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Josh Cavallo


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13 hours ago, av1 said:

As great as this is, I can’t help being angry that this even makes the news. Why in the 21st century should this even be a bloody talking point?

Its like racism and the fanfare about Obama becoming the first black president, we’ve only beat this shit as a society when no one bats a eyelid to this sort of stuff. 

I’ve had a couple of beers tonight so I’ve probably not articulated my thoughts properly, but it’s bullshit we are even talking about this

Yeah, basically what I said. It's good that he's been brave enough to do this but he shouldn't have to, and hopefully going forwards nobody will have to.

Sometimes it just takes one or two strong pioneers to reset what people view as normal I guess.

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Seems like the guy had some balls to step up and do it, I'm glad people are able to make those decisions. Good on him. 

At the same time, I never understood why anyone needs to make a public statement on their sexual preference. 

A good friend of mine, after 5 years of knowing him told me he is gay. I said, fine, whatever. I have no interest in who you decide to have sex or live with. We were in a room with a few other people, and it was treated like no news. Who cares sort of thing, rather than a triumphant 'coming out'. 

So while it's good for Cavallo to say what he wanted to say, I don't understand why it needs to be made into a big deal. 

Can't people just rock up with a partner, whatever gender they are, to a party and simply not make a deal out of it?

It sort of feels like homosexuals need to confess and let the world know, and such confessions pressure others to go down that route. I think it puts a lot of pressure on them, demands unnecessary (and often negative) attention, and looking at Cavallo's statement it felt traumatic and difficult for him. And living in a western culture, no such confession should even be needed. Just meet your boyfriend at a bar, or go to a Christmas party together. I understand it can be hard, but I never really got why we need to announce our sexual preference before we actually rock up to a football game with a boyfriend.

He is a human with feelings, and nothing makes him any different to you or me. So who cares if he likes to sleep with men or women. 

Edited by Mic09
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Fair play to him. I think it was highly unlikely to see a negative reaction in media but it's playing football itself where you might see the knuckle draggers show themselves.

Australia is not exactly the land of enlightenment but I'm not sure what kind of football fans it attracts.

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14 hours ago, 5-1 said:

I'm still half in the closet as unfortunately there's people in my life that wouldn't accept it and while it's easy to say "you don't need these people in your life" until its your own life and you have to deal with the consequences you can't say that. 

I wish it wasn't a big deal, but thanks to homophobes, it is. People who say it shouldn't be a big deal, i don't care who they date it shouldn't be news etc etc, you don't realise how many people this will help, how many kids will be at home thinking this is ok. Yeah, i wish people didn't have to publicly come out, but people closeted need to hear this. 

The world is heteronormative. You can't get your haircut, meet people at work etc without them asking if your dating someone of the opposite sex. What straight people don't realise is, you don't come out once, you come out again and again and again. It's tough. I applaud Josh. 

Thanks for sharing this, and I hope your personal journey is a good, pleasant one. 

Would you mind letting me know what you think about what I suggested above?

While I understand the view that such statements can make people feel it's a good thing to speak out, do you think that it might make some people less inclined to come out?

I'm sure Cavallo received plenty of hate messages via stupid social media, and I'm sure it was a traumatic experience to go through it. It's a big deal, and I'm not sure many people worried about other people's reaction should put themselves through the difficulty of it. 

I know gay men people who never publicly 'came out' as such - they simply started dating guys and it was sort of common for them to simply say ''I'll be coming round for drinks with Steve'', even if some people were unaware of their sexuality.

Do you envision a scenario where Cavallo didn't 'speak out', but simply did not try to hide his life preference and rocked up to the awards night with Steve or Mark or Ben?

Do you think there are many ways to skin a cat? Would you recommend what Cavallo did to most homosexuals?

Don't worry if you don't want to go into the details of this, but I think it's an important discussion and could help many people who are unsure about the best way to go about their sexuality. 

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I don’t want to diminish for a second just how brave this man is and what a good thing it will be in the long term of the game, but the choice of words in one of his quotes made me laugh


“I never smiled this much in my life, and I had the best sleep last night knowing that I could finally be myself, and not lead a life of lies to the people I care about the most.

“My cheeks are very sore today but it is a good thing to have.”

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  • 6 months later...
4 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

Good on him, just hope he doesn’t get any grief from fans!


Sad thing is the poor lad probably will get absolute pelters from some troglodytes.

Good for him though, admire him! 

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He’ll get absolute pelters but it’s absolute crucial that more footballers come out and take those pelters so they can be tackled. 

I’ve said before that unfortunately the gay community needs some martyrs in the game. There is obvious homophobia rife in the game but until it all gets brought out, it won’t get tackled. 

In the same way as if there had never been any black players then the racism wouldn’t have been rife and then been tackled (although still work to be done)

I won’t say I hope he doesn’t get pelters, because he absolutely will. What I hope is that he’s strong enough to take those pelters and that the powers that be in football, and fans themselves, do enough to make sure the treatment of openly gay players gets better as a result

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46 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

Only 17. What a hero. May he continue to find happiness in his true self. 

It’s great news, really happy for the kid.

The fact he is only 17 is great, there are players that have come out at the end of their careers, the fact this kid has come out at the start of his career is not only brave, but hopefully encourages others to do the same. 

Agree with @Stevo985above though. Sadly the boy is going to get some stick which is horrible, but I’m sure he knows this and if helps others do the same it will be fantastic. 

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18 minutes ago, av1 said:

It’s great news, really happy for the kid.

The fact he is only 17 is great, there are players that have come out at the end of their careers, the fact this kid has come out at the start of his career is not only brave, but hopefully encourages others to do the same. 

Agree with @Stevo985above though. Sadly the boy is going to get some stick which is horrible, but I’m sure he knows this and if helps others do the same it will be fantastic. 

Hadn't caught his age. How **** brave is that.

The vast majority will be behind him, I just hope he has a good support network around him for those days when it's inevitable he gets abuse and threats. As other have said, it takes someone going through it for us to shine a light on these scumbags. Huge props for him for having the courage to face it down

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