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Andreas Weimann


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If he keeps this up he'll be a serious contender for player of the season, young player of the season and goal of the season (vs Liverpool!)

Really chuffed he's taken his chance in the first team set-up. Something Delfouneso must regret.

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If we get a decent midfield going then he'll be knocking them in for fun which will be nice. I think it's the only downside to being a Villa fan though as while I want him to score 15-20 a season I also don't want him to advertise himself to the top 4. I know it's silly of me to expect Weimann to be here for his whole career but it would be nice lol.

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Another good performance today - not the most naturally gifted player but what he lacks in ability he more than compensates with effort, desire and workrate. Not sure what contract he's on but he's definitely worth keeping hold off.

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19 appearances 7 goals (all comp) according to Wiki for this season.. impressive imo.

Think he can easily hit 10 or maybe even 15 (though that's a big ask as we are still a struggling team)

I don't know, is 15 that big an ask? If we go all the way in the League Cup and a couple of rounds in the FA cup there's potential for another 22/23 games for him there. I wouldn't put it past him to score another 8 goals. Would you? Especially if we improve as a an attacking force over that period, which I hope to christ we do.

Like Darren Bent he has an ability that very rarely loses form, the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Unlike Darren Bent, he works his bollocks off as well and has a touch of craft about him. I've seen little from him in his career so far to suggest his shooting is inconsistent either. He is as advertised by others, a natural.

I really really like him. I don't get the feeling of "kid" with him, it's like we've plucked this young man from the dutch league after a few years banging them in and he's settled in instantly.

A cult hero in the making.

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I would rate him as our best player this season.

Definitely a prolific scorer if we could get a good enough supply to him.

Think we will have trouble hanging on to him in next 18 months or so.

I'm gonna be honest and think after us helping him through injuries and developing him, he will feel a bit of debt to us and want to stay with us for the long haul. (I hope!!)

and Hopefully he loves the club as he's been here for a long time!! :D

Edited by Mattyp_avfc
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Before he came on yesterday we lacked movement. He came one, drifted all the way from the right hand side, to the left to recieve a pass and then played a simple ball which gave us a chance on goal. I really like his movement, he got across his man twice yesterday from good balls from Benett and scored one peach of a goal and nearly got his head on another.

I think he was the reason we won yesterday (barring his goal), because he was a little bit different to anything we had.

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