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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Yes, there are differences, the problem is people (white blokes) have historically used largely negligible (or, indeed, non-existent) differences between people as a basis for subjugation and oppression.


So much wrong in that sentence i don't know where to begin

But do some googling on the Barbary slave trade for starters ..

White blokes played a part that's undeniable but don't let 12 years a slave be your reference point ...

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Yes, there are differences, the problem is people (white blokes) have historically used largely negligible (or, indeed, non-existent) differences between people as a basis for subjugation and oppression.


So much wrong in that sentence i don't know where to begin

But do some googling on the Barbary slave trade for starters ..

White blokes played a part that's undeniable but don't let 12 years a slave be your reference point ...



so in no way during britain's grand imperial history was the ethnicity / nationality / class of people and peoples ever exploited / manipulated / abused?


Hmm. ( I phrase it like this, because in one short sentence I take your indication by "so much wrong" to be approximate to dismissing the viewpoint entirely ) 


Or are you believing that because we're focusing from a predominantly western point of view automatically includes ignoring all other forms of slave trade? That slavery or oppression is not exclusive to any one race or ( in theory ) gender is not being debated. But quite arguably - in the western civilisation of europe, australia and the americas that we live in - there are countless examples of entrenched oppression of the natives that have radically altered the future make-up of many nations demographic - just see the fate of native americans or aboriginees for one example. The whole european slave trade of blacks can't be dismissed as "just another form of slavery" as it was monumental in impact. Any event that entrenches power and inequality is going to have long lasting consequences, that aren't over-ridden in a few quick fix acts of legislation. There are long term inherited cultural paradigm's that need to shift. 


And men ( versus women ) have used all sorts of bullshit ( ok mostly religious ) reasons to exercise physical and mental coercion and control over women for centuries. That entrenched mindset is endemic - once power is obtained it is rarely relinquished. That only recently ( in historic terms ) have women been deigned capable enough to be thought of to vote in secular societies shows a vast gap in mindsets. That surely cannot be questioned? There are great influential communities in the religious world who still feel they have to debate whether a woman is capable of providing spiritual leadership and in many other societies that alone isn't even close to happening. 

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Top rant but you missed the mark by an Emike Heskey header ...

My point wasn't who was the best slave traders ...my point was that throughout history it wasn't just whites oppressing people which was the statement the OP made

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I'm not sexist, racist, able-ist, ageist, homophobic or any 'ist' or 'ic'. I think everyone is a word removed no matter who they are.


Who do you think you are? Leemond?  :)

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Ok, well I would disagree as the line you've quoted only refers to what white people have done, it doesn't say they did it exclusively. You may think that it was what was supposed to be inferred by the statement, but it doesn't say and again I think  - and without wishing to speak for CED, it's still relevant - in relation to the actions of the past having consequences for the present. Social inequality and sexism are products of long standing political and cultural dynamics and influences over a great number of years, attitudes which are quite explicitly evident in - for example - colonial rule, slavery and subjugation of others - be they foreigners, women whatever. It's all just power play bollocks to keep those with it and it's associated benefits of wealth and prosperity in the hands of fewer rather than more individuals obviously. 


However if you want to state that your principle point is "well it wasn't just whites", then fine limiting the debate to exactly that point and no further, then I absolutely agree! 

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I speak only of Western/UK society, because that's the society I live in and have a right to moan about ;)


That it wasn't only white people is true but irrelevant to the debate at hand (racism and sexism in Western society).


Besides, what exactly is your point?

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Not even 4 and it's almost pitch black outside... :(

It's brilliant. I love winter, so much better than boring summer.
Hmm, you think so? In what way?
Hard to explain, but I've always loved autumn and winter, I get a real buzz at this time of year. Bonfire night, Christmas, walking through the snow to a pub with a log fire, my birthday in January. All my love affairs began in autumn, too.

Summer is just feeling too hot and sweaty.

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I have had my first Guinness since March, ergo it's basically winter now  and it's great. And this doesn't piss me off. 


So I'll get back on theme with a generic "students" comment.


Last week:

" I don't have time to do my coursework this weekend, is there are service where I can hire someone to write it for me?"

"Er, no. Sorry"

"But why not! We pay huge fees to come here!"



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Had my phone about a year and had always been in a case. Took the case off to clean the crap out that had got under it. Whilst out of the case realised what a bloody lovely handset it is and such a shame to be stuck in a chunky case so thought I'd ditch it....

24 hours later and the screen is cracked in such a way that it is completely unresponsive and cannot be unlocked. That was annoying... but entirely predictable.

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People expecting a Sainsburys advert to be 100% historically accurate.

Its not a **** documentary. Cynical bastards.

I thought it was shit. I read the article first. Man gets chocolate bar. Right. Then watched it. Ignored the music. And at the end a man got a chocolate bar. 




I'll stick to Lidl thanks

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I'm with Mooney on winter being better than summer.

scraping the ice of a frozen windscreen, breathing in the cold air that burns your lungs, the sound of your feet in the snow & frost bitten ground when you walk to the pub. Infinitely better than summer.

Spring can **** off though. And autumn. The pricks.

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Not sure if anyone will get me. But when I see kids on TV programmes trying to act like adults

There's a kids cooking show that had me perplexed. They were talking about their signature dishes and acting like adult chefs. Was really weird.
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