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Active Shooter On Las Vegas Strip


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2 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

Am I not right in thinking that silencers do not actually silence guns at all?

I thought it was a Hollywood myth that they make them completely silent.

They don't silence them at all really. All they do is hide the flash and distort the sound making it harder to pinpoint where a sound came from. A gunshot will still be incredibly loud when 'silenced'. They basically have no use to a civilian.

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2 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

Am I not right in thinking that silencers do not actually silence guns at all?

I thought it was a Hollywood myth that they make them completely silent.

Silencers are the colloquial term for a Suppressor and you are right the sound of the gun is left largely in tact. What they do instead is suppress the muzzle flash which when combined with the sound of the gun can create a disorienting effect not too dissimilar to a stun grenade. It is this that makes them great for close quarters combat and it's why home defence supporters want them to remain legal. In reality though the only people that need them and even then it's in select cases is law enforcement and the military, but you are 100% correct that Silencers do not silence the gun.

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Has anyone else fired a gun with a silencer?

About as silent as being slapped in the ear. I was expecting a James Bond style 'pew' noise, and of course the sound of the bullet striking it's target/the wall behind it is almost as loud as the gunshot itself.

Strangely enough I know this having shot a few guns including semi-automatic in a Vegas range. The entire experience was terrifying. The ease of which people could purchase guns from the range we were at, the age of some of those shooting along side me (7 or 8 year old girls who couldn't hold the recoiling rifle without assistance), the revelation from that staff that most locals will be concealed carrying. It was fun to shoot in a "safe" space but I left the range even more opposed to the idea of any civilian carrying a weapon than I was when I walked in there.

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The gun lobby funds a large percentage of the Representatives in the house and the Senators. They all have their hands out for their re-election campaigns. Thats what ensured that even a slight change to the gun laws that the Obama administration tried to implement failed miserably - even after Sandy Hook.

The gun manufacturers also provide jobs in virtually every state and finally the propaganda arm of the whole industry the NRA, whoops up the patriotic gun toting 2A folks and it's game set and match.

Watching this is horrific. What is also so awful is that we are going to have the same bullshit arguments that came after Sandy Hook - and THAT WAS TODDLERS.

I'm going to take my dog for a walk in the park to try and forget this :-(

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Just now, TrentVilla said:

If people going to concerts carried guns this would never have happened.

From what I was told a lot of people do, if they don't alert the attention of security, in Vegas. If it were ever in question, that argument has been well and truly debunked by this event.

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4 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

If people going to concerts carried guns this would never have happened.

I've stopped counting but at least 4 times that "joke" has been done so far in this thread

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At least some good has come out of this.

Won't somebody think of the shareholders?


In a pattern repeated after high-profile mass shootings for years, shares in the US’s two largest gun companies have risen sharply after the Vegas attack.

Sturm Ruger, America’s largest firearms manufacturer, is up over 4%. American Outdoor Brands (formerly Smith & Wesson) is up over 5%. Such rises are typical after a mass shooting as investors bet fear will lead to higher guns sales.



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A silencer doesn't silence a gun at all. It distorts it. It doesn't sound like the metallic thud you hear in the films but more like a firecracker underwater or a car blowing out in a tunnel. A silencer is a pure attacking addition to an already offensive weapon, it has no place outside of spy films.

"But I want to be able to shoot two deer before they figure out what's wrong man!! Yeehaw." -_- 

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Seems this runs in the family :


The brother of the Las Vegas attacker has told US media that their father had for a time been on the infamous FBI Most Wanted List.

Patrick Benjamin Paddock had been "diagnosed as psychopathic, has carried firearms in commission of bank robberies" and "reportedly has suicidal tendencies and should be considered armed and very dangerous," according to the FBI bulletin from 1969.



Also seems that the stock price of all gun manufacturers has gone up by 3-4% today, Because people buying more guns will of course fix this...

Edited by LakotaDakota
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