gabby through the middle - he was looking good towards the end of last season - and would relish the challenge of filling CB'S Boots.


I always expected him to go - but I am looking at Lerner now - If, as I fear the bulk of the fee received isn't re invested I m struggling to see a way forward under him.

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PL should tell the board £30m min and hes not to be sold to another club in the league. I have faith that PL can findva suitable replacement given the time he's got to do it.

Shame but nobody is bigger than the club. Give it a year or two and it'll be Christian who???


Who do you think we could sell to outside the premier league? I think there's quite literally only Real Madrid who are a possibility. 

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for what its worth in my opinion we need to get rid quick and get a good price for him, i honestly think Villa should always be a selling club so we can evolve and always keep pushing forward and if that means selling our best player of last season at a big profit then lets do it. I think it would be naive of us to think that lambo hasn't anticipated this might happen and have had his scouts scowering the world for a suitable replacement. This time last year nto many people had heard of benteke so i feel confident lambert can find someone to replace him. I know any manager wants to keep his best players and its disruptive losing a player like benteke but lets be honest everybody is replacable (perhaps apart from Messi) man utd didn't suffer to dramatically when they lost Ronaldo. IMO the key to Villa being succesful is evolution by young sell on reinvest or even better bring through the system sell on. 
On getting rid we need to get a really good price for him as we as far as i know were the only ones to take a risk on him last season and £8 million is a big risk for us if it didn't work out. So on that basis we should want massive money for him along with the fact that he is a better player now than he was this time last year and if clubs want him at a cheap price they should turn the clock back a year and go and try and out bid us. I am hoping he gopes abroad but if he stays in this country anybody but spurs will do me, spurs are such an average club with one good (or excellent player) and a dick head of a chairman. I would happily say to chelsea 20 mill plus lukaku.

there we go thats my opinion keep evolving
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Well what a surprise.


I knew this word removed would be a mercenary right from the word go, you only had to see how he treated his last club.


I hope his move turns out to be a disaster for him, and that his scumbag agent dies in a plane crash.


Thanks for the goals Christian, now you can **** off.

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Well this sucks!

I hope we stick to our word and make sure we carry out any transfer in a way which will actually benefit Villa. Whether that be a player and some money or just money I don't know but, this is a vital part of our team here and we cannot afford to take a step back because of it...

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PL should tell the board £30m min and hes not to be sold to another club in the league. I have faith that PL can findva suitable replacement given the time he's got to do it.

Shame but nobody is bigger than the club. Give it a year or two and it'll be Christian who???


Who do you think we could sell to outside the premier league? I think there's quite literally only Real Madrid who are a possibility. 


Not at all, there are a couple of french teams who could take him, not to mention Milan.  If it has to be a club in England, then please let it not be spuds.

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Can't say I'm surprised, used us to get his name out there.


Oh well we move on.....


Expect the fee to be around £25m

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I think its a couple of things 1: his agent is clearly a clearing in the woods and 2: he is actually believing his own hype lets not forget the amount of games where he was quite frankly a passenger in . I'm gutted he wants to leave don't get me wrong but like many have said one man does NOT make a team . Get decent money for him and bring 3/4 new players in .

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Meh. Expected and not too bothered by this. 


If Villa can negotiate a good fee and reinvest in 2 or 3 good players the club would be in a better state. 


Realistically what would have been the alternative? Either him staying, scoring some goals and Villa finishing 8th-12th, thus his price being pretty much the same as now, or he could flop and his price would plummet. ~25m is the best Villa would get for him, whether it is this summer or next. What's important is reinvesting wisely. 

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I wonder if PL had a John Gregory/Dwight (spit) Yorke moment? I guess we will find out when he writes a book lol.


TBH I didn't expect anything other than this off him, he reeked of a player using Villa from the outset.


I just wonder will any club pay silly money for this mercenary? I hope they do as I never want to see him in a Villa shirt again, that said there are many players still at the club that I never want to see in our shirt again :-)

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God forbid he should pick up an injury next season or have poor form his price tag will be nearer what we paid for him


Mellowed on this a bit after sleeping on it 25 mill and he's yours


I do not want disloyal moneygrabbing scumbags like this at our club

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