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Dean Smith


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26 minutes ago, ReasonforRevolution said:

The signings bought in to replace Jack (Bailey, Buendia and Ings) have been on the pitch together for a total of 35 minutes. Regarding last season, I'm convinced we'd of got Europe if Jack would've stayed fit. Sure, some may say we were too reliant on him but Liverpool would miss Salah. It's nothing new building a team around a spine or your best player. Not to mention the Covid outbreak the same season. I don't think these challenges were Smith's fault.

I do concede the defence has been woeful at times this season. The backroom staff shuffle has obviously affected us here. The Terry depature is going to be a loss in this department and from what I'm led to believe the wasn't Smiths doing either. So again out of his hands.

We'll never know if he could've turned it around. But considering all the adversities, I think he's done enough to earn the chance to give it a go and with a full squad and new backroom staff.

There were many issues that Dean needed to take responsibility for, however that statistic is one that I think has been really unfair on him. 


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9 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Really don't want him to take the Norwich job.  Think it would be a massive ask to keep them up and it would do unnecessary damage to his reputation.

Him keeping them up is more of a reason.

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

it would be nuts to see him in 2 or 3 years in the villa fans end at a cup final or something

i think even those who wanted him to go dont feel any animosity towards him, i'd guess the vast majority wanted him to succeed, he's not bruce or lambert or even MON, he's john gregory and brian little

I agree. Great post.

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1 hour ago, ReasonforRevolution said:

The signings bought in to replace Jack (Bailey, Buendia and Ings) have been on the pitch together for a total of 35 minutes. Regarding last season, I'm convinced we'd of got Europe if Jack would've stayed fit. Sure, some may say we were too reliant on him but Liverpool would miss Salah. It's nothing new building a team around a spine or your best player. Not to mention the Covid outbreak the same season. I don't think these challenges were Smith's fault.

I do concede the defence has been woeful at times this season. The backroom staff shuffle has obviously affected us here. The Terry depature is going to be a loss in this department and from what I'm led to believe the wasn't Smiths doing either. So again out of his hands.

We'll never know if he could've turned it around. But considering all the adversities, I think he's done enough to earn the chance to give it a go and with a full squad and new backroom staff.

All ifs, buts and maybes. Injuries are an excuse rather than a valid reason, injuries haven't been kind to us this season I agree (particularly compared to the first half of last season) but it still doesn't hide the fact that key men haven't performed as well as last season and we as a team have looked completely dysfunctional.


Even if we use injuries as an argument for defending Smith, the performances can't be defended and are nowhere near. If we were dominating games and losing by hard luck you'd think he could turn it around, but that isn't the case. 80-90% of games played we've been sub par, and the last 3 games in particular we've been dire. The 3-2 against Wolves was the turning point, it maybe didn't do him completely, but failure to respond to that defeat was what saw him sacked. We needed to pick up points in the last 3 to restore confidence after that shambolic defeat, and we haven't. 


Of course every team misses their best player but being so reliant on them that you cannot adapt suggests a serious managerial weakness. I also think 11 games into the season using Grealish's exit as an excuse for poor results is not good enough. The backroom staff disruption I admit was not ideal, I'm not at all convinced by bringing in Austin MacPhee as our football has turned for the worst and we still can't take a good set piece, and any manager who loses those closest to him can suffer in the short term. But ultimately I don't think anyone can be too surprised it's happened, 5 straight defeats is damning and he looked devoid of ideas. But I think the whole fanbase is disappointed it didn't work out for him. 

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5 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

If I were him I'd put my feet up and relax for a bit rather than jumpnig right back into the stress, he's a very rich man now, enjoy it.

Agree and can't see Smith jumping straight in for another role so soon.

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6 hours ago, DCJonah said:

Having slept on it, I actually feel more sad about it today. 

It might sound stupid, but in this current climate, with Tory words removed running the show, trump supporters, mad anti-vax people, big clubs trying to destroy football with the super league and now the Newcastle takeover, I really liked the fact that we had a genuine good guy in charge. It was easy to get behind the man and have that connection with him.

And maybe it's me getting older, but I was willing to push back the desires of instant success to have more patience and enjoy the ride because of the kind of man he was. Some will say that's me giving him a free pass and maybe they're right. 

Will finishing 8th with someone like a Gerrard feel as fulfilling as staying up on the last day with Dean and Jack celebrating together? Or what we accomplished last year? I'm not so sure and that's my worry. 

I've gone from intentionally staying away from watching us under Lambert, Mcleish and Bruce, to not being able to get enough under Dean, even when things have been bad. 

I really hope it's not a long time before we feel that connection to a manager once again. 

We won’t.

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7 hours ago, villa4europe said:

again the money...

west ham spent £100m on 2 players and then sold them both at a loss, everton are nearly the same, spurs, arsenal, utd, chelsea teams we've played this season £100m is 1 or 2 players

when arsenal beat us they had a £80m player on their bench, a player who cost more than both of our record signings added together on the bench, arsenal's top 5 signings, who are all still at the club, cost a total of £276m, all of this spending smith supposedly did came to around £320m...thats for 32 players...£50m more for 27 players more, yet we seem to think that we should be finishing above them because we spent money? that doesnt make sense, our spending is still way off some of these clubs that are above us


i hear you , however .. if you look at how DS set up in some games you do have to question it , the results & table dont lie, southampton should have been 3 up in 45mins & garzi in the early bath, 

new manager, new chapter, as lambert said "we go again"

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What a guy 🥲

Couldn't wish him any better than I do. Would be surprised for him to jump back in as quickly as it would be were there legs in the Norwich rumour, but wherever he goes next I'll be hoping for all the success for him.

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