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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I got lucky with my cats, they came litter trained, and have only ever once pissed in the house not quite in the tray, which was entirely my fault.

I cleaned their litter tray out, and after disinfecting it left it to drain/dry off in the bath, and I came back a while later after forgetting about it to find one of them perched on the edge of the bath trying to piss in to the empty tray, with a "dude, look what you're making me do" look on his face."

Edited by Davkaus
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Our last cat (the one that used to be my my avatar) point blank refused to use a litter tray once he was grown up. Insisted on going out into the garden, regardless of weather conditions. If it was really raining heavily he'd hold on as long as possible, and then resignedly drag himself through the catflap, rush under the nearest bush, piss, and rush back in again. This was even if there was a tray with clean litter available. 

Edited by mjmooney
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Our older cat very rarely  uses the litter tray, and only does his business outside. We do leave a tray out at night just incase, but it's very rare he will use it. Our new cat is litter trained, and has only had one accident, and that was on his first day here. Our dog was horrendous, and as we thought, it was behavioural. The poor sod just weren't happy here. I'd like another dog at some point, but it won't be for a few years yet, and even then I might  just get used to not having one, and won't bother. They are so much hard work than cats. 

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The OH's annoying habit of going round turning off wall sockets when they've got stuff plugged into them. Like phone chargers or laptop chargers.

The amount of times I've put my phone or laptop or PS4 controller or whatever on to charge overnight and then in the morning they're dead because the socket wasn't switched on.

It winds me up! :D

I know I could very easily just check if it's switched on, but I'm so used to them just being left on that I do it automatically.

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28 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

The OH's annoying habit of going round turning off wall sockets when they've got stuff plugged into them. Like phone chargers or laptop chargers.

The amount of times I've put my phone or laptop or PS4 controller or whatever on to charge overnight and then in the morning they're dead because the socket wasn't switched on.

It winds me up! :D

I know I could very easily just check if it's switched on, but I'm so used to them just being left on that I do it automatically.

My dad does this

Edited by StefanAVFC
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The fact my work shirts and trousers appear to have shrunk around the stomach and waist area since I last put them on before Christmas.

How very odd..

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8 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:
9 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

The OH's annoying habit of going round turning off wall sockets when they've got stuff plugged into them. Like phone chargers or laptop chargers.

The amount of times I've put my phone or laptop or PS4 controller or whatever on to charge overnight and then in the morning they're dead because the socket wasn't switched on.

It winds me up! :D

I know I could very easily just check if it's switched on, but I'm so used to them just being left on that I do it automatically.

My dad does this

Last time I stayed at my parents the Wi-fi in the house went off at around the same time my dad went to bed.  Oh how we laughed.

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1 hour ago, Xela said:

The fact my work shirts and trousers appear to have shrunk around the stomach and waist area since I last put them on before Christmas.

How very odd..

*cough, cough...bbq meateor...cough*

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1 hour ago, Xela said:

'Celebrity' Big Brother

8 women went in to the house - I have genuinely only heard of 2 of them (Widdicombe & Barrie)


Just looked at the names, I’ve heard of 3 (widdi, barrie and boris’ sister). Apparently John Barnes is meant to join at some point.

And for another year, my interest in CBB draws to a close.

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15 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

Tesco 3rd January.

Stocking a large selection of Easter Eggs.

I bought a packet of Mini Eggs on 28th December. It's great, I love them!    

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Sitting at my desk today wondering whether its all worth it anymore. Not life, just work. Dealing with the same shit day in day out. Various senior managers and directors on my case about things. Its 4th January... we've just come off a record breaking 2017 and its forgotten already. I do generally like my job and dealing with the clients but its the internal bullshit I can't stand anymore. They're obsessed with MI and reports... that no-one really reads anyway. Everyone has their own agenda that they are pushing to further their own ends. Uggggh. 


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11 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

I bought a packet of Mini Eggs on 28th December. It's great, I love them!    

I bought a packet on the 30th. I did think it was stupidly early, though I'm not complaining.

Btw I can recommend Cadbury's Snowballs as a Christmas mini egg substitute. It's basically the same thing but with a slightly powdery shell. They're fantastic.

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