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I enjoyed it and it had some lol moments. I'm a firm believer in the mantra that "it's very easy to switch it off if you don't like it". Despite knowing pretty much what I'm going to get every week, I still enjoy it and make a point of never missing it. Some episodes are better than others naturally, but it's still better than the vast majority of what's on TV and that's good enough for me.

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I agree. But I would say that the most interesting part of the hillchase was actually the times that they'd done it in (dunno if they were real or not but seemed reasonable)


Similarly the supermarket. it was funny, but I'd have been just as interested to see what times they could actually do on a course like that

Yeah pretty much my thoughts. The scripted stuff is usually just silly and there for easy laughs. It used to be much more subtle about it.


Still, I'll ignore the crap jokes and their tendencies to put cars on their side off camera because it's still a pretty good show.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Top gear was brilliant tonight, the cycling segment was very funny. 'Work harder ... Get a car' was brilliant.  :D


That was very funny indeed.  Even my 8 year old daughter was laughing.  (Well I say 'even', but that's probably the level they pitch it at!)

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It fell completely flat for me. I laughed at the first joke, but then they seemed to repeat the exact same joke for ten minutes. It can't just be me who felt that, surely?

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TG is never really funny and all the Moe, Larry and Curly antics are seldom anything more than lame.


Clarkson's similes can be quite good. 


All the screaming in cars is about as believable as a porn star's orgasmic histrionics.


I hate the 'star in a reasonably priced car' thing because it is just a filler, which is someone I've never heard of plugging their latest crap.


Its at its best when it is subtly being patriotic in an ironic way and the way it celebrates the stuff which man can produce, whether it is cars, fabulous roads or bridges.


Its greatest moments are when it acknowledges sentiments we might not like to admit to, in such an ironic way that they are always deniable.


This makes it a truly British institution.

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I hate the 'star in a reasonably priced car' thing because it is just a filler, which is someone I've never heard of plugging their latest crap.


To be fair, their Star is usually a pretty big name these days.

Aaron Paul isn't some Towie reject. He's one of the biggest actors in the world right now.


If you haven't heard of the kind of people who appear on Top Gear then I think that says more about you than the show.

As for the plugging. yeah that's annoying, but that is the same with every chat show in the world these days.

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I hate the 'star in a reasonably priced car' thing because it is just a filler, which is someone I've never heard of plugging their latest crap.


To be fair, their Star is usually a pretty big name these days.

Aaron Paul isn't some Towie reject. He's one of the biggest actors in the world right now.


If you haven't heard of the kind of people who appear on Top Gear then I think that says more about you than the show.

As for the plugging. yeah that's annoying, but that is the same with every chat show in the world these days.



I wouldn't deny that.


Edit: P.S. I had to look up Towie.  :D

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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When you first came to the forum with your fancy words I worried you might turn out to be a little pompous MV. The more you write the more I like you.

So no need to worry, I won't add you to the line up against the wall when the revolution comes. Scouts honour.

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As has been said before, the whole fanboyism thing that Hammond has for Porsche does ruin what should be an independant review.


I thought Jeremy was harsh on BMW, knowing what happens inside a motoring organisation when things go a bit wrong in the hands of the press I bet there are some serious meetings happening in Munich today.


What I really hate is 'the news'. The whole thing, every single word, joke, comment is very clearly scripted and its cringe worthy to watch as they try to pass it off as idle chit chat.


Overall though, enjoyed it.

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