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The word Brunch was coined in 1895...


'When one has reached a certain age, and the frivolities of youth have palled, one's best thoughts are turned in the channel of food. Man's first study is not man, but meals. Dinner is the climax of each day. You may have your chasse café after wards, in the shape of theatre, music hall, or social gathering; but it is little more that a digestive. Dinner's the thing; the hour between seven and eight is worth all the rest put together. A parallel might be drawn between these sixty minutes and the Nuit de Cléopatre; but neither in length nor moral tendency would it be suitable to Hunter's Weekly. In these hurrying, worrying, and scurrying days the sweets of life are too often overlooked, and, with the sweets, the hors d'œuvre, soups, and entrées. To use a theatrical simile, there is a tendency to regard meals solely as the curtain raisers of the day's performances. Who has not whirlwind friends who rush in upon him, exclaiming, "Let's have a spree to night, old man! We won't bother about feeding; a chop or steak will about do us." What a pitiable frame of mind! Not that I am a gourmet. I hate the term. I regard a gourmet simply as a gourmand with a digestion. Excessive daintiness in regard to food is merely a form of effeminacy, and as such is to be deprecated. But there is a happy medium—everything good, plenty of it, variety and selection. On week days these conditions can without difficulty be fulfilled, but Sunday affords a problem for nice examination. All of us have experienced the purgatory of those Sabbatarian early dinners with their Christian beef and concomitant pie. Have we not eaten enough of them? I think so, and would suggest Brunch as a satisfactory substitute. The word Brunch is a corruption of breakfast and lunch, and the meal Brunch is one which combines the tea or coffee, marmalade and kindred features of the former institution with the more solid attributes of the latter. It begins between twelve and half-past and consists in the main of fish and one or two meat courses.

Apart altogether from animal considerations, the arguments in favour of Brunch are incontestable. In the first place it renders early rising not only unnecessary but ridiculous. You get up when the world is warm, or at least, when it is not so cold. You are, therefore, able to prolong your Saturday nights, heedless of that moral "last train"—the fear of the next morning's reaction. It leaves the station with your usual seat vacant, and many others also unoccupied. If Brunch became general it would be taken off altogether; the Conscience and Care Company, Limited, would run it at a loss. Their receipts on the other days would, however, be correspondingly increased, and they would be able to give their employés a much-needed holiday. The staff has become rather too obstinate and officious of late. That it must be a case of Brunch or morning church I am, of course, aware; but is any busy work-a-day man in a becomingly religious frame of mind after rising eight and nine o'clock on his only "off" morning? If he went to bed in good time the night before, well and good; but Saturday is Saturday, and will remain so. More especially from seven onwards. To a certain extent I am pleading for Brunch from selfish motives. The world would be kinder and more charitable if my brief were successful. To begin with, Brunch is a hospitable meal; breakfast is not. Eggs and bacon are adapted to solitude; they are consoling, but not exhilarating. They do not stimulate conversation. Brunch, on the contrary, is cheerful, sociable, and inciting. It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper; it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow-beings. It sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week. The advantages of the suggested innovation are, in short, without number, and I submit it is fully time that the old régime of Sunday breakfast made room for the "new course" of Sunday Brunch.

P.S.—Beer and whiskey are admitted as substitutes for tea and coffee'

Guy Beringer for Hunters' Weekly

Edited by useless
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Breakfasts at hotels.

just sat for a nice quiet breakfast at the hotel I’m staying at and already getting to hear all about some guys hernia (who is sitting one side across the room but talking loud enough to hear every detail) and on the other side, someone thinks it’s socially acceptable to watch a tv programme on their tablet full volume.

the sound clash (competing with Heart/smooth/putrid bollocks FM played by the hotel) is unbearable.

i don’t think I’m hungry anymore!!! 

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12 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

I know a good few people from just down the road in P’Talbot and they’re proper loveable pisshead rogues. 

one of my favourite away day experiences, i think relegation year Swansea away 5.30pm Saturday kick off, pub before the coach, beers on the coach, in Port Talbot spoons for breakfast at 10am, by 3pm im in some side street bar with babestation on and 3 lads at the bar collecting all their shrapnel to buy 50 jager bombs of which they drink maybe 20 and then give the rest out to everyone else

fell asleep in the ground and missed another shit performance

its a grim place but you certainly got the feeling there were some drinkers there

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3 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

The fact that after 10 years plus, people STILL think "Andrea Wilson" is a facebook hacker who will infiltrate your friend list.

**** idiots.

I actually know an Andrea Wilson. 

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48 minutes ago, WhatAboutTheFinish said:

I’ve always understood Elevenses to be tea and cake, a little like afternoon tea but in the morning, as opposed to an actual meal? 

Whilst I wasn't being entirely serious... cake in the morning... what kind of freakery is that!

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23 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Lovely lunch today, more of a late cooked breakfast really, but the beans were presented in a little glass jar for absolutely no reason.


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11 hours ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

What time is the official breakfast cut off? 

I’d personally call it breakfast for lazy words removed 😉

10:30am according to McDonalds!


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4 hours ago, Xela said:

10:30am according to McDonalds!


Do you not have places in the UK that advertise "We serve breakfast anytime!"?

There was a comedian over here many years ago who said he went into one of those places and said, "I'd like French Toast during the Renaissance."

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3 minutes ago, il_serpente said:

Do you not have places in the UK that advertise "We serve breakfast anytime!"?

All-day breakfasts. Sure. 

But some places have a menu change late morning. 

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1 hour ago, TheAuthority said:

Yeah - can't have cake before 3pm. 

1:30pm on bank holidays, Dec 25th etc.

Cake is a morning staple! Even if you guys have never been, surely you are in touch with your feminine sides enough to have at least heard of a Coffee Morning? What you think people are eating there, dry crackers?

It may be because I'm a greedy f*** but I've certainly never been to Gregg's in the morning to buy a Manchester Tart and managed to save it until the end of the street, let alone until the afternoon!

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