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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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1 hour ago, Wainy316 said:

I did the like the little quip they made about this in the review of one of Jaskier's songs.

Haha, yeah I thought that little section was genuinely hilarious.

I also laughed out loud when Jaskier mocked Geralt a couple of episodes later by saying "oooooh, I'm so sad and complicated!"


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yeah The Witcher was surprisingly good imo. I had no expectations to begin with but it is well acted, funny at times and very creative.

personally I've re-watched s1-5 of The Expanse ahead of the new season just starting. best. show. ever.

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I ain't going to lie, I ditched Dexter after 3 episodes. It got to much saying oh for **** sake Dexter, I knew it was time to give up on it. May return to it during the summer when there is a lack of drama on television. 

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Billions: Given up before the end of S1.

2 lead characters.

1. A psychopathic, criminal billionaire is the perfect, caring and stable husband/father.

2. The moralistic, idealistic prosecutor is a terrible partner to his very reasonable wife and is suddenly prepared to break multiple laws for who knows what reason.

Meh - ridiculous. Possible wealth-porn akin to Succession, but's its very poor. Also it's very obvious which episodes are written on spec and not by writers who have any clue about character/story arc.

Edited by TheAuthority
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Good finish from dope sick, in the conversation for best tv show of the year for me, I liked how it was almost subdued, didn't go for over the top drama just let the story play out 

That said I did think they maybe went a bit too far on Richard, he's overly dour, not sure if the writers used it to dehumanise and villainise him on purpose, he's well played but they stretched it a little thin whereas everyone else is completely believable and normal, Betsy and the Dr for example I 100% buy in to their story which is what what's the show work so well

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