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Parenting Corner: The joys and trials of raising little Villans

Marka Ragnos

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1 hour ago, delboy54 said:

You are right about David Jason, you get the impression that he really enjoyed himself. I think he did other characters as well, such as the weasels...

He did Chief Weasel and Billy Rabbit. 

I've got the box set, too.  :)

Very nice, Chief, very nice... 

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Picked my lad up from school today. I was in the mommy group waiting (I know most of them), an overheard one, saying her son, who's 10, still sleeps with her and she cannot get him out of her bed now, she's tried everything. She has a older lad too about 14. Now I know she is a single parent, but maybe it's cause I'm a dad, but I see that as completely wrong, how's the lad ever gonna grow up!

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On 29/04/2024 at 17:38, foreveryoung said:

Picked my lad up from school today. I was in the mommy group waiting (I know most of them), an overheard one, saying her son, who's 10, still sleeps with her and she cannot get him out of her bed now, she's tried everything. She has an older lad too about 14. Now I know she is a single parent, but maybe it's cause I'm a dad, but I see that as completely wrong, how's the lad ever gonna grow up!

Is she tidy 

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On 29/04/2024 at 12:38, foreveryoung said:

Picked my lad up from school today. I was in the mommy group waiting (I know most of them), an overheard one, saying her son, who's 10, still sleeps with her and she cannot get him out of her bed now, she's tried everything. She has a older lad too about 14. Now I know she is a single parent, but maybe it's cause I'm a dad, but I see that as completely wrong, how's the lad ever gonna grow up!

Growing up is overrated 😉😁

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Posted (edited)

Walked home my five year-old home from school the other day.

I said "this is my favourite part of my day".

She said "that's weird".

I need a new heart.

Edited by Vancvillan
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My lad had his first football coaching session yesterday.

He's 2, so it was football in the absolute loosest sense of the word. There were several footballs present. That's about it.



But anyway, I'm pretty sure he's the next Lionel Messi

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My boy Stiliyan plays football. Very professional setup and training twice a week. Precise passing drills with a good mixture of team and individual skills training. 

Until the match at the end of training where everything they've learnt goes out of the window and they run into each other.

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This little kid truly defeated me today.

16 month old. It's pretty much just me and his mother here as our family are many miles away.

The relentlessness of looking after this kid, keeping him entertained, stopping him from killing himself, being moaned at non stop being screamed at when hungry  , bored, dressed, changed.

He's absolutely defeated me. I can't wait for work and dread the weekend.

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1 hour ago, rodders0223 said:

This little kid truly defeated me today.

16 month old. It's pretty much just me and his mother here as our family are many miles away.

The relentlessness of looking after this kid, keeping him entertained, stopping him from killing himself, being moaned at non stop being screamed at when hungry  , bored, dressed, changed.

He's absolutely defeated me. I can't wait for work and dread the weekend.

Do what most people do in this situation….

have another!

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11 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

This little kid truly defeated me today.

16 month old. It's pretty much just me and his mother here as our family are many miles away.

The relentlessness of looking after this kid, keeping him entertained, stopping him from killing himself, being moaned at non stop being screamed at when hungry  , bored, dressed, changed.

He's absolutely defeated me. I can't wait for work and dread the weekend.

Take him into the garden, hold him in two hands, give him two firm bounces and then punt him as far as you can over the fence



(for legal reasons, don’t do this)

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49 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

We had to put one of our dogs down over the weekend and our 2 year old keeps waking up each morning and starts looking for her. Tried to be very direct about the fact she's gone and won't be coming back but he just doesn't understand which is totally understandable. Completely heartbreaking watching him look for her each day tho. 

This happened with us and a 4 foot tall snowman we had as a christmas decoration that we called Stanley. That was really sad, and he's only gone to the loft for 11 months.

For it to be happening with an actual family member must be proper heartbreaking.

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The lad had an allergic reaction to Penicillin so we've given him Piriton. 

Now I've accidentally unearthed the secrets and wonders of this wonderful stuff I don't know how I'm going to stop giving it to him every night!

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  • 2 weeks later...

At what age did your kid's stop getting food all over their face when they ate anything? My son's a couple of month's off seven and still gets plastered in whatever he's eating.

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My daughter is 8 and this still happens. It’s not a complete mess like when she was 3 or 4, but typically needs cleaning up. She’ll have Nutella or something and get it on her finger then touch her forehead…

One day it will just stop and I might not notice immediately but after a while it’ll dawn on me that haven’t had to do get her to wipe her face for months. 

It was the same when she was baby/toddler age and throwing food on the floor. I distinctly remember thinking at the time that this was awful and it wouldn’t end. But of course it does. I couldn’t tell you when she stopped, just eventually noticed that cleaning up wasn’t necessary anymore.

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20 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

Anyone who isn't already, please, please, teach your kid's to swim from a young age and basic water safety. Even if all they can do is turn around in water and paddle to the side and grab on.

We're on holiday and have hired a villa with a pool. 

Our 6 year old son just fell into the pool whilst messing about at the side.

I was with him, I got him out and he's fine, but he was able to 'swim' across the pool to where I was so that I could lift him out (I was ready to jump in but could see he was okay) and if I wasn't there then I'm fairly confident he could turn around and get to the side (hopefully never have to test that).

It could have been a lot nastier if he wasn't supervised (he's tried sneaking off to the pool a few times, as like any kid he's fascinated by it) and if he didn't know ow what to do.

Please teach kid's basic water safety. 

It's something we have prioritised, expensive but will be worth it. My step daughter is nearly 12 and started a bit late but about a year ago reached the level of doing awards, which was where we wanted her to get to and it would be up to her if she wanted to carry on. 

Youngest is nearly 7 and started earlier. Its been a bit of a slog as there's been times she hasn't wanted to along the way and plenty of crying but she's getting there. Certainly not a strong swimmer yet but signs of the technique coming together.

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