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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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21 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I know everybody has already said this, but it bears repeating that he voted for the Withdrawal Agreement, and he approved of the government's tactics to reduce time for scrutiny at the time it was passed, so he has absolutely no leg to stand on.


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So genuine questions that I hope doesn’t turn into jumping on any responder.

Are there still people who believe in Brexit based on what they are seeing now or is it white noise? And you believe what you voted for at the time? 

I have some colleagues say that they still believe in it we are just doing it wrong. This is the reality of it. 

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5 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

It's truly fascinating. They are flat out liars, directly in people's faces, even when the evidence of the contrary is written and recorded.

**** IDS. 

Sidenote really, but Faiza Shaheen's close loss to IDS was the second most devastating result of the evening in December. Only the disaster in Kensington was worse. Shaheen would have been about a billion times better as a representative than this old fool. All I can do is hope that the scriptwriters have a comeback story planned for the next act.

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Another border to take control of:



The Department for Transport is consulting on a series of measures as part of Operation Brock contingency planning for possible disruption to cross-Channel trade when the Brexit transition period ends on December 31.

It is proposing to require hauliers driving to the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel, Folkestone to be in possession of a Kent Access Permit (KAP).

Chris Yarsley, policy manager for road infrastructure at trade association Logistics UK, said: “It is disappointing to see that the Government is expecting significant friction at the border with the EU, after the logistics industry had been given previous reassurances that friction would be minimised.

“Our members are dismayed that the onus for compliance will be placed on drivers themselves, leaving them personally liable for a fine if they do not comply with the new rules.

The current proposals create an internal UK border by introducing Kent Access Permits, adding more red tape to the work which hauliers will be obliged to comply with.”


At least the schadenfreude industry is going to get a massive boost as a result of all this incompetence. 

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On 04/08/2020 at 11:44, chrisp65 said:

I can’t speak for others.

For me personally, I was open to the idea of leaving the EU, I wasn’t ideologically committed to remaining. But I could see that the way the sides were dividing up, all the people on the Brexit side were profiteers, snake oil salesmen and racists. So I voted remain, as a vote against them being in charge.

But they won. The people got what they voted for, profiteers, spivs, snake oil salesmen and racists. Essentially, the nasty party.

I’m sure that pretty much everyone that voted leave probably thinks leave is still the right thing to do and if only their easy version of leave had been implemented we wouldn’t be in this silly confuddle.

To be honest, I’d suggest there’s a decent slice of the leave voters wouldn’t be watching the news close enough to work out that leaving and having a problem with the EU, and a problem with China is any sort of cloud on the horizon. It won’t be an issue until they personally have actual real issues with not being able to do whatever their thing is. Be that going to Shankly’s Bar in Magaluf, or eating large quantities of cod, or being employed in the steel / car / banking services / agricultural sector.

As a minimum, there are 52% of the population that won’t give a shit until it impacts them directly. Then it will be someone else’s fault and for someone else to bloody well sort out.


As I've said in sadly too many other threads recently, people are selfish.

People don't care how it affects other people. They care about how it affects them. Like you said they won't care until their holiday to to the Costa del Sol is £50 more expensive. And then they'll blame the EU/Remainers

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There's a lot of shitty parents in this country. 

Allowing the treacherous, roubled up Tory filth and the traitors Banks and Farage (again roubled up) to take away services and protections enjoyed by ourselves and our parents.

Drifting into crisis and the end of the Union, whilst the hedge funds clean up and the likes of Rees Mogg move hundreds of millions to tax havens.

Your children and grandchildren will know it happened on your watch.

They will inherit the wreckage from the small minded delusion of this generation.


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14 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

As I've said in sadly too many other threads recently, people are selfish.

People don't care how it affects other people. They care about how it affects them. Like you said they won't care until their holiday to to the Costa del Sol is £50 more expensive. And then they'll blame the EU/Remainers

That fundamental change in the psychology of so many British people was begun in Thatchers Tory Party of the eighties.. It was insidious and calculated. I’m old enough to remember a time when British people were not quite so self centred and downright nasty. I have to hope that as time passes, the next generation start to turn this ship around.

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3 hours ago, Xann said:

There's a lot of shitty parents in this country. 

Allowing the treacherous, roubled up Tory filth and the traitors Banks and Farage (again roubled up) to take away services and protections enjoyed by ourselves and our parents.

Drifting into crisis and the end of the Union, whilst the hedge funds clean up and the likes of Rees Mogg move hundreds of millions to tax havens.

Your children and grandchildren will know it happened on your watch.

They will inherit the wreckage from the small minded delusion of this generation.


You seem to have misspelt dollar.


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16 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

You seem to have misspelt dollar.

Diverse bribe portfolio.


Mogg's Moscow Millions: Brexiteer's firm has poured a fortune into a string of Russian companies with links to the Kremlin but has invested next to nothing in Britain


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On 21/07/2020 at 17:39, OutByEaster? said:

Add in that the papers will report the "failing NHS" and trumpet those healthcare providers that they're pally with and you have a recipe for healthy returns for investors.


A small example of the sort of thing we will need to get used to.

My mother in law was an American. She died of cancer. It took 2 years of treatment before she passed away and with her life she lost her family home and everything she owned. Her husband was evicted on behalf of the insurers within a year of her death. She had decent insurance too, but cancer = bankruptcy for almost any normal person if you are unfortunate enough to survive for long enough regardless of insurance.

If we go down this route I'm moving to Scotland and voting for independence.


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8 minutes ago, Straggler said:

A small example of the sort of thing we will need to get used to.

My mother in law was an American. She died of cancer. It took 2 years of treatment before she passed away and with her life she lost her family home and everything she owned. Her husband was evicted on behalf of the insurers within a year of her death. She had decent insurance too, but cancer = bankruptcy for almost any normal person if you are unfortunate enough to survive for long enough regardless of insurance.

If we go down this route I'm moving to Scotland and voting for independence.


How much did it actually cost to develop? How many people were involved in the development, and how long did it take to develop ?

As usual someone on Twitter with absolutely no idea spouts some bollocks. But hey, it fits the narative so it's all good.


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54 minutes ago, welnik said:

How much did it actually cost to develop? How many people were involved in the development, and how long did it take to develop ?

As usual someone on Twitter with absolutely no idea spouts some bollocks. But hey, it fits the narative so it's all good.


Absolutely no need for this level of aggression, considering the very open, honest and emotional nature of Straggler's post. 

Edited by StefanAVFC
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10 minutes ago, welnik said:

How much did it actually cost to develop? How many people were involved in the development, and how long did it take to develop ?

As usual someone on Twitter with absolutely no idea spouts some bollocks. But hey, it fits the narative so it's all good.


I'm not sure it is the person on twitter spouting bollocks. The drug would never have been developed if the tax payer hadn't chucked in 10's of millions to make it happen. It's not a secret how it was developed and what it costs to produce. It's also standard operating procedure for big pharma to gouge the crap out of the American public so I'm not really sure why you feel the need to jump to their defence. Also are you just assuming bloke on Twitter is wrong?

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52 minutes ago, welnik said:

How much did it actually cost to develop? How many people were involved in the development, and how long did it take to develop ?

As usual someone on Twitter with absolutely no idea spouts some bollocks. But hey, it fits the narative so it's all good.


Whilst I'm no fan of twitter  , what you can do is use it to easily validate the info people put out there  ( though 99% of people appear not to) 

It is easy enough to find via google  , academics have come up with a $9 treatment cost / $1 a day  , factoring in a 10% markup for the companies  .. as a business you might argue 10% is too low and Gilead also dispute the figures , but in general the figures have some merit


The FT have a useful article on it

Remdesivir, an antiviral initially devised by Gilead Sciences for Ebola that is in several Covid-19 trials, could be mass produced for $9 per treatment course, according to the paper in the Journal of Virus Eradication.

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On 04/08/2020 at 10:28, Nicho said:

So genuine questions that I hope doesn’t turn into jumping on any responder.

Are there still people who believe in Brexit based on what they are seeing now or is it white noise? And you believe what you voted for at the time? 

I have some colleagues say that they still believe in it we are just doing it wrong. This is the reality of it. 

This sort of question has been done many a time, it never ends well, ... Xaan's post showed why , you can't debate with that , a post like that doesn't want to be engaged with or given any counter arguments   , so in my head I think of this

season 13 GIF

and move on to the next post  ( no offence intended , I mean it with light hearted  jest )

Where @chrisp65 says  "For me personally, I was open to the idea of leaving the EU, I wasn’t ideologically committed to remaining "    , that works as a statement that I'd imagine many could agree with , that's probably as good an answer as any .


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