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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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most far left liberals…

Far left liberals ? I'm not sure such a thing exists
If there is a far right why cant their be a far left?? Both as weird, creepy and wrong as each other on different levels.
Do you have half a clue what 'liberal' means?

Tbf I think far left liberalism is a term used in American politics ( I'm saying nothing :) )

I suppose you could make a case for it being the same as social liberalism , though I'd probably put that more as centre-left

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An example:-One bloke in work makes a sheep noise as I enter the room (this isn't an uncommon thing given my hair) but the fat twunt usually gets a line announced to the rest of room such as… F*** me an elephant that can do farm yard impressions. I win every single time, he has no answer to it, so he stops for a while with his constant attempts to belittle. Eventually he'll forget and start again, he can't help it but its only a matter of seconds before he remembers.

An elephant that forgets?

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I know this one has been done to death but ''queue jumping''


I was in McDonalds earlier just to get myself a coffee before work, some bint walks straight to thr front of the queue and orders herself a breakfast meal, I was rather annoyed and we had a little conversation that went like this


me-excuse me love, do you want me to pay for your food


me-I just thought that seeings as I waited in the queue for your breakfast you may be expecting me to pay for the **** thing as well

her-theres no need to be rude

me-I wouldn't have had any reason to be rude if you wouldn't have jumped to the front of the queue which by the way is pretty **** rude in itself then I wouldn't have had to speak to you at all.


really really annoys me


Well, if you were wearing some kind of T-shirt identifying you as Leemond, there's no way she'd have f*cked with you. There's a lesson to be learnt there.

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Why would a sneeze be requited? It's not like a yawn :)

Couldn't think of an appropriate word. Unrequited kind of means unreturned.


A sneeze that is not 'returned'. An 'unrealised' sneeze? A 'non-sneeze'?


Anyhow, just had one of em, and it annoyed me. I was 95% sure it was going to happen, and it didn't.

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I find the best way to deal with the banterers is to be better than them at it. Never start anything but I tend to turn the retort up to 11 at the first attempt usually leaves them speechless or floundering, best with an audience of course. The numpties that do it to me in work really don't have the speed of thought to come back at me again.

An example:-

One bloke in work makes a sheep noise as I enter the room (this isn't an uncommon thing given my hair) but the fat twunt usually gets a line announced to the rest of room such as… F*** me an elephant that can do farm yard impressions. I win every single time, he has no answer to it, so he stops for a while with his constant attempts to belittle. Eventually he'll forget and start again, he can't help it but its only a matter of seconds before he remembers.


Elephants never forget


EDIT: Choffer beat me to it  :(

Edited by Xela
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