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Jeremy picked up on a criminally bad design of rear boot but did let Jag off by not exposing an even bigger issue with it. 
The wheel you saw in the boot was a spare saver skinny wheel, when you get a puncture in your full size wheel and fit the space saver then the punctured full size won't fit in the boot. One of the most idiotic things I've ever known in car design.
The bus segment was just bizarre wasn't it, talk about shoe horning something in, do the BBC own shares in the bus company or something?
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I'm not sure why anybody would choose the F-Type over a Porsche or a 'vette, apart from happening to like the way it looks or loyalty to Jag... it's smoked on just about every spec.

Edited by leviramsey
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I'm not sure why anybody would choose the F-Type over a Porsche or a 'vette, apart from happening to like the way it looks or loyalty to Jag... it's smoked on just about every spec.

Pretty much.


And if you're comparing it to a "'vette" that's going to be the case the majority of the time.

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Jeremy picked up on a criminally bad design of rear boot but did let Jag off by not exposing an even bigger issue with it. 
The wheel you saw in the boot was a spare saver skinny wheel, when you get a puncture in your full size wheel and fit the space saver then the punctured full size won't fit in the boot. One of the most idiotic things I've ever known in car design.


My car has the same problem, I was going to buy a full sized spare wheel, until I had a puncture one day, fitted the skinny space saver spare and went to put my proper sized rim in the well, only to find the well isn't deep enough for the tyre to fit in, so it has to sit in the boot, hope I never get a puncture with anything approaching a fully loaded boot. I don't think my car and the Jag would be the only ones with this problem either.

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I'm not sure why anybody would choose the F-Type over a Porsche or a 'vette, apart from happening to like the way it looks or loyalty to Jag... it's smoked on just about every spec.

Pretty much.


And if you're comparing it to a "'vette" that's going to be the case the majority of the time.

As a Porsche driver, one of the reasons I'm looking at the F-Type is the V8 engine, and accompanying sound. Having said that the PSE (sports exhaust) does sound good, but there's something about a V8...

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I'm not sure why anybody would choose the F-Type over a Porsche or a 'vette, apart from happening to like the way it looks or loyalty to Jag... it's smoked on just about every spec.



Like a lot of things, it's about the badge.   There is also an element of snobbery too I think, German cars are widely seen as excellent but everybody else has got one so you would by a Jag to be different.   American sports cars are deemed (in my experience anyway) to be crude, ugly and unable to go around corners.   I'm not sure how true it is, but it's certainly an attitude.  

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Jeremy picked up on a criminally bad design of rear boot but did let Jag off by not exposing an even bigger issue with it. 
The wheel you saw in the boot was a spare saver skinny wheel, when you get a puncture in your full size wheel and fit the space saver then the punctured full size won't fit in the boot. One of the most idiotic things I've ever known in car design.
The bus segment was just bizarre wasn't it, talk about shoe horning something in, do the BBC own shares in the bus company or something?



I don't have any spare tyre at all in mine, I just have that expanding foam stuff that you're supposed to spray inside, in the event of a flat tyre.  My boot's pretty big, but I think if it had a spare tyre in there it would take up a fair bit of space.

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Apart from maybe the first episode, I thought this last one was their best. Probably a tie. James made me laugh a lot, from the opening credits where "James explains his perfect night in" cut to James talking about "sputum and other bodily excretions" to his "Can't find the head" contribution to the justification of closing the motorways (I laughed out loud for a while at that one). His 'cocking Norah' outburst amongst others as he whacked a tree in his bus. The bus piece was fairly good itself too. And the ending was brilliant. No harm to have an unashamadely pro-British piece championing your industry and it was a nice and apt way to end the series.

Even if the Beeb made a cock-up with their follow-up programme (on how Germany amongst others now owns the whole British motor industry) but that's for another discussion.

Basically I thoroughly enjoyed the series finale :)

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I liked the show  , the bus segment was quite twee , but it was May after all so it was a non sickening twee


the McLaren building is less than quarter of a mile from me and I pass it every morning on the school run  so I was hoping to catch a glimpse of myself in the segment of their  cars coming out of their building but alas , no fame for me


shows around the world that show a British based motoring show  ... everywhere on the planet except France :)


If Boris was PM , we should definitely find a place for Clarkson in his cabinet to complete the bonkers but brilliant Britain image

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  • 3 months later...

The Christmas special will be broadcast on the 28th December this year (great b'day treat for me) and was filmed in Myanmar and Thailand No other details yet

Edited by Jimzk5
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  • 1 month later...

Did they show a trailer on TV in the week for this weeks show because id seen that little sketch during the news about a ready meal out the window already ... And if there was no trailer then there is something seriously wrong with the Matrix !!

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