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4 hours ago, Genie said:

A different US study of 32,000 people said it was a bloody brilliant vaccine 48 hours ago.

Not really. This is the reaction of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to the trials that you reference.

And while their response seems pretty weird given the results of the trials, what strikes me as more odd is that the press isn't now full of red-faced Brexity ball-bags shouting how this is the US sabotaging the UK, indulging in anti-vax conspiracy theories and being jealous of how great we are. And have basically just ignored it instead. 

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They've already 'teed' us up for another surge later in the year and another probable lockdown. Its a farce now.

I just want to see the sea again. Even if its from a Spoonys in Skegness.

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22 minutes ago, Lichfield Dean said:

So did Boris actually say anything of note? I haven't really been paying attention.

I didn’t watch it but my Mrs said something along the lines of we’ve agreed to share vaccines with Europe.


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Is the extension to the international travel ban now official?

WalesOnline seem to report it as fact


The extension of the UK's international travel ban yesterday has caused a new wave of pessimism among those looking to travel this summer.

Legislation, which comes into effect on Monday, puts the ban into effect until the end of June. Those that don't comply are being threatened with fines of up to £5,000.

While it would appear that an international travel ban being extended would effectively put an end to holidays abroad, this may not necessarily be the case.

Throughout the campaign, plenty of precedent has been set on quickly changing laws upon later review. In this instance, the review will take place on May 3 - two weeks prior to the date for international travel originally set out in the government roadmap


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9 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Looked at it a few times in the last year, others might say different but that for me is something that just won't be the same with deliveroo, there's no way someone can cook a great piece of meat to perfection then stick it in a foil container for 20 minutes and it be the same or still worth the price 

Like a decent naan bread that's turned into a sweaty mess in those stupid foil bags. 

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Just had a report on Gibraltar on ITV news. 100% vaccination over there, one case of covid in last 7 days, no covid cases in hospital. Everything back open but restaurants/bars at reduced capacity. Masks are still compulsory though in public places. It is obviously an improvement but reduced capacities and knocking about in a mask still is not normality is it.  

Edited by markavfc40
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14 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

Just had a report on Gibraltar on ITV news. 100% vaccination over there, one case of covid in last 7 days, no covid cases in hospital. Everything back open but restaurants/bars at reduced capacity. Masks are still compulsory though in public places. It is obviously an improvement but reduced capacities and knocking about in a mask still is not normality is it.  

I really hope this isn't a glimpse into our future. Endless restrictions long after there's any need for them.

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6 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I really hope this isn't a glimpse into our future. Endless restrictions long after there's any need for them.

As I said before, it's some people's wet dream. It's a power thing, has to be.

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30 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

Just had a report on Gibraltar on ITV news. 100% vaccination over there, one case of covid in last 7 days, no covid cases in hospital. Everything back open but restaurants/bars at reduced capacity. Masks are still compulsory though in public places. It is obviously an improvement but reduced capacities and knocking about in a mask still is not normality is it.  

For context, the population of Gibraltar is 33,000.

That’s roughly half the population of my town, we’ve vaccinated 50% and have had no cases today. My council ward hasn’t had a single new case of covid in 9 days.

It’s now safe for me to buy a book or a CD in Tesco, but not in a book shop or a record shop.

I can go to a garden centre to buy plants, but not Dyffryn Gardens, to look at the plants.

We’ve sort of got to the blurry ragged edge of what’s science lead, and what’s random political decision making.




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On another point, at 100% vaccination, who are they protecting with any restrictions? Its basically just saying that even with people shielded, let's just restrict ourselves anyway. 

Humans are notoriously bad at gauging risk. People dont fly their while lives and get into their car every day without a 2nd thought. 

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12 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

On another point, at 100% vaccination, who are they protecting with any restrictions? Its basically just saying that even with people shielded, let's just restrict ourselves anyway. 

Humans are notoriously bad at gauging risk. People dont fly their while lives and get into their car every day without a 2nd thought. 

They’re about to open up Gibraltar for tourists to visit, so maybe something to do with that?

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