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The Midfield Three


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still a huge problem and not in a defensive sense. Creatively we are offering nothing, not holding onto the ball and not scoring. Ramsey and Sanson I will give a pass as they havent played much and Nakamba as I dont expect him to do this job. The other 3 really need to step up or risk being frozen out in the future

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This is still our biggest problem. None of our midfield have the confidence/ability to carry the ball forward. They give the ball away too easily, particularly SJM. The are awful at pressing, intercepting, tackling. They do not seem to anticipate the play very well, particularly when it comes to picking up second balls! They also love to give away needless free kicks in dangerous areas. All very frustrating!!

I am happy to have SJM and Marvelous in the squad but neither can be regular starters next season. I think Luiz is good enough to start but as an 8 not 6. We need to sign a quality DCM and another 8. If you have ball carrying 8’s and really good wide forwards then you don’t need a 10. This is how I would like to see us play. We would need a better RF though as the current options are way too inconsistent.

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Barkley was supposed to fix the attacking issues but unfortunately other than his first couple of appearances he's been diabolically bad. 

We're going to have to send him back and find someone else to do that next season. 

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3 hours ago, sidcow said:

Barkley was supposed to fix the attacking issues but unfortunately other than his first couple of appearances he's been diabolically bad. 

We're going to have to send him back and find someone else to do that next season. 

Dean having said he would get him in to the Euro's, when he signed,him.....has created an Albatross around Deans neck.

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 We need to ear mark each of the 3 positions and select what attributes are required to fulfill a complete and rounded midfield....and sign players accordingly.

not just who is available, but who is right.

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4 minutes ago, TRO said:

 We need to ear mark each of the 3 positions and select what attributes are required to fulfill a complete and rounded midfield....and sign players accordingly.

not just who is available, but who is right.

Yep and our current 3 on the bench.

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Our midfield 3 is by far the biggest weak point in our team. 

They don't score, they don't protect the back 4 they don't do alot. 

Dean needs to take a massive look at the midfielders at the end of the season and find out what's wrong. And I would argue McGinn and Douglas are the worst culprits. 

Midfield needs a huge overhaul this summer. 

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I agree but think we need to invest in a solid central pivot in front of the back four. 

At the moment we utilise Luiz there but I think he’d be a better option either side, with more licence to get forward, pretty much like McGinn, Sanson and Ramsay.

However we, just as importantly also need to find the right sided version of Grealish to bring more balance to the team. 

9 minutes ago, KAZZAM said:

Our midfield 3 is by far the biggest weak point in our team. 

They don't score, they don't protect the back 4 they don't do alot. 

Dean needs to take a massive look at the midfielders at the end of the season and find out what's wrong. And I would argue McGinn and Douglas are the worst culprits. 

Midfield needs a huge overhaul this summer. 


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On 11/04/2021 at 14:27, sidcow said:

Barkley was supposed to fix the attacking issues but unfortunately other than his first couple of appearances he's been diabolically bad. 

We're going to have to send him back and find someone else to do that next season. 

Well if we send Terry on his way and have Gerrard align with Smith, maybe we can start trying a few Pool players out, because it doesn't seem to be working with Chelsea players.

I think Chelsea play and train much differently to what we are. If we're to start loaning players we want to pick from a team that's closer to our style and I think the Pool are that.  I actually think it's because of the way Chelsea train and play there players that were using them in a wrong way because of how we train and play. Chelsea players are bred and Tailored to a game of control and patience waiting for mistakes, passing the ball around like spurs do. Were not playing that game, we are trying to attack, attack and attack going for the jugular as often as possible, yet we can't seem to get those Blues boys to work for us. Again Liverpool players would be more suited for us, they are fast, technical, creative and will rip you apart the moment you take your eye off the ball all in the blink of an eye, there play style is most suited to ours.

Gerrard I doubt would ever play second fiddle to Smith but it's just me pondering on the idea...

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, M_Afro said:

Weak as shandy bass

ye, its shocking how weak as p*** our midfield is.....

Our team is so so unbalanced and we invite pressure literally all the time.

We make bang average teams look like Barcelona in their pomp.

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McGinn's goal will mask it but honestly you have Luiz who can keep the ball wants to keep the ball is composed and plays at the right tempo no matter the pressure.

You have McGinn who bombs on and should be getting goals so he's doing his job there...but honestly can you have a midfielder who doesn't get on the ball like him, gives the ball away as much as him, the slightest bit of pressure he loses it? So slow with his passing so rattled when the opposition are on top. Can't find a pass to save his life. Even the passes 2 feet in front of him.

McGinn is the problem. Always has been.

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Luiz is fine when he has time, apart from that he is too slow, too weak, and too pedestrian . We got bullied today, and the ref refereeed as if it was a game 10 years ago, but Ramsey is 2 years off at least, and i would hope that only 1 of the 3 of SJM, DL, and Sansom are in the team next season.

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52 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

We’ve learnt nothing new from that game. We have McGinn and the other two need replacing. 

McGinn needs replacing. He's a liability. Luiz constantly had to cover him and McGinn keeps letting people run off him. Then he's sprinting like crazy to get back which he struggles to do. And because of this minute 49 he's blowing out of his arse and that's the end of that.

He's too slow with his passing and dawdles on the ball. And when he's required to play at premier League speeds he lumps it out or passes to the opposition. 

Luiz is way better with the ball and off the ball.

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