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I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes

How in hell does it take people that long to dump? And I know it's fairly common too. People who bring a book/newspaper etc. Really and truly, I dunno. Perhaps you're going before you are actually ready to go? I'm more a 1.5 minutes man.

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I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes

How in hell does it take people that long to dump? And I know it's fairly common too. People who bring a book/newspaper etc. Really and truly, I dunno. Perhaps you're going before you are actually ready to go? I'm more a 1.5 minutes man.

Like i said further in my post mate, its the only time i get chance get stuck into whatever im reading. I have just finished 'Donnie Brasco', and it has been read cover to cover on the shitter, it has never left the bathroom.

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Why does it take roughly 10-12 hours for what I eat to come out as shit, but when I eat pea & ham soup it makes me fart like a trouper less than 60 minutes after?

Why did God create a world that required humans to do something as stupid and mundane as taking a shit? Nothing feels more of a necessary waste of time than going to the toilet to crap.

I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes peace and quiet in a morning! Its the only time i get chance to have a good go at whatever book im reading.

Not to mention it **** stinks.

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Why does it take roughly 10-12 hours for what I eat to come out as shit, but when I eat pea & ham soup it makes me fart like a trouper less than 60 minutes after?

Why did God create a world that required humans to do something as stupid and mundane as taking a shit? Nothing feels more of a necessary waste of time than going to the toilet to crap.

I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes peace and quiet in a morning! Its the only time i get chance to have a good go at whatever book im reading.

Not to mention it **** stinks.

Nah...you flush after you've shed the load!

Down there for dancing! 8)

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Why is it that every day I look at the clock on my work computer it allways says 11:11... happend when I was at college as well. It's like my mind knows it's 11:11 and reminds me to look at it!!

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what is a lapal??

Someone in the 'post something nice about the above poster' said it was a mytholgical creature, but I only know it as a place in Halesowen where I played football..

I was trying to think of something nice to say so I was forced to resort to fabrication. There is no such beast as lapal , unless it is somehow related to a narwhal.

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Why does it take roughly 10-12 hours for what I eat to come out as shit, but when I eat pea & ham soup it makes me fart like a trouper less than 60 minutes after?

Why did God create a world that required humans to do something as stupid and mundane as taking a shit? Nothing feels more of a necessary waste of time than going to the toilet to crap.

I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes peace and quiet in a morning! Its the only time i get chance to have a good go at whatever book im reading.

Not to mention it **** stinks.

Nah...you flush after you've shed the load!

Down there for dancing! 8)

It sits inside your body for a few hours....more if you're suffering from constipation.

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Why is it that every day I look at the clock on my work computer it allways says 11:11... happend when I was at college as well. It's like my mind knows it's 11:11 and reminds me to look at it!!
Strangely enough, I used to know a girl who was obsessed with the idea that she ALWAYS looked at her watch at 11:11.

I think we have the makings of a crap movie here.

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Why is it that every day I look at the clock on my work computer it allways says 11:11... happend when I was at college as well. It's like my mind knows it's 11:11 and reminds me to look at it!!
Strangely enough, I used to know a girl who was obsessed with the idea that she ALWAYS looked at her watch at 11:11.

I think we have the makings of a crap movie here.

You've got about 2 and a half months to make it.

Once you miss that deadline it wouldn't be worth releasing it

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Why does it take roughly 10-12 hours for what I eat to come out as shit, but when I eat pea & ham soup it makes me fart like a trouper less than 60 minutes after?

Why did God create a world that required humans to do something as stupid and mundane as taking a shit? Nothing feels more of a necessary waste of time than going to the toilet to crap.

I actually really enjoy my 15 minutes peace and quiet in a morning! Its the only time i get chance to have a good go at whatever book im reading.

Fifteen minutes? Fifteen **** minutes? Holy, er, crap Batman!

You ever thought of maybe the odd spoonful of Muesli or maybe bran flakes?

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Why I always turn out all the lights before I go to bed. Every bloody time. So I end up making my way from the sofa to the bedroom in complete darkness. I have bruises.

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Why I always turn out all the lights before I go to bed. Every bloody time. So I end up making my way from the sofa to the bedroom in complete darkness. I have bruises.
Don't you have two-way switches?

I do the same thing, but the last one to get switched off is the landing light immediately outside the bedroom.

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