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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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6 hours ago, VillaChris said:

SHA will be top half again next season.

Not with that squad. 

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Didn't the knuckle draggers take a coffin to a match to celebrate our demise last season?

Class people eh Craig, you square headed, beady eyed, thick as camel shit jizz mongering cock goblin. 

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I find it very hard to see why Harry would regularly commute from his home in Sandbanks to Small Heath next season. I also very much doubt that the Bloose owners would fund the sort of spending he would want to make in any case should he be daft enough to want to manage them next season.

I predict he will take his large staying up bonus and walk as quickly away from them as he is now able. If he wants a lift back home I would be glad to provide him with one! If Harry is to manage anyone again next season then I would guess it will be a club on the south coast or near to London. I would also anticipate Bloose enjoying another relegation fight next season with possibly a less positive finale. The six points we will take from them next season will be handy for us in any case.       

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Fair play to Redknapp. To be fair he's just the kind of manager they needed in that situation. When you consider that even if they'd got 5 points from their last 3 games they'd have still gone down, it's a decent achievement. They absolutely would have gotten relegated if Zola was still there.

I don't know much about their situation but it sounds like Zola had them playing a way that really didn't work with the personnel they had. in that situation they needed someone like Redknapp who will just come in and basically do **** all apart from tell them to "get out there and play".


I doubt they'll do anything of note next season if he's still there. And if they do they'll be bust in a couple of years.

Edited by Stevo985
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10 hours ago, John said:

I find it very hard to see why Harry would regularly commute from his home in Sandbanks to Small Heath next season. I also very much doubt that the Bloose owners would fund the sort of spending he would want to make in any case should he be daft enough to want to manage them next season.

I predict he will take his large staying up bonus and walk as quickly away from them as he is now able. If he wants a lift back home I would be glad to provide him with one! If Harry is to manage anyone again next season then I would guess it will be a club on the south coast or near to London. I would also anticipate Bloose enjoying another relegation fight next season with possibly a less positive finale. The six points we will take from them next season will be handy for us in any case.       

While you are giving Harry a lift, are you able to dive out and roll to safety while the car is going at speed towards a very large tree?

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I am not mocking the guy or taking the piss out of him,  or even being facetious...I feel sorry for the guy, it is just so bloody sad. Millionaire footballer, set for life and all he can bleet about is Aston Villa. I really do feel sorry for people like him.

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56 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

Must admit, I do wish we'd have signed Che Adams, I think he has a lot of potential. He was one I wanted us to look at last summer, was surprised he ended up at a shit club like Birmingham. 

I think he is a championship player at best. I think luckawicz at 1.5m has been a better signing than McCormack.

Ridiculous when you think we paid 12x that amount almost

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17 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I think he is a championship player at best. I think luckawicz at 1.5m has been a better signing than McCormack.

Ridiculous when you think we paid 12x that amount almost

Captain Hindsight to the rescue!

Bet you weren't saying that at the time of the two transfers.

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19 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Captain Hindsight to the rescue!

Bet you weren't saying that at the time of the two transfers.

Actually if you do look back i said we were over paying considering his age. The fact is he was better business. You think i get enjoyment out of saying that?

On a side note candleface to be confirmed permanent manager this week. I hope they give him a 3 year year deal. As i think after a year he will be flopping once he is found out to be a tactically poor manager and just a good man manager  

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On 08/05/2017 at 19:20, VillaChris said:

SHA will be top half again next season.

SHA will be top half again next season of the bottom three

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55 minutes ago, Genie said:

Talk of £3m a season deal for 'Arry :lol: How on earth can they afford that in the Championship??

The prediction for being broke within 2 years is looking good.

Madness absolute crazy salary for  70 year old.

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1 hour ago, Genie said:

Talk of £3m a season deal for 'Arry :lol: How on earth can they afford that in the Championship??

The prediction for being broke within 2 years is looking good.

They probably can't, just like Portsmouth couldn't afford to match his "ambitions"...but a naive chairman and his wallet are easily parted when a cockney wide boy with all the patter come to town.

They should have stuck with Rowett, developed the team year on year, got a bit of sustainability, maybe even become a bit of a yo yo club, perhaps even established themselves like West Brom have done after a few sensible years....but they are going the Redknapp route.

Expect wage bill at 90% of turnover and oblivion in 3 years time. Good times.



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