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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Just now, The_Rev said:

Re: Chernobyl. I was 7 when it happened, I think either it or the space shuttle exploding are the first significant newsworthy event I can recall being aware of at the time. 1986 was definitely the year I woke up culturally (Merseyside derby cup final, Diego Maradona, pretty much all the number one records) and Chernobyl was a big part of that. It's always held a fascination for me and presumably for most people who can remember it being on the news, the acid rain scare stories, Gorbachev being so famous even primary school kids would recognise him and nuclear just being a scary word. If you missed all that, say if you are under 35 then does it carry a similar mystique or are you just buying into a cool TV show?

It's not really something that had really caught my attention before. I knew of it, but it was all over as an event by the time I had any interest in current events, and as a country we hardly seem to pay any attention to eastern Europe at all. I literally knew nothing about it other than "nuclear disaster".

To be honest, until I watched the show, I didn't even know when it happened.

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Going OT that world news event for me would be the Berlin wall, my mom being born in Germany and having visited Berlin made me watch it, didn't understand it (I was 5) but she kind of drilled the significance of it in to me

Think I know more about Chernobyl because of the ghost town (in a similar way that I didn't really know despite watching it at the time just how bad the fukushima disaster was) than memory of the event itself 

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As a 33 year old it escaped me, I was always aware of it in the background, I'd see a reference to it and think, 'oh blimey, that was close, how fascinating' and think nothing much of it. I don't really remember the Berlin wall. I'd probably say I wasn't really conscious of anything political until the 1997 general election, when I was 11 and then obviously 9/11 being the generational cataclysm. 


It's weird, as I've always been so fascinated and gripped by other historical events from the distant past, and obviously the world wars, but Chernobyl was just a historical footnote to me for so long. My sister was only 2 when 9/11 happened, so that and 7/7 are just cold facts to her I think. 

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For me it's something I read about a few times off my own back so I knew a bit about it. Definitely don't remember it happening (I was only about 6 months old)

To be honest I think it would be a better show the LESS you knew about it.

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1 hour ago, The_Rev said:

Re: Chernobyl. I was 7 when it happened, I think either it or the space shuttle exploding are the first significant newsworthy event I can recall being aware of at the time. 1986 was definitely the year I woke up culturally (Merseyside derby cup final, Diego Maradona, pretty much all the number one records) and Chernobyl was a big part of that. It's always held a fascination for me and presumably for most people who can remember it being on the news, the acid rain scare stories, Gorbachev being so famous even primary school kids would recognise him and nuclear just being a scary word. If you missed all that, say if you are under 35 then does it carry a similar mystique or are you just buying into a cool TV show?

Good question.

I'm another born around the time, Aug 86.

I've had a long held interest in the dark and unusual, including disasters and oddities from human history. I suppose if I were to pick a favourite it would be Tunguska, but Chernobyl is right up there. The idea of the 'Elephant's Foot' in particular really struck a chord, just how close to a much greater trauma it could have been to the Ukraine /  Russia / the Earth. I think they captured that feeling pretty well. 

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4 hours ago, The_Rev said:

Re: Chernobyl. I was 7 when it happened, I think either it or the space shuttle exploding are the first significant newsworthy event I can recall being aware of at the time. 1986 was definitely the year I woke up culturally (Merseyside derby cup final, Diego Maradona, pretty much all the number one records) and Chernobyl was a big part of that. It's always held a fascination for me and presumably for most people who can remember it being on the news, the acid rain scare stories, Gorbachev being so famous even primary school kids would recognise him and nuclear just being a scary word. If you missed all that, say if you are under 35 then does it carry a similar mystique or are you just buying into a cool TV show?

I must be pretty much the same age and yes, I remember it. 

I remember my Dad going on about the ‘bloody Commies’ whilst watching the news reports. 


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Earliest 'big thing' I remember is the JFK assassination, when I was nine. First moon landing when I was fifteen. By Chernobyl I was 31 and married, a year before becoming a dad. 

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What We Do In The Shadows


Disappointingly dull. 

To be fair I was in the minority that wasn’t totally enamoured with the film. It was funny, but I didn’t find it as good as a lot of people. 


Two episodes into the tv show and it’s doing nothing for me. I’ve laughed like once

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

What We Do In The Shadows


Disappointingly dull. 

To be fair I was in the minority that wasn’t totally enamoured with the film. It was funny, but I didn’t find it as good as a lot of people. 


Two episodes into the tv show and it’s doing nothing for me. I’ve laughed like once

Finished it tonight. Easily the best comedy I've seen for a few years. Brilliantly written (no surprise given the talent involved) and had me in bits throughout. Clever as **** with some superb references to a myriad of horror movies old and new. **** loved it.

Different strokes eh? 🙂

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4/6 of the way through watching Years and Years now, and immediately switching to the current 10 o'clock news is alarmingly seamless.   :(

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What we do in the shadows.

I wasn’t as in love with the film as most on here, I didn’t mind it, but it’s not a patch on Flight of the Conchords.

As such I didn’t give the series much attention but the episodes I saw were pretty good. The episode with the trial was very funny, and in one of the latter episodes I found myself properly laughing out loud to the exchange between Matt Berry’s character and his wife’s slave (for want of a better term) - Matt Berry’s simple reply of


“I was a cat.”

had me creasing.

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11 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

Catch 22, decent enough start.

This is one of my favourite books. After Good Omens, I'm reluctant to watch this, it seems it can only lead to disappointment.

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10 hours ago, Designer1 said:

Finished it tonight. Easily the best comedy I've seen for a few years. Brilliantly written (no surprise given the talent involved) and had me in bits throughout. Clever as **** with some superb references to a myriad of horror movies old and new. **** loved it.

Different strokes eh? 🙂


I'll probably give the rest of the series a chance.

To me it was just dull, and some of the "comedy" was really cringe. Nothing happened.

Matt Berry was the best bit. The only bits that made me laugh were his reactions to some things. Oh and the energy vampire guy, he's quite amusing.

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I only watched the first episode of it, but the energy vampire gag was the only thing I found funny. The rest was just «yeah, I get it, but I’m still not laughing». 

This surprised me, as I genuinely thought it would be good. 

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Speaking of Matt Berry, enjoyed the first episode of The Year of the Rabbit. I'll need to watch a few more to give a definitive opinion but it looks good on first impression.

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10 minutes ago, Michelsen said:

I only watched the first episode of it, but the energy vampire gag was the only thing I found funny. The rest was just «yeah, I get it, but I’m still not laughing». 

Yeah that nicely sums it up for me.

I get the jokes but they're not actually that funny.


9 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:


I wasn’t as in love with the film as most on here, I didn’t mind it, but it’s not a patch on Flight of the Conchords.


Yeah from what I've seen so far it's not even in the same ball park as FOTC.

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