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That's just a crapper version of


"Saw a fat singer with a laptop the other day. It was a Dell"




You shouldn't take the piss out of Adele she is actually really clever, apparently she is great at maths...well I heard she loves pi anyway

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My first ever contribution; apologies if it "bin dunne", and apologies if it's crap...


Bruce, a big boxing fan, yet camp as a row of tents, walks into a tattoo parlour, and asks the artist for a picture of Mike Tyson to be tattooed to his left buttock. Several hours later Bruce checks his new cheek in the mirror. Suitably impressed, he then asks for Evander Holyfield’s likeness on his right buttock. A few more hours later, and proudly sporting his new ink, he arrives home to his “life partner” Cyril. Bruce disrobes, to show off his new additions, and to his surprise, Cyril bursts into tears. Confused, Bruce tries to console his boyfriend, but Cyril is distraught. Finally, regaining some composure, Cyril declares their relationship over. Bruce asks what the problem is. To which Cyril replies, “You’ve got Mike Tyson on your left cheek.”, “Yeah” says Bruce. “And you’ve got Evander Holyfield on your right cheek”, adds Cyril. “Yeah”, says Bruce. Cyril says “Well there’s no way I’m getting in the ring between those two!”  

Edited by PriceyDownunder
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farking nicked. 


edit, should probably add a joke in whilst I'm here. 



A dyslexic man walks into a bra. 


What does DNA stand for? 

National Dyslexic Association. 



Sorry, I'll leave the dyslexics alone now. 

Edited by Rodders
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Was looking over reddit and found these..

A woman was in a coma. She had been in it for months. Nurses were in her room giving her a sponge bath. One of them was washing her private area and noticed that there was a slight response on the monitor when she touched her.

They tried it again and sure enough there was definite movement. They went to her husband and explained what happened, telling him, "As crazy as this sounds, maybe a little oral sex will do the trick and bring her out of the coma."

The husband was skeptical, but they assured him that they'd close the curtains for privacy. The husband finally agreed and went into his wife's room.

After a few minutes the woman's monitor flat lined, no pulse, no heart rate. The nurses run back into the room. "What happened!?" they cried. The husband said, "I'm not sure - I think maybe she choked."

I saw a poor old lady fall over on the ice today, atleast i think she was poor she only had a quid in her wallet

Two really hot women are walking down the street when a man who suffers from premature ejaculation comes out of nowhere...

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<drat mode>


Just read in the local paper that the thief who's been stealing tee shirts in order of size is still at large.


</drat mode>

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