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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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@Grealish_ · 3h3 hours ago

Again, fully fit just not picked. #AVFC


I personally don't think he should be talking about it on twitter even though it does give us a bit of an insight.....

That's not Jack though, I think it's his brother.


Ahh I see, well I'll happily take back everything I've said if he's struggling for fitness, an unfit youngster shouldn't be pushed until they're fully fit.

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who at 19 is clearly incapable of having any sort of noticeable effect on the game

Take the age out and that sentence could be said about the vast majority of our squad.
Correct but there isn't anything at all to say that jack deserves to be the one doing nothing on the field above anyone else.

Agree with O B E, needs to keep his head down.

And getting 1 point and 1 goal in 7 games means our senior players deserve it? All he can do is perform well in the youth games. That's what he's doing and in the last one was the stand out player of the game. How can he deserve to be there if he's not given a chance?

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I do not understand why anybody would want Grealish anywhere near the starting 11 right now.

This is the toughest, most physical league in the world with biggest names running around the pitch. The team we support is Aston Villa (L6, D1 out of the last 7). Do you really think a teenager who has proved NOTHING yet is capable of somehow transforming the rot? We need experiance, and as much as I do not rate Nzogbia, I would pick him over Grealish any day of the week.

If we are winning (sound like an unlikely situation) and are controlling the game, then we can think about putting him on.

I agree with you there, not in the starting 11...but not on the bench when the opposition is as tired as our tactics?.....makes very little sense.

Oh and he's proved that he's hungry, something many other players struggle to exhibit.

Why does it make little sense?

When has he proved that he's hungry? What constitutes hunger on a football field?

What makes little sense is why we have committed to 5 years on some youngster, who at 19 is clearly incapable of having any sort of noticeable effect on the game - which probably has an awful lot to do with the fact he's not in the squad.

Hunger, by signing with us and not waiting for a bigger club to sign him, plus clearly he's hungry otherwise he wouldn't be resorting to vocalising on social media but also being fine with loans to improve, he wants to play!

Not proved anything? Not long term, but he did prove that he has the desire to come forward, take and draw a foul as well as beating a man with his head up....unlike Nzog who proves he's great at drawing a tackle (not foul), not looking up and taking the ball too far.....

So on one hand we have the same tired tactics with the same under performing players and on the other you have 1 spot on the bench for a kid who has proved at a lower level that he's dynamic and desperate to impress and at the highest level that he's not scared of the physicality, plus shown loyalty to manager and club. Plus his style is different to many other players in the squad and can help unsettle the opposition late on.

You have no other youth players coming through (not that we've seen), and nobody in the club who plays wide naturally (apart from Richardson) but who has the dribbling to come inside, you have run out of ideas and spent the last 2 years struggling to bring through anyone who is dynamic (who isn't currently banned) and you have a track record of supporting players who simply aren't good enough....so are you ignoring a young talent because of personal opinion or because he's not good enough to be around the squad and gamble with when we are desperate.....

I'd guess at the former, I'm not arguing that he's good enough or not we simply don't know unless he gets Premiership minutes, but you can't argue that Lambert is tactically innovative with his players. Bennet wasn't good enough but got support others do too), Clarke is a waste of space (though fair play he had a good 10mins yesterday), NZog isn't the player he once was and almost never looks up, Weimann isn't a wide player and Gabby freezes too often when he beats a man.

My post is as much about the tactics as it is about the player, I still can't see a valid reason in our current predicament why he has been omitted from the squad after making a few of them and looking every bit as good/bad as other players.

Oh and we gave a kid with talent a low paying deal to retain future market value yet we gave a manager who has proved he is struggling a 4 year deal.

Good post.

Need to get ready to go out but I will reply properly when I get in.

I like you Woody! Most people ignore or berate my opinionated nonsense yet you're happy to entertain me and talk me through it. Have an emoticon :D ....are they still called that?

Have a good afternoon señor.

Thanks :)

Not nonsense at all, it's a very well balanced post and I actually have to hold my hands up and say that I have been quite narrow minded with my opinion that he is not in the squad because he isn't good enough.

I don't actually disagree with anything you've put other than I actually think that nzog has given us that bit of spark on occasions however, if I am 100% honest, it's so few n far between, it doesn't warrant a place in the starting line up.

The squad is performing woefully, which makes me question the talent of anyone who can not get in it, and whilst I don't rate lambert, it can't be that stupid, surely?

Perhaps I've been a tadge unfair on jack tho. I've seen very little of him and I will at least say this for him, he does look forward like you say, which is quite unique in that group of players.

There can't be any harm in him being on the bench and whilst he hasn't effected the games, he certainly hasn't hindered them.

Perhaps, he just needed bringing down a peg or two. His contract talks and choosing between Ireland/England talk all came at the same time. This seems to have coincided with him being dropped. Who knows what has gone on behind closed doors in the most recent chapters of the villa soap opera.

I just pray he's as good as a lot of ppl seem to think he is - and if he is - his time will come.

Appreciate your comments. I had a good afternoon destroying a mixed grill :)

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They're not going to throw him into a team that's struggling like ours and rightly so. Ludicrous to expect him to turn things around. This isn't Football Manager.


Sometimes you have to protect young talent like that, not throw em into a match where we're being pumped, get the shit kicked out of him then booed off the pitch with the rest of the team.

I trust Keano, Lambert and Cowans to make the right decision.

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Who expects him to turn things round on his own? And what's football manager got to do with it?

I'd like him to be given a chance and to be given the opportunity to develop by playing first team football. Not sure why that's ludicrous.

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They're not going to throw him into a team that's struggling like ours and rightly so. Ludicrous to expect him to turn things around. This isn't Football Manager.


Sometimes you have to protect young talent like that, not throw em into a match where we're being pumped, get the shit kicked out of him then booed off the pitch with the rest of the team.

I trust Keano, Lambert and Cowans to make the right decision.


I really don't.


I trust them or rather Lamber to make the wrong decision over and over again.

As he has proved with his persistance in playing a team and tactic that just isn't working and that we don't have the players for.

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Who expects him to turn things round on his own? And what's football manager got to do with it?

I'd like him to be given a chance and to be given the opportunity to develop by playing first team football. Not sure why that's ludicrous.

I'm going to use my own experience of coaching and playing sport as a comparison.

I once played rugby at a decent level and went on tour where I played International players and Heineken Cup finalists, I was a boy who had smashed his way through youth competitions with ease but jesus did I get a learning experience playing against those guys. I couldn't compete in the same way, scoring for fun that is, though I did do pretty damn well despite it being a level that was way above my current experience. I learnt a lot from those games and mostly that I had a long way to go if I wanted to repeat my successes at a high level, I think all young players need to be thrown in at the deep end especially if they come with the tag talent'. It not only grounds them but it lets them realise how much further they need to go to be competitive, this is why I was happy Grealish played against Man City, he got the lesson he needed, he's miles away and these boys show you how hard you have to work to get to the top.

I actually think a good way to develop someone with talent is to play them in tough games (if it's not going to cost you), then sit them down and ask what they thought about it, what they struggled with and then give them some advice about their own development.

A few weeks ago I posted in the forum that Grealish needs to get minutes and chances to make mistakes, as a player who plays with the ball close to feet he needs to learn to read top players defensive tactics and that's going to cause him to get tackled a lot, but we shouldn't complain and he should be supported because he plays going forward and those guys always lose the ball.

Then there's mastering decision making, it's fine beating a man but what do you do then? Beat another or consider the pass? In Grealish's first game I noticed he was trying to beat the man, then in the second he was looking up and trying to make good choices, I remember one good choice pass to Bent even though he was well within his rights to dribble in the box.

Without minutes against some of the best organised defences/players his opportunity to reflect is diminished, and it's important he gets that experience. I feel many British managers are scared to see their kids make mistakes yet it's a lot harder for a 20-24 year old with established reputation to do something wrong and not take flack/be dropped. As I said before foreign stars are given 6-12 months to settle, yet in England we rarely see a manger back a youth player to develop.

It's so different in recent World Cup winning Spain and Germany.

Top post.

For me he is clearly too good to be playing youth football. Without the existence of a proper reserve league, he needs to learn how to play against men and you only do that by being given a chance or sent on loan again.

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Lambert is fighting for wins, he can't afford to take chances at the moment.

And continually going with the attacking options that have managed the sum total of one goal in seven games is naturally devoid of risk.

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