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Not that I am really fussed but they have to get a striker. I mean on saturday they created plenty of chances only for numerous times to blast it over. Its about time a big club had a really crap season, and here is hoping its the Arsenal. Mind you its only 1 game etc, etc, and they could still come around 4th and win a cup.

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His ability to churn out talented French youngsters seems to have evade him, Henry, Nasri, Pires, Petit. Look at the shite he's bough recently, Koscienly, Giroud (if we bought him Lambert would be slated he isn't good enough for where they are let alone where they want to be), Chamak, Gervinho ( I know he's not French bu came from Ligue 1), Squillaci etc, I'd argue the British players he has bought have been just as bad, Walcott has never been consistent for them ever, he threw his toys out of the pram last year and got a deal he's nowhere near worth, the ox while still young has done nothing of note either ( I know he'd an assist the last day but does he deserve to be in the england squad?), Ramsey has been hopeless, the longer Wenger stays the worse its going to get. They need revolution not evolution.

A couple of those aren't as bad as you say. Koscielny was arguably their best player last year and there were rumors of Barcelona interest, while Girouds actually a pretty good striker. As for Ramsey, before the leg break he looked like a Cesc Fabregas clone, and Arsenal fans say he finally got back to bring good in the second half of last year, which is when Wenger stopped playing him out of position.

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The biggest problem Wenger has had is that while football has evolved he hasn't. The best managers, Mourinho, Ferguson etc have all changed their tactics, transfer policies etc but Wenger hasn't. 

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His ability to churn out talented French youngsters seems to have evade him, Henry, Nasri, Pires, Petit. Look at the shite he's bough recently, Koscienly, Giroud (if we bought him Lambert would be slated he isn't good enough for where they are let alone where they want to be), Chamak, Gervinho ( I know he's not French bu came from Ligue 1), Squillaci etc, I'd argue the British players he has bought have been just as bad, Walcott has never been consistent for them ever, he threw his toys out of the pram last year and got a deal he's nowhere near worth, the ox while still young has done nothing of note either ( I know he'd an assist the last day but does he deserve to be in the england squad?), Ramsey has been hopeless, the longer Wenger stays the worse its going to get. They need revolution not evolution.

A couple of those aren't as bad as you say. Koscielny was arguably their best player last year and there were rumors of Barcelona interest, while Girouds actually a pretty good striker. As for Ramsey, before the leg break he looked like a Cesc Fabregas clone, and Arsenal fans say he finally got back to bring good in the second half of last year, which is when Wenger stopped playing him out of position.



You aren't going to win the league with any of those players though, maybe as a back up but not as first choice. Arsenal gave up challenging for the league when they left Highbury.

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Wenger deserves credit for changing the way Premier League football is now played - he was the first with proper incisive passing and moving but now most teams adopt the same philosophies and he's been tactically been overtaken.


However, Wenger has always been known to be stubborn and this is his achilles heal.


I honestly thought Arsenal would take advantage of the fact that the remainder of the top four were changing managers and get his signings in quick and fast to steal a march on his competitors at the begining of the season.


I don't feel sorry for Gooners at all - they've had lots of highs in recent years and now cry when things aren't quite going to plan.


The problem for AW now is every team knows Arsenal are desperate and those potential transfer fees will certainly be exaggerated!!!

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Cabaye is not in the Newcastle squad tonight; might be Arsenal who made a better offer

Wouldn't surprise me if he went for about 15-18m. Arsenal are desperate for players and Newcastle will just ramp the price up.

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All I know is that Wilshere is an absolute word removed and I'd love to see him get a double leg break like Aaron Ramsey. 



I'd like to punch him (even though I think he's very good) but comments like the above are embarrassing.


Imagine reading that on another team's board about someone like Westwood. We'd be outraged.


Westwood isn't an elite level word removed though whereas Wilshere is, ergo he deserves it.

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I don't get the Arse hate and Wenger hate.


Wenger has been great for the English game.  He revitalised it.  He gave it energy, inventiveness, style.  His transfers were regarded as coups, accomplishments no-one could live up to.  He may whinge about refs (who doesn't) but he approaches the game in an honourable fashion.  He spots young players with something to offer, builds them up and brings them out - compare that to the habit of vastly rich clubs buying already proven players, Manyoo for example.


The teams he has built have been great for our game.  They play attractive, exciting football, which challenges the opposition on both a physical and a mental level.  They are stimulating and enjoyable, mostly.  If I was given a ticket for any club other than the Villa, I would rather it be the Arse than anyone.


Wenger has done this, in combination with Dein ( a partnership now broken, thank god).


We should recognise and respect the vast contribution he has made to our national game.


I thought this an interesting post when I saw it this morning so wanted to come back to it with a few things I thought worthy of mentioning.


The first is that he hasn't been great "great for the English game", you might have purely meant the Premier League in and if you did then I agree but he certainly hasn't been good for English football. Wenger more than any other manager advocated a policy of buying abroad not only at 1st team level but at youth level. Now he isn't entirely responsible for this trend but he and his early success at Arsenal have been significant factors.


I also dispute that he approaches the game in an honourable way. Was he being honourable in 2010 when it came out that he gave his players orders to handle the ball when fouled or injured?


I agree entirely with you in regards your point about young players and the contrast to managers like Mourinho, he without question has been a master at this element of the game. Few if any can match him in this regard. But ask those who run the French academy system at Clairefontaine if they consider him honourable.


There have certainly been honourable moments in his Arsenal career such as offering Sheff United an FA Cup replay after a controversial winner from Kanu but there has also been a huge amount of hypocrisy from the man not to mention the comical dodgy eye sight.


This is a guy who refused to shake Mark Hughes hand because he didn't like his teams physical approach seemingly forgetting he formerly had one of the most physical teams the PL has seen. Between Sept 1996 and Oct 2010 his side received 80, yes 80 red cards Wenger probably saw 3 of them and thought 1 justified.


Wenger is a walking contradiction and always has been, much like his teams there is so much to like and so much to find objectionable.


I totally agree that his football and his teams have consistently been great to watch, I'd have happily paid for a season ticket to watch them for most the years he has been in charge. Yet I don't like the man, not even a little bit.


I do though recognise his contribution and his impact, I don't think anyone can ignore or deny the man that. But I just don't feel that it is essential to like someone in order to acknowledge their achievements.


As a manager, Wenger has been simply remarkable but he has never really been likeable.


Now he is increasingly looking like a little like a parody of himself, when he arrived he was ahead of the game these days he is starting to be left behind through a combination of being stubborn and more than a little arrogant.


With the passage of time Wenger will be remembered as a true great of the PL but right now he is becoming a bit of a joke with his claims they are title contenders. There is something about it all that reminds me a little of Cloughie, everyone else can see the problem other than the man himself.


If things carry on as they are then it will end in a way which isn't fitting for a manager who has achieved as much as he has but he has never been a made to be able to see what is in front of him has he. 

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His latest rant proves to me that he has lost it. The media give him such an easy ride. Even when they do have the guts to ask him a probing question they let him off with a mealy mouthed response.

Yesterday he said (amongst other things) that "you can't reproach us on one side for not buying and yet on the other side when we try to buy [Cabaye] to reproach us as well. That is a bit contradictory.". Only if you don't understand the reasons Arsene. You're being reproached on one hand for singularly failing to buy anyone this summer. Then your conduct and timing of your Cabaye offer was reproached for being disrespectful and inconsiderate towards a club on the eve of a game. This despite saying "We don't want to hurt anybody, not Newcastle, not anybody.". Well then you've just lost perspective and judgement Mr. Wenger and it's perhaps time someone else had a go at that job.

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I hope they keep him for this season. At this stage you'd have to say their short list would include lambert on it. Personally I think they may go for laudrup but Paul would have to be on the list and its not like he hasn't previously joined clubs he has just beat

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I'd be relatively satisified that Arsenal's sights would be 'higher*' than Lambert to be honest. That might change after this season, so in that sense maybe Wenger going now rather than after Lambert has a good Villa season might be better, not that they will get rid of course. Wishful thinking. I think they'd have a queue of top continental managers willing to join them.

* more fool them.

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I don't understand them making an offer for Cabaye, he's the 1 type of player they don't need. a full back, centre back, big ball winning DM or striker I'd understand

Purely throwing frustrated fans a bone. If they had been serious, the offer would have been tendered weeks ago.
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Every single player that Spurs have bought this summer Arsenal could have got. They are the more attractive club to join, Arsenal are in the Champions League, Spurs are not. Arsenal come ahead every year since 1996, Arsenal have a nicer stadium and Arsenal have loads of money to spend. If you were a player looking at Arsenal and Spurs this summer, who would you rather join. Arsenal should have gone for the likes of Paulinho, Chadli, Soldado etc.

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I'd be relatively satisified that Arsenal's sights would be 'higher*' than Lambert to be honest. That might change after this season, so in that sense maybe Wenger going now rather than after Lambert has a good Villa season might be better, not that they will get rid of course. Wishful thinking. I think they'd have a queue of top continental managers willing to join them.

* more fool them.

They would need a more experienced manager than Lambert. Someone who has managed in the champions league and dealt with the super agents the top players have.

Arsenal won't have the patience to wait for Lambert to learn on the job and Lambert is better off here with a supportive fan base who will allow him to make mistakes whilst learning about how to be a top premier league manager.

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