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26 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

I just saw the trailer on facebook and was about to post it here. It looks awful and unfunny.

I can't stand wiig, she is one dimensional and it's not even a good one. McCarthy can be funny at times though, as long as she isn't just doing 'I'm fat and gross'.

Well at least you can't accuse Melissa McCarthy of being one dimensional.

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8 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

Any recommendations for a film to watch on Netflix? Any genre (but chick flick or documentary) and something not too obvious preferred as I've seen most of what Netflix would recommend for me.

Police Academy 1 to 7.

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1 hour ago, Rds1983 said:

Any recommendations for a film to watch on Netflix? Any genre (but chick flick or documentary) and something not too obvious preferred as I've seen most of what Netflix would recommend for me.

beats of no nation is excellent, so is fruitvale station

they were meant to be adding dope last week but i havent checked to see if they did, to me there are a lot of average action films on there like sabotage, expendables, hummingbird, out of the furnace (which is ok) couple more statham specials

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Noah is on Netflix now. It is full of the hammiest acting you'll ever see & it is seriously flawed & incredibly daft. I really enjoyed it.

There is plenty of good stuff on there, you just need to look about. International films are always a good punt.

Force Majeure, A Separation, The Lives of Others, Timbuktu, and Cinema Paradiso are all quality foreign films worth a shot.

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There's 2 Arnie ones on there, 1 where he's an ex special forces drug thingy shite film and one where he's a the sherif of a town where they bust a big criminal out of a jail van that's meant to be quite good, I watched the shit one

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7 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

Yep ghostbusters looks terrible... I'll probably be panned for this but, for me All women comedians aren't funny.



currently we have the fat Ozzie chick doing look at me I'm fat routines whilst people fall about the place laughing ... No , just no 

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Ghostbusters.....man oh man.

Positives: Effects look great, ghosts look great, ecto 1, slimer, wiig and 'Egon girl' look decent.

Negs: Gags, slapstick, stereotypes, unfunny jokes.

Clichéd loud black lady is a negative all on her own: saying 'oh hell nawwwwww', shouting, slapping, screaming etc...ugh. Awful.

If McCarthy can tone her 'schtick' down a bit (looks like she has a little from the trailer) and just act like a normal person for once than I may have been able to put up with it but that black lady is just unbearable. Awful casting. Winston was just a normal 'one of the guys' type of character who just happened to be black, why can't she be the same? This just seems more offensive than anything. Very sad.

When it all broke I thought it would be a train wreck, the trailer was actually better than I thought, even mccarthy seems to be reigning it in a little which would have made it bearable as said but that black lady instantly kills it for me. Can't get past it.

Oh and token sexist Hemsworth crap. Paul Feig, the male apologist. Revenge sexism =/= equality. Could have been good but it seems to be more a vehicle for 'yay us girls' rather than expanding the ghostbusters universe.



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Melissa McCarthy gets a lot of hate but was funny in Spy and she can act. In saying that the trailer for Ghostbusters was cringe worthy - almost like a Scary Movie type reenactment of the original which is clearly sacriligious. And that black character is borderline offensive in how stereotype she is. 'Tis gonna suck.


On Netflix recommendations, if killer genitalia is your genre then I watched a movie last night called "Teeth". Surprisingly good for what its worth!

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1 hour ago, TheMelvillan said:

On Netflix recommendations, if killer genitalia is your genre then I watched a movie last night called "Teeth". Surprisingly good for what its worth!

The trailer alone gave me nightmares.

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I saw Melissa McCarthy being interviewed on TV once and ever since, I've had a bit of a crush on her. I can't explain it as I know it's wrong but what can you do?


I've also come to the conclusion that watching films on planes is a very bad idea. In the last couple of weeks I've seen Sicario, Spectre, Trumbo, AntMan, The Big Short and Black Mass. I can tell you nothing about any of them other than that I'd like to see Trumbo and The Big Short properly and that AntMan was terrible.

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15 hours ago, tonyh29 said:



currently we have the fat Ozzie chick doing look at me I'm fat routines whilst people fall about the place laughing ... No , just no 

Strange, this is how I feel about the incredibly unfunny James Corden...

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