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I didn't enjoy ted, I love family guy but I thought it was just...meh

Some funny bits but not hilarious

Yeah, it was OK, but nothing more.

Not as funny as Family Guy, and definitely too much of a standard RomCom for my liking. It was also lined with far too much American Cheese.

1 or 2 genuine laugh out loud moments, but not enough to carry the film.


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Norwegian Wood on four tonight - probably my favourite film about hand jobs

Excellent movie and of course...Kiko Mizuhara :P

Gosh yes, kawaii. I went to see it with the girly at a first showing in a packed out cinema when it came out. Which was nice, cos I thought it would be a pretty low key affair. I had it explained to me at the time though, that ofc loads of people would want to see it as soon as possible, Marukami-sama's novels are just the bestest.

She was positively barmy when his last novel/series was released at the back end of last year. I liked the filmic version of Norwegian Wood, but it was just a bit too...girly. The story I mean. It's a horrible critcism, but that's just how I felt, and looking around the crowd and seeing lots of arty farty early 20 types, I think I was right :P Wonderfully directed and performed though, that film. I've been told to read his latest one, but havent. I've been promised that 'no no, it deals with parellel dimensions and stuff', and tbf, that is a big draw for me...but I duno.

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Shrek was on tv the other night and whilst many may consider it a 'kids' film i still think it's one of the best films in recent years. might have to watch shrek 2 at some point soon too (hard to find a sequel for a comedy that is as good as the original)

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Shrek was on tv the other night and whilst many may consider it a 'kids' film i still think it's one of the best films in recent years. might have to watch shrek 2 at some point soon too (hard to find a sequel for a comedy that is as good as the original)

The Incredibles is as good as Shrek IMO. Also Toy Story and its 2 sequels were very good, if they can be counted as "comedy".

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Shrek was on tv the other night and whilst many may consider it a 'kids' film i still think it's one of the best films in recent years. might have to watch shrek 2 at some point soon too (hard to find a sequel for a comedy that is as good as the original)

The Incredibles is as good as Shrek IMO. Also Toy Story and its 2 sequels were very good, if they can be counted as "comedy".

I loved toy story as a kid but if i watched it now i probably wouldn't enjoy it that much apart from nostalgic reasons. Shrek and the incredibles, as you mentioned,i still find really good and get a laugh out of. Monsters INC is another good one. (tbh most Pixar films are brilliant)

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John Carter - better than I thought it would be, quite enjoyed it actually. It's trying too hard to be the new star wars, but it didn't deserve the slating it's had.

Finally people are coming around to my way of thinking. Thank you Zeus. Way ahead of it's time tbh. It will be heralded by critics the world over in 20 years, you mark my words.

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John Carter - better than I thought it would be, quite enjoyed it actually. It's trying too hard to be the new star wars, but it didn't deserve the slating it's had.

Finally people are coming around to my way of thinking. Thank you Zeus. Way ahead of it's time tbh. It will be heralded by critics the world over in 20 years, you mark my words.

Pretty much everything I've read of John Carter suggests it's such a fundamentally flawed film that I'm willing to bet the only people heralding it are people who get off on the technical achievement of top class CGI (and even that I doubt tbh) and people attempting to prove something about their cinemaphile nature by naming something nobody else would even consider as some landmark in film making.

I actually want to see it. In the same way, deep down, that part of your being says '...jump' when you near the edge of a huge drop, or urges to look at things you know are going to haunt you with their horror.

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Just seen Von Trier's - Antichrist - I thought it was amazing - I'm not 100% on what it had to say (Women are inherently evil? Man no longer "fits" to nature and women are controlled by it? Nature is inherently evil?) but I like that it left me asking questions I don't like and visually and viscerally it was a fantastic experience. Not sure I'd like to see it again though. It's worn me out.

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I actually really enjoyed ratatouille out of recent animated movies, not many people ever seem to mention it though.

Fun movie.

I avoid most animated films, but when I'm hanging with my nephew, there's no avoiding them...and some of them are enjoyable enough, like "How to Train Your Dragon"

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Just seen Von Trier's - Antichrist - I thought it was amazing - I'm not 100% on what it had to say (Women are inherently evil? Man no longer "fits" to nature and women are controlled by it? Nature is inherently evil?) but I like that it left me asking questions I don't like and visually and viscerally it was a fantastic experience. Not sure I'd like to see it again though. It's worn me out.

"Chaos reigns" ;)

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