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Paul Lambert


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Good luck Paul.

Is it just me or does it feel like a break up with a girl you're still fond of, but just not in love with anymore? I think it's best we see other people.


Yep - absolutely. No ill will from me there but it just wasn't working out.

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When he joined i thought we were in for attacking, fast, incisive football but it never materialised. I thin that wad partly due to the quality of the squad and the budgetary restrictions paced on him but he's had more than enough time to get that to happen for him.

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I have a personal rule that I'll never cheer a man losing his job (bar certain, extreme exceptions) but my feeling is strongly one of relief. Yes he tried hard. Yes he brought some decent players into the club. Yes he seems like he's basically a nice bloke. But being an Aston Villa fan has been humiliating for too long, and this season was a massive bridge too far. We weren't just losing, we don't even score a goal every two games. For the feelings of embarrassment he gave me, I can't feel particularly sad for him, though I have no problem wishing him well in the future. 


Anyway, we're here on VillaTalk, not LambertTalk, so onwards and upwards!

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When I heard he had been sacked, I was driving. I celebrated like we'd scored a goal (an alien concept to many of you, I know).

It's not personal, Paul seems like a thoroughly nice chap and he's endured some crap over his unsuccessful tenure but ultimately it couldn't go on. It is the right decision.

Like many departing Villa managers he will probably need a year off to become normal again and start looking for work. When he's back, I wish him luck,but don't see him managing in the PL again unless he gets another Championship team promoted.

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He was dealt a bad hand in the transfer market but ulitmatley it was his team  and his style of players which he couldnt get the best out of.


He was also the 3rd longest serving manager in the league before his departure which showed we probably gave him more time than most clubs would have.


I would give thanks for keeping us up last two seasons.

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Whilst I am glad he has gone, i did feel a touch of sadness when I heard the news as it means our club is failing again. My thoughts about him and his tenure have changed numerous times during his stay. When he joined I thought he would do well, then by the first Christmas/January I thought he had to go, before a strongish end to the season made me give him another chance. The tail end of last season I finally settled in the needs to go camp. At that point we had stopped scoring goals, and had numerous cup exits to lower league teams. I can handle the odd upset every now and then, but this was happening too regularly for my liking.


I kind of feared the worst for him after the Arsenal defeat as the interview I saw on the tv was really garbled, and you could hear in his voice that he was struggling with the pressure. I think it is best alround that this decision has been made, and hope he gets himself sorted and comes back stronger for it as he generally comes across as a nice guy.

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Find it pretty amazing how many people think Lener would axe him now, it just isnt happening this season whatever happens from here on in.

He will be gone if we lose

He is gone we lost

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Like others have said, he comes across as a genuinely decent man.  I loved how apparently proud he was on being Aston Villas manager, after DOL, MON, GH & McL - who I felt like they didn't respect the club, he was a breath of fresh air.


I ultimately think there is a decent manager in there somewhere, maybe if he'd have been able to come in, work without all the background politics like Faulkner, the bomb squad, players with power, cutting the wage bill and bought his own players in, then he'd have done fine I'm sure.


As it was, towards the end (or definitely the last 10-15 games) it looks like the squad had lost him and he was unable to pull it around.


I think he'll go on to have a decent career, but it was definitely the right time to part ways with him at Villa.


I thank him for the good things he has done (new contracts to key players, cut the wage bill whilst keeping us up etc), but I also think he could and should have done much better with the squad he's assembled that he has done.


It's absolutely vital now, that we get the right appointment, otherwise it'll be back to square one, with trying to build a team quickly and giving silly contracts out because the manager is worried he's only going to get 18 months.


We have a decent squad, we need to get the right guy in to utilise them.

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Can't quite believe so many people feel sad and say they quite liked Lambert? He was shit from day one and got even more shit as time progressed. Broke almost every single unwanted club record and has overseen numerous embarrassing cup defeats and when you throw in the disaster of culverhouse karsa and then keane I can honestly say he is one of the worst managers we have ever had. That's before you mention the crap football served up week in week out. Thank God he has gone, the man is a total waste of space.

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Can't quite believe so many people feel sad and say they quite liked Lambert? He was shit from day one and got even more shit as time progressed. Broke almost every single unwanted club record and has overseen numerous embarrassing cup defeats and when you throw in the disaster of culverhouse karsa and then keane I can honestly say he is one of the worst managers we have ever had. That's before you mention the crap football served up week in week out. Thank God he has gone, the man is a total waste of space.

Being shit doesn't mean people can't like you.


I liked Lambert, but I recognise that ultimately he was a poor manager for us and I'm happy that he's gone.


I don't feel sorry for him, but I am sad that it didn't work out.

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I still feel Lambert could have saved us from relegation and feel sad that he didn't have the chance to prove it to everyone. Maybe he would have still left in the summer but would have been nice for him to leave on more of a high than he has done.

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would have been nice for him to leave on more of a high than he has done.

Very few managers leave on a high. Most leave because it's gone South for them, 1 or 2 'retire' (Ferguson), and 1 or 2 get poached by others. Most get sacked/quit, because it's all gone to shit. It doesn't mean they won't get another managerial job though. Lambert has kept us in the PL for 2 seasons, which is a reasonable achievement, given the cost cutting etc

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I wanted to believe. i wanted to buy into the project. I wanted Lambert here. After two years of poor play and poor players I thought we had finally turned a corner at the start of the season. That's why I am so gutted.


Getting rid of the overpaid, mercenaries just here for a few $$ was almost complete, we looked solid, we had experience. It looked like we had character.


I just don't know how it all got away from us.


The young, vibrant, counter ATTACKING manager that lead Norwich to back to back promotions and PL safety. The manager who took us Anfield and ripped Liverpool apart amongst other fine, yet rare, displays.

I had really hoped for Lambert and our sake, that he would turn it around, that all those unwanted records would be forgotten and we could remember him for clearing the decks, getting us financially sound and bringing through some young bargains.

Will only be remembered for those awful stats now.



A sad really, Lambert will never get a shot at a big club again and we have to rip everything up and start from scratch again.


i don't know where we go from here, but it's best for all parties. Get yourself on holiday Lambert for a few months. You don't look well at all.

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Can't quite believe so many people feel sad and say they quite liked Lambert? He was shit from day one and got even more shit as time progressed. Broke almost every single unwanted club record and has overseen numerous embarrassing cup defeats and when you throw in the disaster of culverhouse karsa and then keane I can honestly say he is one of the worst managers we have ever had. That's before you mention the crap football served up week in week out. Thank God he has gone, the man is a total waste of space.

Being shit doesn't mean people can't like you.


I liked Lambert, but I recognise that ultimately he was a poor manager for us and I'm happy that he's gone.


I don't feel sorry for him, but I am sad that it didn't work out.

I always found him dull, uninspiring and totally unlikeable. He was dreadful in press conferences and most of the time looked like a rabbit in the headlights on the sidelines. I have no idea how he stayed employed so long or blagged a new contract.

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