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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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I'd definitely recommend it, with the caveat that the first couple of episodes are a little weak, while they're setting things up.

It switches from absolute hilarity to despair, then back again in a way that I've not really seen in another show.

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On July 29, 2016 at 13:53, StefanAVFC said:

I keep rewatching Rick and Morty.

Rarely is a cartoon so consistantly funny and clever throughout an episode. I've never laughed out loud as much as I do when I watch R+M, even now after multiple viewings.

I've just started watching it. It's so weird... But at the same time have to keep watching 

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13 hours ago, NoelVilla said:

Anybody watching Scorpion? Sometimes it's extremely good and sometimes very bad. No in-between it seems. A cracking episode on right now though.

I watched up until the middle of season two season as it just got stupid.

Paige was the only reason I watched it that far. 


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Vice Principals is great, its just like a continuation of Eastbound and Down. Not quite as good but i'll take it.

I'm up to date with Mr Robot season 2 now as well. Still enjoying it but it feels like something still hasn't clicked yet and it hasn't reach the heights of the first season yet.

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Braindead, don't think I've seen it mentioned yet but it's very good. It features a very sultry Mary Elizabeth Winstead as a political aide in congress as it is taken over by alien brain eating bugs. If you aren't hooked by now I don't know what's wrong with you.


Watched the first season of Bojack Horseman over the weekend, not on the level of Archer/Rick and Morty but still thoroughly enjoyable.

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I've not watched Rick and Morty, but I'm that big a fan of Archer. Lots of catch phrases, and unlikable, unrelatable characters. Bojack's an arse, but he's human (well...not exactly), Archer's just a teenager's wet dream. 

I'll watch Archer, it's decent background TV when I don't pay much attention, Bojack is fantastic though, IMO. It does go a bit deeper in season 2, and season 3 is superb. 

For me, Bojack is a tragic story of a man who has almost everything, and could have had it all, but hates himself and drives away everyone who's ever cared about him, every time he thinks he's got his life together, he somehow **** it up. It probably resonates with me because that seems like my life. Apart from being a TV star.

Archer is some dickheads doing some stupid shit, and it working out alright anyway.

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9 hours ago, villa4europe said:

making a murderer fans - 

brendan dassey has had his conviction overturned, released within 90 days, had his 5th and 14th amendment violated when they interviewed him without his parents

God I hope there's some punishment for the police and lawyers who put him in jail. 

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Well, channel 5's footie show aren't going to worry motd are they. Jeez. 2 minutes if that, literally Cissokhos shot, a Gestede miss then the goals. A bit about Tony then that's that. What an awful show. About 3 minutes including 'analysis' lol.

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