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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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Just now, Genie said:

Spoiler: An investigation found that no rules were broken. We consider the matter closed.

number 10 lawyers are busy now finding every possible loophole they can to prove this. and they'll succeed. doesn't make any of it right, but it'll suffice for their die hard followers

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31 minutes ago, Genie said:

The guy who asked the question has really done them hasn’t he :lol: 

In his defence it was probably the right question to ask. If they really had a party (which they obviously did), then they should be prepared for it to be leaked and somebody to ask about it.

But yes it doesn't look great given it was recorded :D 

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From a political bombshell perspective this is the perfect crime as it's equally upset everyone. If they can't get Johnson out now, then they never will.

Generally speaking:

Left: Something to pin on the tories, another example of us vs them. Rules dont apply to the Etonians etc. Obviously untrustworthy which will follow the government.

Centre & non political: What absolute *****'s thinking they are better than us when I couldn't see my Nan last Christmas?

Right: Anti Lockdowns mainly, re-enforces the point they were unecesary. Will completely revolt against any further restrictions.

Overall: I don't believe many people will take the notice of new restrictions imposed by this government (probably today) Ultimately it could cost lives.


Before i'm castigated, I am a member of the Conservative party (for local reasons, not national). They all have to go and today.



Edited by pas5898
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30 minutes ago, Genie said:

Cameras rolling in the Downing Street Press Room:

Ok, just say something just so we can test all the microphones etc are working

”what do you think people would say if they knew about our illegal party the other night?


It's up there with Reagan's "We are about to begin bombing Russia". 

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2 minutes ago, Xann said:

Thousands dead, made worse by delays as the Tories' shifted their friends into the PPE supply line.

Billions stolen and stuffed into the chums' offshore pockets for defective goods and services.

NHS getting privatised.

The Brexit con job.

Then it's a house party that causes waves?

People are stupid.

Again, just like the sleaze scandal of last month, the Daily Mail ran with the story.  That's the only way things stick.

Kind of backs up your last line though.

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18 minutes ago, desensitized43 said:

Just out of interest. Why is this the straw that broke the camels back? Not the illegal proroguing of parliament? Barnard Castle? A thousand U-turns? 140 thousand deaths? Billions wasted on Track and Trace? Afghan allies left to die on the tarmac? Betrayal of the fishing and farming industries?

I'm guessing that a lot of people vote for selfish reasons, and this is the first of all the things listed that equally affects the lives of a large proportion of the population in an obvious way.

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32 minutes ago, Xann said:

Thousands dead, made worse by delays as the Tories' shifted their friends into the PPE supply line.

Billions stolen and stuffed into the chums' offshore pockets for defective goods and services.

NHS getting privatised.

The Brexit con job.

Then it's a house party that causes waves?

People are stupid.


It’s why I was surprised that the Owen Paterson thing caused the waves it did. That was a fairly dry subject, so not an obvious story to capture the attention of the public.

Comparatively speaking the Arcuri stuff hasn’t had anywhere near the level of outrage. I can only guess it’s because people don’t like her/trust her.

The empty plates thing causes a bit of a stir, then was forgotten about. The PPE stuff, I think there’s literally so much of it and people zone out with talk of contracts, who gets given what money and essentially not knowing how much a million masks should cost.

Matt Hancock’s affair was forgotten about relatively quickly, but I think that was the whole country in silent agreement that the thought of Hancock having sex was so distasteful it was better not to discuss it anymore than was necessary.

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Johnson has ordered an inquiry into whether rules were broken at "the Party"

That really isn't going to work because the whole country knows that having a party in itself broke the rules

That just isn't going to make it go away, I also expect more digging to be done on the 27th Nov leaving Party where Johnson was said to have given a speech

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