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Pierre ou, Les Ambiguïtés (Leo Carax) - An alternate longer TV version of Pola X, I haven't seen the original but had read that this extended cut is much better, albeit only available as a rip from the original tevelvision broadcast at the moment. I liked it a lot, one of my favorite films I've watched this year, gripping mystery that isn't predictable, with some good performances, has an almost gothic/ghost story feel at times, based on Herman Melville's novel Pierre; or, The Ambiguities.


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I’ve just finished Pinocchio as well and thought it was fantastic. Some of the voice acting was superb and the themes of life and death went far deeper than I was expecting. The star of show is of course the amazing stop motion, it’s some of the best I’ve seen to be fair. Aside from a couple of songs that didn’t really hit the mark and maybe as Mike said above there isn’t a clear target audience, it’s certainly not a kids movie and is actually quite weird in general but I would expect nothing less from Del Toro, I think it’s great he was allowed to make it exactly how he wanted without a box ticking exercise going on.

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Watched the live action Aladdin yesterday, not a fan of Robin Williams or Will Smith so I don’t have that whole never be as good without Robin Williams baggage. It was OK. Faithful to the original. 
Last night I rewatched Goodfellas, it remains one of the best films ever. 

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11 hours ago, AVFCDAN said:

a couple of songs that didn’t really hit the mark

I thought the songs were a real weak point, nothing remotely memorable. The Disney version may have been bland, but we all remember "There are no strings on me", "Give a little whistle", "When you wish upon a star", etc. 

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On 25/12/2022 at 20:55, messi11 said:

The Banshees of Inisherin- Really enjoyed this odd film. Filming location on point with great scenery. Funny dialogue. Nice unique story. Love how the Irish swear. 7/10


Enjoyed this too. The two main leads where impeccable as usual but also gave weight and more reason as to why Barry Keoghan is such a rising star - he was superb.

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Also watched 'Russian Lullabies' by Nobuhiko Obayashi, five Russian families were given a camera to record their daily life then Obayashi edited the footage in his style and provided some narration which gave it a sort of feel good 'slice of life' element to it, from 1993, so interesting to watch after watching TraumaZone.


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Weird: The Al Yankovic Story was great fun.

Typically of Yankovic, it’s a parody of biographical movies, with very little truth about Yankovic in it 😂

Daniel Radcliffe plays the lead well (although his singing was dubbed over by Yankovic) with tongue firmly in cheek. 

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Just watched Witness for the Prosecution (1957). Had never heard of it before today which surprises me considering who was involved with it.

Really, really good, if you like Anatomy of a Murder, you’ll probably like this.

Although the very ending lets it down -


Too much happens in the last couple of minutes. Have the reveal of the wife throwing the case, him actually being the murderer, then end it. Would have been perfect (and apparently was the original ending before Christie changed it).

The other woman being brought in, the wife then killing him…too silly and unnecessary. 


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Just rewatched Tarkovsky's "Mirror". 

Serious contender for my all-time favourite film (Note to 'Sight and Sound' critics: THAT is how you make an arthouse movie). 

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