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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The Shipping Forecasts aren't as good as they used to be either.


Damn straight. Bring back Minches and Finisterre. 




one of the best tracks on the album too.

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The state of modern music!


I don't let the charts bother me in the slightest. I just say to myself, "It's not for you old man."  


Accept it, move on. You'll be happier in the long run.


This, I dont listen to it so it doesnt interfere in my life, I dont despair as it means nothing to me. Its like despairing at Venezuelan agricultural quotas.



Kind of. Except that most of us have memories of enjoying the chart music of our youth, so - almost subconsciously - we would sort of still like to listen to the pop charts and hear stuff we like. 


Whereas we never cared about Venezuelan agricultural quotas at any point. 


But in essence, you're right - the trick is to ignore it. 


You are right Mooney, but its not for us is it, its for the young set in their healys and their boom boom rave music, we had our time nodding appreciatively to 7 tears. Its a generational thing the singles chart.

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I'm on a diet.


I missed breakfast this morning (accidentally) and didn't bring my own lunch.


So I treated myself to a panini from the Costa Coffee at work. Loads of cheese, but I need to buy something and the calories I missed from breakfast can counteract the extra from the panini.


I wolfed that **** down in about 20 seconds. And now I'm just as hungry as I was before. But that's lunch over. :(




too ghey?

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The state of modern music!


I don't let the charts bother me in the slightest. I just say to myself, "It's not for you old man."  


Accept it, move on. You'll be happier in the long run.


This, I dont listen to it so it doesnt interfere in my life, I dont despair as it means nothing to me. Its like despairing at Venezuelan agricultural quotas.


It doesn't bother me, I just had a few days off work and was driving round and thought I would check out the latest tunes on the hit parade. Once I'd stopped crying, I put my Guns N Roses cassette back in and all was good with the world. 

Edited by Xela
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When i cook my tea i put the oven on and run a bowl of water to wash up straight away, so when i serve my food i wash the baking tray and pots and pans ive used, then ive just got my plate to wash, after eating the already washed items are now dry & can be put away, leaving me just my plate to wash and dry, job done and i now have a clean and tidy kitchen.

my missus - cooks her tea and thinkins washing up us best done by leaving it in a pile and leaving it. Pisses my right off, just wash up, it takes a few minutes, so just do it and put it away instead of leaving the kitchen looking like a school canteen

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Sex without the money shot.


I had an awful experience of this. On my birthday (of all days), me and my ex were going at it and we got spooked by my mum calling up the stairs. I was literally seconds away from 'the money shot' at the time so was pretty wound up. She then refused to do anything about it. Even anything subtle. I had to go into the bathroom alone.


It's easy to see why we aren't together anymore.

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