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I tell you what, I am loving the things I am hearing. :)



This is basically like the Lerner situation here - but it has happened much quicker - and I think they will want to recoup just as quickly too. The owners are going to sell up and of course, the promise of funds this Jan (if they were close to Europe) is the reason this kicked off - basically.. "Swiss computer says no".



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I've been trying to follow it all on this Southampton thread. But it's really quite confusing, too many theories to mention. Interestingly though it seems none of the Southampton fans know what owner Katharina Liebherr looks like as their isn't a single picture of her in the public domain.


Here you go. Right evil-looking word removed, isn't she?







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Yeah thanks guys, I've seen the photo's now, strange that all the photos get released after I mention it, well not that strange really. The latest I've just been reading on the Saints board is that one of their high profile players has some sort of release clause in his contract should Cortese leave. He must be quite some guy with so many people tying their future to his.

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They say a camera adds 5 lbs. And in fairness there were 20 cameras pointed at her.


Chandler Bing wants his joke back



IF this is true, then I shall be rescinding my like. C'mon Bof, you're better than this.

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