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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The fact that that Matt Taylor ESA scientist bloke has felt he should apologise for his choice of shirt.

It's his torso, and he should be able to wear whatever he wants on it. People objecting to the "images of scantily clad women" could seriously do with getting over themselves. I though it was brilliant and surprising that someone doing such a serious job could get away with wearing a loud shirt, but obviously he didn't get away with it. **** people.

The things they were saying about him too: nerd, basement dweller, geek, loser, the shirt is the closest he would get to a naked woman etc. All based upon a choice of clothing. Flip that situation. Female scientist, just contributed to an historic feat. Everyone ignores that and criticises her clothes. Just imagine the uproar.

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That advert was brilliant imo, not because of the attention it's drawn for Sainsbury's but because of the message it sent to the viewer. Much better than the John Lewis advert.

you mean the sexual penguin advert? god I **** hate penguins, I will kill one some day, hopefully it'll be the little bastard that bit me...how long do penguins live for?

Haha no the Sainsbury's advert.
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That advert was brilliant imo, not because of the attention it's drawn for Sainsbury's but because of the message it sent to the viewer. Much better than the John Lewis advert.

you mean the sexual penguin advert? god I **** hate penguins, I will kill one some day, hopefully it'll be the little bastard that bit me...how long do penguins live for?

At least 100 years.
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I was asked to go the pub yesterday, I said I just wanted a quiet weekend locked away from everyone so I could completely chill out with no hangovers plus the fact I didn't have any money, I feel burnt out and just want to put my feet up, seconds after saying that he replies 'sound, well pop round to mine tomorrow, I've got a bottle of whiskey that we can hammer'


WHAT??? did you listen to a word I just said???


This morning, I call another mate up just to see how he is doing etc, I told him that I was really just looking forward to having a Saturday of just watching films and playing my playstation and I just really didn't want to do anything or see anyone, anyways I put the phone down and literally 30 seconds later I swear to god not a single second over 30 seconds he calls me back and says 'do you wanna come round mine for a session, I'll get a shit load of cans in and we can have a good drink'


WHAT??? who was I just speaking to 30 seconds ago when I said I didn't want to do anything all weekend???


Do people just not listen?

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I was asked to go the pub yesterday, I said I just wanted a quiet weekend locked away from everyone so I could completely chill out with no hangovers plus the fact I didn't have any money, I feel burnt out and just want to put my feet up, seconds after saying that he replies 'sound, well pop round to mine tomorrow, I've got a bottle of whiskey that we can hammer'


WHAT??? did you listen to a word I just said???


This morning, I call another mate up just to see how he is doing etc, I told him that I was really just looking forward to having a Saturday of just watching films and playing my playstation and I just really didn't want to do anything or see anyone, anyways I put the phone down and literally 30 seconds later I swear to god not a single second over 30 seconds he calls me back and says 'do you wanna come round mine for a session, I'll get a shit load of cans in and we can have a good drink'


WHAT??? who was I just speaking to 30 seconds ago when I said I didn't want to do anything all weekend???


Do people just not listen?


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I was asked to go the pub yesterday, I said I just wanted a quiet weekend locked away from everyone so I could completely chill out with no hangovers plus the fact I didn't have any money, I feel burnt out and just want to put my feet up, seconds after saying that he replies 'sound, well pop round to mine tomorrow, I've got a bottle of whiskey that we can hammer'


WHAT??? did you listen to a word I just said???


This morning, I call another mate up just to see how he is doing etc, I told him that I was really just looking forward to having a Saturday of just watching films and playing my playstation and I just really didn't want to do anything or see anyone, anyways I put the phone down and literally 30 seconds later I swear to god not a single second over 30 seconds he calls me back and says 'do you wanna come round mine for a session, I'll get a shit load of cans in and we can have a good drink'


WHAT??? who was I just speaking to 30 seconds ago when I said I didn't want to do anything all weekend???


Do people just not listen?


Don't be too hard on them.


They heard what you said but picked up the subtext that you were feeling a bit low and they offered you the only cure they understand.


It is always a tricky question, when you listen to someone talking, whether you take what they are saying literally, or respond to the emotional tone of the speaker.


Choosing either way can piss them off.  :)

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The fact that that Matt Taylor ESA scientist bloke has felt he should apologise for his choice of shirt.


It's his torso, and he should be able to wear whatever he wants on it. People objecting to the "images of scantily clad women" could seriously do with getting over themselves. I though it was brilliant and surprising that someone doing such a serious job could get away with wearing a loud shirt, but obviously he didn't get away with it. **** people.


The bullshit online about it.




Really annoyed me.

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They know me, they know I'm an antisocial swine at the best of times


You got off light.


I know guys who if ever they were heard to decline a free drink, their mates would be calling the police claiming they had been abducted and had been replaced with a replicant.  :)

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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The fact that that Matt Taylor ESA scientist bloke has felt he should apologise for his choice of shirt.

It's his torso, and he should be able to wear whatever he wants on it. People objecting to the "images of scantily clad women" could seriously do with getting over themselves. I though it was brilliant and surprising that someone doing such a serious job could get away with wearing a loud shirt, but obviously he didn't get away with it. **** people.

The bullshit online about it.


Really annoyed me.

I didn't know CED had a blog.

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There was talk of Toast Toppers in the food thread, it reminded me that I can't stand the noise and feel when you use a knife to scrape it out the can. It's like nails on a blackboard.

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